While in the Beehive State

   In such states much like Utah, where supposely soil content rich in      Selenium produces  below average cancer rates  in  The United States.       There is some concern though high amounts of Selenium particularly    elemental selenium and inorganic sodium selenite may be toxic.

  When it’s found in high concentrations  in  water  and  soil,  such as,              the   case around Jenson & Vernal, Utah fish kills are thereby recorded. Western states generally have higher  selenium levels  then the eastern      states.  Thereby,  South Dakota  with the highest levels  and  Ohio  with             the lowest produces  greater numbers of cancer cases?

   Likewise in the Keshan area of China where the soil content is  also     deficient   in selenium.   Keshan disease…. a form of heart disease that                 is prevalent in children and is characterized by an enlarged heart and congestive heart failure.  May be a direct result of selenium deficiency                as it has responded positively to selenium therapies.

   Despite it’s importance and our bodies having less than 1mg content                  of selenium (a little of it goes along way.)   Selenium is part  of a vital  nutritional antioxidant system that protects cell membrane and intra      cellular structural membrane from lipid peroxidation.  It is actually                the  selenocysteine complex  that is incorporated into the glutathione peroxidase (GP).              Nature’s Sunshine

   GP and enzyme that helps prevent cellular degeneration from the          common peroxidase free radicals  such as hydrogen peroxide.  (GP )        aids red blood cell metabolism and has shown to prevent chromsome        damage in tissue cultures.  Therefore,  as an antioxidant selenium in                 the form of selenocysteine prevents or slows  biochemical aging.

  The protection of youthful elascity, tissue degeneration and the cell  membrane is further enhanced by vitamin E. Selenium and vitamin E     working together like an orchestra synergestically carrying out anti-         oxidant and immunostimulating functions.

  Both these nutrients functioning better together than individually,                     as part of the “antiaging” or “longevity” group,  which may be directly attributable to their antioxidant functions. Preventing tissue damage             from oxidation by free radicals may be the contributing factor to your degenerative diseases is detrimental.      Healing CANCER???

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