Leukemia and Lymphoma

    Leukemia: a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow and    is  characterized  by  an  abnormal increase  of  immature white blood cells called “blast.”  Leukemia  is a broad term covering a spectrum  of  diseases,  in turn, it’s part 0f  the broader group of diseases; affecting the blood, bone marrow ~  lymphoid system which are known as hematological neoplasm. Healing Leukemia naturally is an interesting concept?

    Amongst adults,  the known  facts on cancer are natural  and  artifical  ionizing radiation,   few viruses, such as, human T-lymphotropic virus  or  HTLV-1,  Which are also known to cause adult T-cell  leukemia. Also some chemicals  notably  benzene  and  some  alkylating  chemotherapy  agents  for  previous  malignancies.  Case control  studies…. suggest  some  petro – chemicals  and  hair dyes to the development of  some  forms of  leukemia.

   Within Solitarius,  I always like to include amazing survivor stories to inspire others  and provide direction. For Elizabeth Naylor and inspiring story it is:  beginning late summer 2009  when  she went  to her doctor to check out a nagging dry cough. After obtaining X-rays, her doctor found       a shadowy image and CT Scan and two grueling biopsies. Elizabeth was one  of  32,140  Americans  diagnosed  with  Non – Hodgkins  Lymphoma each year….  This is Her Survivor Story!!!

    Medicine.net.com: get cancer quick  facts about leukemia (cancer of the bone marrow and blood), types (hairy cell, chronic|acute lymphocytic or myeloid).

    Different Types  of  Leukemia: information for patients different types and treament options, including bone marrow and cord blood transplant….

    UnderstandingCancer.net: learn the things needed to know for your basic research for leukemia cause & effect and diagnosis & treaments options….

     Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center:a  facility that has pioneered bone   marrow transplantation dedicated to the elimination of cancer and related disease.

    St. Mary’s Health System: in Lewiston,  Maine is one of  the premier centers            in the United States  for Blood Disorders….

    LabTestsOnline.org: provides over view of  leukemia  and test related to                   the diagnosis and monitoring of this dreadful disease….

    Bone Marrow Donor Program: fifty thousand matched transplants in                   twenty five years…. become a volunteer bone marrow donor…

    Leukemia Prevention: read about leukemia prevention from the largest      leukemia progran in the world at MD Anderson Cancer Center….

    Lymphoma: a cancer of the lymphocyctes,  a type  of  cell that  forms     part of  the immune system  and  typically;  is present  as  a  solid  tumor         of lymphoid cells. These malignant cells  often originate in lymph nodes,  presenting  as  an  enlargement of the node  (a tumor).  It can also affect  other organs  in which case  it  is  referred  to  as  extrandoal lymphoma. Therefore, can your diet prevent lymphoma?  Help Become A Survivor!!   http://www.greendrinkdiaries.com/how-i-beat-cancer/

    Extrandoal  sites  include  the  skin,  brain,  bowels  and  bone,  therefore, lymphomas are closely related to lymphoid luekemias;  which  originate in the lymphocyctes,  but typically,  involve only circulating  blood  and  bone marrow where blood cells are generated in a process termed haematopoesis and do not usually form static tumors. There are many types of lymphomas and  in  turn,  lymphomas are a part  of  the  broad group  of  diseases called hematological neoplasms.

   Leukemia & Lymphoma Society: get in depth information about                               all types of leukemia and lymphoma and access detailed online support….

    Leukemia Research Foundation: mission is to conquer leukemia,        lymphoma,    and myelodysplastic syndromes through facts on cancer….

     eMedicineHealth.com: lymphoma is cancer of the lympathic system,                   learn about the types (non-Hodgkins lymphoma and Hodgkins disease)….

      Dr.  Andrew Weil.com: offers up some preventive tips to reduce your                    risk  factors  for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma….

     Lymphoma Coalition: a  global  network  of  worldwide non – profit                 patient organizations with a vision to  free the world of  lymphomas….

     Lymphoma Prevention: read about lymphoma prevention, screening                   and risk factors at MD Anderson Cancer Center….

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