Chronic Inflammation Cancer Risk

    Various causes are known to produce chronic inflammation in your body. Researchers  at Ohio University  in Athens, Ohio have discovered  when they asked,  participants  in a study  to  dwell  on stressful events ~ their levels of  C – Reactive protein increased.  In this study,  that included  34  participants half of the group were asked to contemplate a speech they had to give; while the other half were told to  focus on a neutral activity like getting groceries.

   Than the researchers  went ahead  and drew blood samples showing the  levels  of  C – reactive protein, while  the  blood  samples  were  significantly  higher in the subjects ask to dwell on the speech.  For those participants the levels  of  C- Reactive protein  continued  to  rise  for  at  least  one hour after the speech.  Whereas during that same time  frame the markers returned to starting levels  for those that were told to  focus on mundane activity.

    Signaling the highly sensitive C – reactive protein marker  produced by     the liver  as  part of  the immune system’s  initial inflammatory response to trauma’s, injuries and infections in the body. Therefore, the immune system plays  and important role in various cardiovascular disorders,  as well as in cancer,  dementia  and auto immune  diseaseAs chronic inflammation can and  is being associated  with various disorders  and  conditions of  it’s your health.

   An  example  of  chronic  inflammation  negative  implications,  is  that           Dr. Daniel Egan believed he was living a fairly healthy lifestyle, and at 46 years old.  He wasn’t over weight, liked to mountain bike  and hiked in the  Wasatch Mountains  near  his  home  in Utah.  However,  feeling  fatigued, lacking  energy  and  sometimes  feeling  depressed;  Dr.  Egan  decided  to  give  himself  a high sensitive C – Reactive protein test (hsCPR test)  which would measure inflammation in his body.

   The results confirmed what he suspected he had chronic inflammation, which  occurs  in  the  immune  system  while  attacking  unhealthy  tissue     a long  side  healthy tissue.  Though  experts  say,  it  usually  takes  years    of  chronic  cellular  inflammation  to  trigger  heart disease,  stroke,  and diabetes or even cancer. The short term consequence include weight gain, fatigue,  aches and pains,  indigestion  and low grade depression.

     As  Dr. Majid Ali M.D.  in  his  Principles  and  Practices of  Integrative Medicine,  tells  about  cancer  being caused  by  a procedure called,  dysox (dysfunctional  oxygen  metabolism)  and  chronic inflammation blocking oxygen supplies to certain parts of  the body (while impairing oxygen into vital cells.)  This causes excessive acidity,  free radical activity,  while also thickening the blood. Which together blocks  The Oxygen Model of  Cancer making your body a breeding ground  for cancer angiogenesis, therefore, it’s imperative that you  find ways to reduce chronic inflammation?   Darwin,  Dysox  and  Disease  Triology!!!

C O U R A G E,  L O V E   &   C h e m o t h e r a p y !!!

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