The Methylation Cycle

    A Biochemical Pathway that manages or contributes to a wide range          of  crucial bodily  functions, including: detoxification, immune  function, naintaining  DNA,  energy production,  mood balancing  and controlling inflammation. While hereditary  is one thing  that affects  how well your methylation cycle works,  the  first thing to address is your diet with the environment  an issue.

  Always avoid  foods high in sulfur, gluten, dairy and processed  foods, while in your  immediate environment  be aware of  chemicals you come  into direct contact with. While avoiding fragrant oils, shampoos, soaps, lotions, tooth paste, artificial ingredients and chemical additives. In the house make sure it’s radon gas and mold  free.

    Remember that  “if ”  you have any type of  chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, mental problems, Alzheimer memory problems, cancer, diabetes,   cardiovascular problems,  blood clotting  or neurological conditions.  It’s best to suspect  food sensitivity as a means to the ends…. get blood test to  see if  what might be part of  your diet  isn’t part of  the problem.

   MTHFR  is the gene  that  plays  the biggest role in methylation which  process amino acids  and converts  folic acid (B9) in methy  folate.  While  each gene has a  function and role that plays in the methylation pathway  and it’s important they be addressed in a certain order. Sometimes when you test  for B12  and  when  it’s  high,  it shows your having a tough time converting  folate  into B12 which is critical.  

    What  B12  does  in your body  with the help of  selenium  is boost your glutathione levels. Which is a master antioxidant  for  the immune system and  without proper levels  you can not have a strong immune  function in body. Methylation is involved in almost every bodily biochemical reaction and occurs billions of times every second in our cells. That’s why  focusing on this vital  function and  figuring out where the cycle can better perform it’s task contributes to better health.

     Learning  about  the  methylation  cycle  is  a  gradual  process  that’s important,  Dr.  Amy Yasko  amongst  others  are  at  the  forefront of  this key  area  of  research  that  may  provide answers  to chronic illness.  Also with two gene test ….you might  want to consider  are Holistic Health  has one costing $495.00 (which isn’t covered by insurance.)  Therefore  if  you  can swing  the price  23 and  offers  the same test covering mostly  the  same  genes  at  $99.oo  (you  just have to  find someone  to translate   the results  for you.)       V i t a m i n   D   S l i d e   S h o w!!

M  A  S  T  E  R   D  a  N  a  D  o  o  s  T

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