Healing 0f The Heart

    Don’t  judge this website by a  few blog post  as you scroll down their is a lot of  great information about cancer. It’s  just lately, I have been intrigued by  some of  the experiences,  I  have  received  from  Facebook  friends about New Age Belief with some telling me of  their experiences. So don’t be totally put  off  and read what I have typed and do your own research and comment at the end of  each blog post.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPECv8gXPmk    https://www.roswellpark.org/cancertalk/201304/heal-your-heart-introduction-healing-touch

  Chronic stress is the main cause of  dis-ease which results in a lack of  ease   in the mind and body.  If  you experience chronic stress over the long term in your consciousness with your thoughts  and emotions.  It will manifest itself in  your  physical  body  in  some  way.  Worry  causes  stress  and  when  you worry ~ you can worry yourself into chronic stress. Thereby, understanding allows you to go into a state of  mind  free  of  fear!

    When you take medicine  with the mindset:  I  have a disease,  therefore,      I am  taking  this  medicine  for  it…. that  reinforces  the  disease.  However, when you take the medicine while thinking about the cure,  you  attract  the  cure. Therefore, when you take the medicine you will cure the disease. That  is  the placebo effect  working  for you.   http://zenhabits.net/heal/

    Your body knows how  to  heal itself  under the influence of  your hearts thoughts,  feelings  and  beliefs that originate  in your mind  as well.  In her books:  6  Steps  To Healing Yourself   and   Mind Over Medicine:  Scientific Proof  That  You  Can  Heal  Yourself.  Dr.  Lissa  Rankin  takes  a  proactive approach  to  activating  your  body’s  Natural  Self  ~  Healing  Techniques. By  asking  yourself  a  few extra questions  and  with lifestyle  changes  can you change the outcome of  your health conditions?

On each blog post believe what you want but do yourself a favor and research it!




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