Psychological Aspects 0f Cancer

    In  Western  Medicine  with  cost spiraling upwards  and  public            leaders with their own infinite wisdom of  passing the cost onward         without  hope  to the general public. We as Americans have to  find                the cheapcures /selfgrowth.  There is no doubt what the number #1           cause  of  cancer  “tobacco products,”  and  we can’t deny the  facts              that smoking cigarettes, cigars,  pipes, chewing  and snuffing will eventually make us sick.

   However,  still to this day cancer is a mysterious disease because                      of  the various types,  subtypes  and  difficulties associated with the  detection  and  treatments  of  the  types  of  cancer that’s  out  there.     Despite,  so  much medical research  there is still  NO known definite         cause of  cancer.  Doctors say, “that spiritual reason or stress issues             can be vital, along with the  foods we eat, lifestyle choices, as well as environmental toxins  and single cell micro-organisms are  some  of             the causes of  this dreadful disease.”

    So  without  finding  the  real causes  and effects  all we can do is               keep on bankrupting the system in which we try and treat the effect. Spiritual Healers  will  tell  you…. one  has  to eliminate the spiritual detachment,  along with the toxic elements to truly eradicate cancer         from  a patient …. there  truly  is  a  psychological  dimension  to  all           dis-ease within the human spirit.  We Americans have to  find ways               of  preventing disease      .

   How can spiritual  factors lead to physical dis-ease… is a question              that must be answered.  Even though, one can’t see the human spirit,              it’s this human side of  us that keeps the human body alive.  Scientist             or doctors may say that the heart sustains life,  however,  the BIBLE         say’s,  “it’s the spirit  that  gives us  life  force  and  induces  dis-ease.”  It’s  this  “dis-ease,”  which is an invisible – force  that  keeps the spirit      from  feeling alive and keeps disease alive?–DwgB68M

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