Angels Sacred Journey to Optimal Health

    Hello, My Name is Angel and welcome to my “miracle” healing journey.     5 years ago while getting ready to open Native Angels Camp Hope for Kids with cancer. I had a severe accident which left my leg and hip broken, back and  neck injured.  The doctor said  my ankle would never heal right.  I was bedridden and wheelchair ~ bound  for five months. During this time I also started to have some female issues.  As I  found out I had extremely low red blood cell count. would like  to Thank Angel  for this share!!!

    The Doctors  were  taking numerous X-rays  and  could not understand why my bones were not healing.  I  just started to learn to walk again.  And was going  to therapy three times a week,  when my body shut down.  I went to a female doctor and as she ran test I learned I had stage 3B MMMT uterus cancer. Which  the  oncologist  said, “was  a rare aggressive cancer  and told me that I needed to have surgery to remove a large mass.”

   I had that surgery and they gave me a radical hysterectomy and removed   a large tumor  the size of  a babies head.  They also told me, “I would need to have radiation and chemotherapy  for a year, and even that would only give me  a 15% chance survival rate.”  I listen to myself  and  knew  that  radiation and  chemotherapy  would  kill  me.  So  I  opted  out  and  begin  to apply my  knowledge of  natural  herbs,  an  essential  oils  that  would  kill  the  fungus and cancer.

    There after, I started drinking 60 ounces of  juice everyday  and  focused on making my body more alkaline. I started  feeling better. I went in  for my four  week  checkup. The doctor said, “something  had  came  loose  with  the sutures,  and  I  needed to go back  to the hospital  for emergency  surgery to fix the cuff.  When  I woke  from the surgery  they told me,  they had made a mistake and that the suture was  fine.”

    Thereby,  the  cancer had grown back  and  I had stage 4 MMMT cancer.  They  told  me, “I  had about three weeks to live  and  should  go  back  home and be with my  family. “I came home even more determined.  My walk with  GOD got stronger,  as I  focused on a more complete holistic way  of  healing. Which  means  a  complete healing of  mind,  body  and spirit.  Which  meant  letting go  of all negative thoughts and emotions.

    I had to release all   fear,  anger and grief,  as they are toxic to my spirit.      I felt I had to get rid of all toxic chemical and use my knowledge of essential oils and developed a protocol of  healing. The next  five months I  juiced and  maintain A Vegan diet and worked on spiritual healing. That was taught to me by my mother who was  full ~ bloodied Chimariko Indian.

      I was also still having problems with severe pain in my stomach region. As I didn’t know where I stood with the cancer. My children were concerned about what was going on with the cancer, so I went and had a CAT scan and  the CAT scan came back showing no cancer mass,  however, there was some fluid in my stomach and a small hernia. So at this point… I knew what I was doing was working.  

   It has been two years since that  CAT scan and I’m still rotating my herbs and  foods  to  fight  fungus  and  cancer.  While  also  maintaining  the  body in an alkaline state  and rebuilding my immune system.  It  has  been  a long  miraculous  journey.  I still have pain  and lack mobility  from  my accident.   I  feel  if  it  wasn’t  for  all  the  chem trails,  GMO’s  and   pesticides  that  are impairing our immune systems;  I would be  further a long with my healing.

   This is the Native American way of  Thinking, “everything on earth has a purpose, every disease has a herb to cure it and every person has a mission.” My mission  is  to share my  journey of  healing  and understanding  with  all whom  wish  to  listen. The most important thing is to have positive thoughts and to never give up. 

  I’m a Holistic Counselor, Aromatherapist and Native American Herbalist. If  anyone  would  like  to  learn more  or  just  be  part of  my sacred healing journey.  You can contact me  or My Facebook home page MikaelandAngelHoweron.  While  als0 “Native Angel Remedies” “The  Heavenly Cure  for Cancer”   and  also  “12  Steps  to  Optimal Health”         May we all  Spread GOD’s Love,  Light  and Blessings.    Love Angel 🙂

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