
    Older adults  comprise  12 %  to  13%  of  the United States  population,            yet they account  for 26% of  all physician office visits,  35% of  all hospital stays,  50% of  all ICU days, 34% of  all prescriptions, 38% of all emergency medical responses  and 43.6% of  the Nations hospital bills.  In  the next 20 years the number of  people 65  and older is expected to double,  from 35.1 million to more than 71.5 million.

      By  2030,  one – in – every  – five  – Americans  will  be  older  that  65,         as this population increases, health care providers will be caring  for an even  greater  number of  acute ill patients. With  waning  immunity  and   physiological changes coming with age. The elderly are more susceptible    to infectious disease as  the immune system  becomes less efficient with a  response to immunization.

   The body’s  anatomical  defense mechanisms,  cells  and  organs of  the immune  system  weaken.  With  the  skin  becoming  thinner  adding  less protection,  the  elderly’s  ability  to cough up secretion diminishes,  saliva and  mucous production decreases, while gastric acid secretion is reduced and urine retention is common in both sexes. Comorbid conditions such as cancer, diabetes mellitus, COPD, heart disease, renal failure and dementia that  makes  the  elderly  more  vulnerable  to infections & chronic disease.  Living  Program  2nd  Edition-Part5.pdf

   As  the  functional  impairments  that necessitates the use of  catheters, implantable cardiac devices and artificial joints.  In addition, medications such as non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, sedatives, anticholinergics, antidepressants,  diuretics and  gastric acid suppressants  further suppress the ability to  fight infections.  Unfortunately,  you won’t  find  the cure in a bottle of  pills or with hormone therapy.

   In the Book: The Blue Zones by Daniel Buettner, which blends a lifestyle formula  with  the latest lifestyle research. That inspires lasting behavorial  modifications  that  may  add  zestfulness to ones life.  Sure some might say, cancer happens  to all  people  at all ages,  however,  the majority of  cancer happens  through  the  aging  process  and  a compromised immune system. As  we  become  less  active, with not eating as well, having less community interaction,  lifestyle and spirituality with other people. 

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