Cancer Prevention & Malignancy Protocol

     In  Alternative  Medicine  we  work  with  various  protocols  including   Chinese Medicines.  Listed are the popular ones  that are readily adaptable    and available for us in The United States: Gerson Therapy & Detoxification,  Dr. Gonzalez Therapy, Budwig Diet Therapy, Kampo Medicine, Homeopath, and Ayurveda Medicine. Each Alternative modalities, titled and defined are a significant protocol which differ  from allopathic, conventional medicine.

    It  suggest  cancer is a preventable disease with diet, balance, herbal remedies,  detoxification, a  changed  belief  system – mindset,  while also improving the immune  system…. which  also  plays a  critical  role  in the  prevention  of  the  malignancy  of  cancer.   It has been established  “you      are what you eat,”  which is the totality of  our diet  and lifestyle choices.

    It is also where  Alternative Medicine versus allopathic medicine differ… with allopathic non-treatment of  its patient in the discipline of nutritional health. The origin of  the clichéd quote, “you are what you eat,”  is a phrase  that  has  come  to  us  via  quite a twisted route. Anthelme Brillat – Savarin also  wrote,   in  Physiologie  du’  Gout,    ou  Meditations  de  Gastronomie Transcendente, 1826 say, Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es translated   “[ Tell me what you eat,  I will tell you what you are].”

   In  an  Essay titled,  Concerning  Spiritualism  and Materialism, 1863/4 Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach wrote: “Der Menschist, was er iBt.” which also translate in English as ‘man is what he eats.’   Neither  Brillat – Savarin  or Feuerbach  meant their quotations  to be taken literally. They were stating, “that  the  food  one eats has a bearing on what one’s state – of – mind  and health has become.”

    Eating,  therefore,  includes  what  we  breathe,  environmental  poisons, industrial waste,  food safety which today includes allergen foods, hormone and chemical meats, as well as meat products, non- food ( junk or fast  food) and genetically modified organism, good or bad, collectively determines for whom we are.

Gerson Therapy:

Followers of  the Gerson Therapy promote that diet plays a vital role in       cancer and suggest only eating  fresh vegetables immediately after juicing….


Exposure to toxins is believed to contribute to developing cancer. While Herbs like Milk Thistle and Oregon Grape Root are thought to also help detoxify the body.

Budwig Protocol:

The Budwig Diet, created by Dr. Johanna Budwig and not well known      uses the mixture of  flaxseed oil and cottage cheese….

   This blog was submitted by:  B  Lee Fitzgerald Jones,  Founder & Administrator of  Whom also studied Alternative Medicine  at Everglades University in Boca Raton,  Florida.

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