The Common Denominator

    When I talk and listen (key word)  to cancer survivors I often hear            these  common denominators  and  often  it’s  over  and  over again.           And  if  you  read  through  the blogs  in blog roll  you  will  see them       appear over  and  over again.  Lets start with  Dr. Leonard Coldwell               an his belief that a vegan diet promotes an Oxygen Rich pH balance       which produces spontaneous healing.

    According  to Dr. Coldwell  when  you  follow his belief  you will be           cured of  cancer  in 2 to 6 weeks,  by ridding yourself  of  acidosis and   toxicity which will put your body in a healing state. Also Dr. Coldwell  promotes Ozone Therapy  and 100 cc Vitamin C Injections three times          per week.

  While drinking a gallon of  water a day with a 1/2 teaspoon of  sea salt           in  it  to  produce electricity  for  good  bodily  function. With other cancer survivors  believing  Digestive Enzymes  (Bromelain)  being critical.  And apricot seeds  (12 x twice a day)  being  a  great  idea  as  well.  Along with     1000 mg  Milk Thistle (daily) protecting the liver  from toxins,  DMSO  for the breakdown of  tumors as a part of  any cancer protocol.

  There is plenty of  research showing the link between acidic pH levels       and cancer. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment, cancer cells makes your body even more acidic  as they produce lactic acid.  So if  you  have cancer,  your pH Level are low as your body creates acidosis,  therefore, taking action  to make your body  more alkaline is vital in your battle to  fight cancer.

    According  to Keiichi Morishita  in his bookHidden Truth of Cancer,”        when  your  blood  starts  to become acidic,  your body deposits acidic substances  (usually toxins) into the cells  to allow the blood to remain slightly alkaline.  Which causes your cells  to  become more acidic and    toxic, resulting in a decrease of  oxygen levels that harms DNA and the respiratory response.

  Shang Whangin his book “Reverse Aging,  points out that toxins are   acidic.  He states, “in general degenerative diseases are the result of acid waste buildups within us. When we are born we have the highest alkaline mineral concentration  and also highest body pH Balance. As we age the normal process of  life will gradually acidify our being.” 

   Therefore,  reverse  aging  requires  two separate steps:  chemical and physical.  The  first step is to lower the acidity of  your body so that it can dispose od acidic waste in your blood and cellular fluids safely and easily. The second step: is to physically put out old stored waste into the blood so that they can be discharged  from the body. 

    While baking soda,  blackstrap molasses and  honey  or maple syrup          being highly debated in  favor of  lemon and water  for their pH Balance enhancing.  BLA Elixirs  are stepping to the  forefront as cancer  fighters     that instruct the cancer cells to stop pumping lactic acid (as this produce      a  fermentation in the body.)  This lactic acid that is being pumped out of   the cancer cells will also make your body more acidic.

   Using  BLA enhancers  will  stop  this lactic acid  from  being  pumped      out.  So it works to prevent this lactic acid  from making you more acidic.   As BLA helps to alkaline your body by stopping the out put of  lactic acid  from  these  cancer cells.  While also  feeding  cancer cells sugar  caused   them to produce much more lactic acid then they normally would.

   Knowing the importance in some cancer survivors protocol in their opinion was the difference between life  and death not being an option.  Coffee enemas  detoxifies the liver  while  helping repair itself  and also reducing levels of  toxicity up to 600%.  Cleaning and healing the colon  while improving mental clarity,  moods  and increasing energy levels.

  Used regularly in the Gerson Institute Treatment Protocol  for healing cancer patients naturally.  It  helps eases  “die off ”  or detox reactions in periods of (juicing)  fasting, cleansing and healing.  Improving digestion, bile  flow  and  eases  bloating  while  eliminating  parasites  and candida.   While bloating, heartburn and poor indigestion, may not only, be the end  effect of  candida overgrowth.     

   Poor indigestion can cause candida:  stomach acid  having also several  functions,  besides  starting  the  digestive process  also  aids  in  sterilizing  the ingested  food while bacteria and yeast can’t survive in strong stomach acid.  Candida,  once established  is difficult to treat and will require major dietary  and lifestyle changes  (macrobiotic diet and cancer healing.)

   Candida is an epidemic  and  one of  the  most unrecognized health issues affecting North America today.  As I believe Aloe Vera Juice (3 ounces daily) should be researched  for its anti  fungal, viral and inflammatory properties should be considered  for cancer as well.  One should also remember to have your vitamin D  and B12 levels checked often.    Thanks  Meredyth Martin!!! 🙂

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