Tackling The Cancer Within

  What Solitarius prevents is having scattered means and methods of  fighting cancer  and other debilitating disease. It provides awareness      with  free  flowing exchanges of  ideas. This website  provides  a  place    where  all questions might be answered ….with  a simple scroll of  the newest post…. while allowing time to checkout the older post as well.

   It’s  about the different methods  that maybe out there…. explained.              As we are all different …. so might the cure. Within the 18 Major Types       Top Tags are the best options of  the major types of  cancer.  Life is also designed to stress you out in todays world.  One size doesn’t  fit all and especially when it’s made in China you have to hit the  fitting room.

    Starting  with the medical profession…. which often  has you taking Gleevec until it doesn’t work.  Switching to Sutent and back to Gleevec    again when that stops working…. what makes sense  in these sensitive    political correct times. We use toxins…. designed  with  side  effects  to    offset side effects.

    Moving  forward  to  the Holistic Approach  which  takes in account       mind, body and spirit. While linking the contradictions of  the medical profession versus Holistic Approach… what’s a person to do but render  your insurance card. Therefore, it’s left  for us to decide which side has         it  more correct.

  As I scroll through the blogs  providing awareness through knowing.       One item  I soon realize  about healing:  is always engage yourself  with those people that  are  fun people.  Fun people pick you up when you are down,  they help you  fight  with laughter…. so  just laugh, laugh, laugh.    How much better do you feel when you just had a great laugh. Laughter doesn’t have any side effects either  and really is the best medicine. 

   So don’t take  s@#t  to seriously  and  just  have a moment by moment smiling heart within. Tell yourself  great minds overcome and with that       all said take it down to the basics.  The basic belief  is one must have the   will power and belief  at any age that they still can. For  once  you  have stopped living you have stopped period.

    Don’t give up:  A  Winner  Doesn’t  Quit  and  A  Quitter  Never  Wins!       The Anatomy of  Cancer is 3D Animation, therefore, its in the now, how, when, what, where,  its who did you say has cancer.  Its cause and effect.     It’s stress,  in the  food we eat,  the water we drink,  and its in our overall  environment. They  feed us chemicals  that  cause a lethargic reaction  so   we no longer laugh  and enjoy our lives.

   As our body,  mind  and spirit ramp up and start destroying our inner being. We become  the perfect host  for this dis ease.  As  this list could be   the basis  for healing  and how it affects you body:

    1. Proper Nutrition and Clean Water*   2. Immune Building *  3. Detoxification*              4. Oxygen Therapy*   5.  Life Style Changes  ( Adequate sleep, sunlight & exercise.)*         6.  Natural Chemotherapy*  7.  Keeping A Positive Outlook*   8.  Spiritual Cleansing*        9.  The Emotional Side of  it*   10.  Cancer Healing Visualization/Guided Meditation*

   Enter Maria a Good Friend of Mine:  with a GIST Tumor,  knowing it’s         a complicated tumor  to rid yourself  of.   She is well researched  and also very thorough having seen many a death certificate  with “GIST Tumor” stated as a reason  for death. Having tried baking soda and water, while having her Navarro Test coming back showing the tumor is stubborn.

    After  talking  we  discovered…. an aging parent  may  have  been  the  “root cause.”  Often  most people (not all)  view a parent as a close  friend. When we lose touch how we viewed them our whole life we freak out. Also being parents are thoughtful,  as with memory lost  it’s dreadful to watch. Being with most elderly it is common to be the first thing they lose and it’s tough to watch.

    Likewise,  I always viewed my  father as active  and when it was gone.    My thought was how evil and cancer must be an evil doer. When you lose that common bound with a parent it causes stress…. the stress  I could not see coming. Memory Loss and mood swings being common in diabetes, as well as Alzheimer’s patients…. aging is a living hell?

     With old age it often becomes unbearable  for your parent  and also the  family around them.  And when the parent adopts an adage,”if GOD wants you to have an illness… we have no right to cure it because that would be a sin of  the highest degree.  It causes  the  family  the helpless  feeling to seek what is right…. causes pain and possibly cancer…. due to the burden.”

    Back on TOPIC: as far as the root cause and a GIST Tumor.  Seek advice    of  a Naturopathic Physician. With my own research  leading to Blackstrap  Molasses and Baking Soda (carefully watching your potassium levels) with other alternatives to boosting pH Balance being Lemon & Water and a BLA Enhancer that helps alleviate lactic acid that the tumor produces.

   Also Green Vegetable Juicing  packed  with mighty phytonutrients might be considered as well.  Liposomal Vitamin C is option,  however, Maria said   Intravenous Vitamin C didn’t work for her GIST Tumor. Also she turned to a more Vegetarian Lifestyle after the diagnosis(Vitamin B12 should always be checked.)  Maria  favors Incas or Alvita Pau d’arco teas with Aloe Vera Juice  Red Clover prescribed by her N.D.

  Another consideration is the Lebeds Method to keep your lymphatic  fluid moving freely. Which  is  crucial  to  a strong immune system. With  another important aspect being daily exercise that ensures a good night sleep (being melatonin is an important antioxidant critical for strong immune systems.)  If  restless nights persist  one may want  to ask a N.D  about Valerian Root Thanks Nikki Meysenburg  and Maria Melnyk  for your contribution to this blog post 🙂  

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