An Affordable Means to CANCER

Understand why its understanding me.  It was January 24th 2004, when he was  told the cancer had to run its course. Go home to die were the words that resonated with me for the next 14 months. What I didn’t know back then was computers,  the internet or Facebook and when I looked into a mirror I felt empty not knowing.  As my  faith was in them the medical profession. 

After watching the previous 14 years, bladder cancer turned into a more aggressive secondary cancer “Leiomyosarcoma.” As I would sit wondering about all I ever heard about the evils of cancer treatment. Did his initial radium treatment, or radiation and chemotherapy cause this. Through the years did all these combine treatment cause his death creed (THANK YOU Rosa Parkin;  for showing me the cure to the incurable..)

Also pondering in my own head if they had a clear cut fact or opinion when it comes to cancer.  Does anybody really read or understand the research we hear on or read in the news. Or does the medical profession have us fooled for the almighty dollar.  It was nine years ago start of February when I began my quest of trying to Slay the Dragon. Within that time I have learned their is more than one way to slay that dragon.

As a nation with a broken health care system and skyrocketing cost unfold.  Maybe we  should try to learn a new age method of dealing with all chronic disease not just cancer. As I discovered  through  those years  more and more people  are  like  me  on Facebook. Learning through awareness and their own trials and tribulations answers to cancer.

Cancer is NOT a fungus – despite all the hype from scamster Tullio Simoncini. We have always had fungi around.  Same for bacteria,  same for viruses,  same for stress and any other number of cancer causes put forth to sell books, treatments and supplements. What has NOT always been around is the toxins in our air,  water and  food — and the increase in the incidence of  cancer tracks with the increase in toxins in the industrial age….  then gathered even more steam with the adulteration of our foods.

Most of the foods on our shelves also contain chemicals and additives that are known to harm either the human body or laboratory animals. If they harm animals, they can harm you too.  Most of the ingredients that you should avoid fall into one of three areas:  food additives, artificial sweeteners and artificial colors.  More and more experts are agreeing…. you are wise to try to avoid as many chemicals in your foods as possible.  By shopping in mostly the produce,  while limiting your time in the dairy and meat sections  of your grocery store. You can avoid many of the harmful food additives.

Cancer is pleomorphic at times having characteristics of  fungus  or bacteria and other times being virus-like.  That does not make it a fungus,  bacteria  or  virus.  And fungus does tend to be present  at the site of  cancers.  Likewise,  it is also present  at the site of wounds and infections.  If an animal  is shot with an arrow and then goes off and dies, one is likely to  find  the fungus at the wound site.  Was the injury, therefore a  fungus? No.  The wound caused the  fungus …much the same way the damage from cancer can cause fungus.

Therefore, Your body can get out of balance in many ways. Hormonal, enzymatic and with vitamin  and  mineral deficiencies  being  caused by gluten  and  other  sensitivities our body has. The body has many different pH balances, your skin has one and stomach another, blood, etc. So you may raise the pH of the skin and there is absorption going on as well. What you might have missed is the detoxification will create a healthier balance in the body hence will then help with a proper pH balance. Good things happen. Balance is what we are trying to achieve. Detoxing pulls out toxins that create the imbalance.

Our natural healthy state is a pH balance of  7.35 – 7.45, which is slightly alkaline. It is known that when your body starts veering towards an acidic state it has to work extra hard to bring it back into a state that is slightly alkaline. One of the ways this is done is by sapping calcium reserves, as well as other minerals out of our bones in order to help buffer this imbalance.

At-Home Test  for Over — Acidity If you can’t tell if you’re too acidic using these criteria, there’s a simple and fairly accurate way to test yourself. Just check the pH of your saliva using pH Hydrion test strips or paper. Saliva closely parallels the blood when it comes to pH. Compare your results to these benchmarks: The Normal blood pH = 7.4  and Normal saliva pH = 6.5 to 7.0  If  your  saliva pH  consistently  falls below 6.5,  you  are  to acidic. If it consistently reads above 7.0, you could be too alkaline.

If you would like to correct low pH levels, take a half teaspoon, one or two times a day of baking soda in water. This raises my pH level, making my body fluids more alkaline, which makes me less open to diseases like cancer.  If I want to give it ‘a kick’ —  I can put 1/8th or 1/4 teaspoon of food grade hydrogen peroxide into the baking soda and water. This creates an ‘alka-seltzer’ solution which oxygenates the blood for you.

Augmenting Cancer Therapy through Diet…

Dr. Colin Champ presents the historical data on dietary manipulation and cancer care, how diet and nutrition play a role in cancer care, this reviews existing data supporting nutritional intervention in cancer care,  and  explores future directions for diet in the management of cancer!

Asparagus and Cancer: Is It a Natural Cure? There are many foods that have special properties, nutrients, and undiscovered cofactors that can help the body in the healing process. When it comes to helping the body  recover from cancer, we will discuss some    of the best foods to include in the diet.  Let’s  first  focus  on  Asparagus,  as it has been suggested to be extremely powerful, and many reports suggest simply eating 1 cup of asparagus every day will give enough support to help the body heal from cancer.

We have always been tea drinkers at, mainly builder’s tea with       lots of sugar (yum!).  However,  this all changed back in 2008  when Samantha Corti,   the founder,  was diagnosed with a serious illness.  This got me thinking, reading and researching about illness, diet, tea and all the amazing things that can help your body recover. The champion of teas, it turns out, is GREEN tea ( but definitely without milk and sugar). We heard great things about green tea being a truly wonderful source of anti-oxidants, polyphenols and catechins having other health benefits as long as your arm. Our favorite and one of the best sources of all these health boosting elements we learned, is Japanese Sencha.

The relationship between unhealthy eating and the development of cancer and other diseases are undeniable.  When most people  get a cancer diagnosis  their doctors are quick to prescribe drugs and harsh treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. All of these treatments have a harrowing effect on the body opening it up to        a whole host of other problems.

Holistic health practitioners, on the other hand, will often recommend detoxification methods such as cleansing to eliminate cancer from the body. In this video in this link Allison Biggar  interviews  European  journalist  and ovarian  cancer  survivor  Evita Ramparte  about  how  she cured her cancer naturally through a raw vegan diet with      out chemotherapy, surgery or radiation.

Also I heard a many success story about Serrapeptase ability to break down tumors. Serrapeptase digests inflammations,  scars (non-living tissue),  blood clots,  cysts, and arterial plaque  and  inflammation in all forms.  The late German physician,  Dr. Hans Nieper, used Serrapeptase to treat arterial blockage in his coronary patients as well as Serrapeptase protects against stroke and is reportedly more effective and quicker than EDTA Chelation treatments in removing arterial plaque. He also reports Serrapeptase dissolves blood clots and causes varicose veins to shrink or diminish. Dr. Nieper told of   a woman scheduled for hand amputation and a man scheduled for bypass surgery who both recovered quickly without surgery after treatment with Serrapeptase allowing the immune system to do it’s job effectively.

Hence  I  found a good input regarding our immune System attacking Cancer Cells….. Everyone will need to read and  draw the best conclusions for themselves. The immune system  is  not only  moderately effective  in  fighting cancer,    because cancer cells are essentially modified “self” cells.  Meaning the immune system usually doesn’t recognize them as harmful.

The immune response is triggered only in certain types of cancer – when cancer cells become so hi…ghly abnormal that they are recognizable as “nonself” cells. Sometimes these abnormalities involve changes  in  proteins made in the cancer cell.  When these proteins  appear on the cell surface  via the major histocompatibility complex  (MHC) molecule,  the immune system recognizes them as antigens and responds accordingly. 

However, the immune system must race to keep up with the rapidly dividing cancer  cells. One reason cancer cells are difficult to recognize is that they “hide” by removing from their surface the chemical ID that says something is wrong.  Even  in  that  case, natural killer (NK) cells — lymphocytes that act as backup and mobilize when all else fails — should move in. The job of NK cells is to destroy cells  suspiciously showing no message. But in cancer, even this fallback may fail. That’s because some cancer cells, such as those of the breast,  prostate,  kidney,  lung,  and ovary,  secrete a pattern of cytokines — those proteins instrumental in activating the adaptive immune system response — that somehow interferes with and suppresses the response.

The immune system  is  designed  to  remove things not normally  found in the body.        Cells  undergoing  change,  precursors  of  cancer cells,  are normally recognized and removed by the immune system.  Unfortunately, the different cancer cell mechanisms  block the immune system’s ability to recognise them, allowing them to freely continue cancer development.

While Transfer Factor (TF) focuses on specific it’s description focuses on the immune chemistries,  based  on it’s ingredients,  specifically the immume system,  Cellect Powder   is different, and is comprised of all minerals, 74 proprietary in addition to what is listed on the label, it includes every mineral in their correct proportions to each other, causing correct electromagnetivity,  causing correct pH,  as pH is an indicator to some degree.

The domino effects are correct, and cause the correct DNA expression. this causes cells and chemistries to be manufactured correctly. This biochemistry…. balances which will cover overall eletromagnetic fields to cause correct DNA expression and correct domino effects and the required mineral base to manufacture the cells and chemistries correctly, These  previously made incorrect cells  and chemistries cannnot survive in the corrected environment and die off in a natural manner. no surgery, no cemo, no toxic chemistries.

Because every cell has a row of chromosomes which are identical in every cell, likewise serial number, called “Phenotype.” And is because cancer cells have the same phenotype, which means  the body manufactured the incorrect cells,  which  are  called  “Mutations.” Therefore,  they are not outside invaders.  Whereas,  the donor of  a surgical transplant surgery has a different phenotype,  which the recipient body interprets as an “outside invader”  which the immune system will attack any outside invader.

Hence as the invaders has a different phenotype. if a cancer cell is an outside invader, then the immune system would go after it. And because the cancer “Mutated” cell has the same phenotype. Therefby,  the immune system will not go after the cancer cell,  which is why they have a high failure rate. When a supplement corrects the system, the events are all normal and non toxic.

Two protocols found to help cancer patients are:

Many successes with both prostate cancer and bone cancer cases has been warranted with Yirme’s protocol. Four times daily (morning, noon, evening, bedtime) take at least 250 micrograms  Cytoplan  Selenium,  3  Alta Health Products  Silica,  100 micrograms Cytoplan GTF Chromium,  and 1 cup of CanGest tea (1 level teaspoon in teacup of warm water). The approximate cost of this protocol is around $150.00 a month for the approx 6 bottles of  Selenium 3 bottles of  Silica 2 bottles of  Chromium. This is the therapeutical dose for people with Cancer and other auto immune DisEases …

“Yris’  Hubby’s  Anticancer Smoothie:”  Baby Spinach,  Kale (2 leaves),  Beets (1 small), Carrots (1), Broccoli (4 florets), Avocado (1 small), Banana (1), Asparagus (4), Chlorella powder (1 tsp),  Hemp Oil (1 Tsps),  Aloe Vera (2 ounces),  Probiotics in powder (garden life) CELLECT POWDER (1-2 scoops), Grind:15 Apricot seeds, 15 Raw almonds, 3 Brazil nuts, Almond milk.  Mix it and drink it!

The sun is the supreme giver of all life and the greatest source of energy existing in our solar system. Just as water is the source of all life, the Sun is the source of all water. For it is not until the hydrogen radiating from the sun merges with the oxygen of the Earth’s atmosphere that water (H20) can be created.

The receiving of sunlight not only works to stimulate the brain,  but also held as one         of  the  five essential  elements  in  both  Traditional Chinese  and  Ayurvedic Medicine.  The sun which delivers a masculine energy to our mother Earth, is also responsible for stimulating our bodies to produce the essential brain antioxidant Vitamin D, typically referred to as “the master hormone”.    With meditation… Key to SUCCESS?

This video features Kevin Perrott in a documentary that follows him in a search for the latest methods for extending healthy longevity and what scientific evidence tells us what aging will look like in the future. Narrated by acclaimed bio-gerontologist Michael Rose with appearances by Ray Kurzweil, Greg Fahy, Terry Grossman and many others.

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