The Cantin Ketogenic Diet


   Hello Ken,  I was diagnosed with breast cancer and within one week           was rushed into a surgical lumpectomy. Doctors wanted to immediately begin ‘aggressive’ radiation and chemotherapy and this idea frightened   me, I’ve seen many family members and friends … die soon after similar treatments. I thought that if I had to go, I would not be going that way.

   Shortly after my lumpectomy the tumor grew back the size of a small      egg. So I began researching The Ketogenic diet and after modifying it to remove several allergenic  foods,  toxins, while also molding it to mimic immunotherapy,  also the tumor shrunk  to the size of  a chick pea  and      then disappeared!

     I linked type 1 diabetes  and cancer to epilepsy and ketones via  fever.     Then I created my own ketogenic diet that I optimized for health and that mimics immunotherapy to get the best chance at survival.  I demonstrate    in my book: my ketogenic diet works for type 1 diabetes and that ketones alone are not enough for healing.

   I also lay the ground rules and show  a ketogenic diet can be adapted to any lifestyle, including vegan. I am just a regular girl with a very soft spot for sick children and with a very analytical mind … what characterizes me the most is that when I set my mind on doing something,  I don’t give up … until I succeed.

  I love to learn, I am self-motivated  and I cannot help it,  I am a leader.            I am a firm believer that if there is a will there is a way, and if you believe, you can achieve something, you will.”

    My book, The Cantin Ketogenic Diet,  is my diet of  HOPE,  a diet that      comes from my heart, my own research… I live it and I know what it’s like,   I hope it can help you. So please join us on Facebook and become a member of the support group for The Cantin Ketogenic Diet !!!


Elaine Cantin  🙂

Published on Jul 13, 2013

I am alive & well from a cancer diagnosis that gave me 3-6 months to live back in 2012. Learn about the major factors that have balanced my body, addressed the underlying problem of my deadly Stage 4 brain cancer, and allowed me to remove all fear from my body and focus on healing via my slogan E-D-S-S-S-S (E=Exercise D=Diet S=Spiritual Guidance S=Stress S=Sleep S=Supplements). I’m alive and well…VERY WELL! 🙂 Was supposed to live only 3-6 months which was back in February!

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