Natural Hormone Balance

Action Steps for Your Natural Hormone Balance

There are a number of key lifestyle initiatives we can follow to keep our hormones balanced and estrogen dominance at bay:
•Determine your symptoms of imbalance
•Find a bioidentical-friendly provider to work with
•Test your hormones to confirm symptoms and detect existing imbalance
•If you need to supplement hormone, consider bioidentical versions identical to those made naturally in the body
•Never use estrogen by itself—even after a hysterectomy; balance it with progesterone (bioidentical) the body’s accustomed way
•Eat hormone-free organic foods to avoid intake of growth hormones used in factory meat and dairy products
•Include phytonutrients and flax seed, fiber, and cruciferous vegetables in your daily diet to assist proper hormone metabolism and help your body clear itself of xenoestrogens
•Take hi-quality multi-vitamins that include the antioxidants A, B-complex, C, D and E, and key minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and selenium
•Reduce excess caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, and other stimulants that stress the adrenals
•“Go green” and banish xenoestrogens in pesticides, nail polish, hygiene, household cleaners, etc.
•Maintain an ideal weight to reduce insulin resistance and overproduction of estrogen in fat cells
•Boost hormones naturally with strength training or weight-bearing exercise
•Minimize needless stressors and do yoga, meditation or deep breathing to de-stress
•Exercise your creative juices: sing, paint, write, bead, play
•Get enough sleep—take cat naps to catch up!
•Make time for the people you love
•Hold on to your sense of humor!

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