Ann Cameron

This  Woman  Cured  Her  Stage  –4-  Cancer  With  Only  One  Ingredient!!!
Her name is Ann Cameron, an author of 15 children’s books. On Tuesday July 30th, 2013 she had CT scan for malignant tumors on her lungs. On Thursday August 1st 2013, she got the results: “NO EVIDENCE OF CANCER.

She believes that carrots can cure cancer and rapidly,  without radiation,  chemotherapy,   or other dietary changes. Everyone diagnosed with cancer should try this remedy, because the result show up very fast.

Her husband’s died from lung cancer in 2005 despite chemotherapy and this was her first encounter of this cruel disease. So she refused to go the same way and refused chemotherapy.

“Chris beats cancer” is a blog for people who have found alternative ways of treating cancer to share their experience, and Ann is one of them.

“In June 2012, I was subjected to surgery for colon cancer, and after that I refused chemotherapy treatment.  Every day I felt better,  but after six months,  the control examination showed the cancer had spread to the lung,  and colon cancer, entered          in the fourth stage”, -says Ann.

She was very distraught  after her doctor  told her she has only two  or  three years to          live without chemo. Then she started reading everything she could find on the internet about alternatives of curing cancer without chemotherapy and radiation. Her husband  had tried some of those alternatives but they didn’t help.

While researching she hit upon a letter saying that drinking five pounds of carrots juice daily had helped people with variety of cancer.

SO She juiced 5 lbs. of carrots per day.

After two weeks there was no improvement.

Then after eight weeks drinking the juiced carrots, the growth of the tumors had stopped.

And after six months there was no evidence of cancer.

 Unlike some supplements drinking carrot juice is not prohibited during conventional treatment. Carrot juice is perfectly compatible with chemo and simultaneous radiation. But Ann didn’t want the recommended chemo because of the side effects.

So she had no radiation, no chemo, no other treatments only carrot consumption.

She believes that a newly diagnosed person like her,  still  in  good health,  could  safely      put off chemotherapy and see if five pounds of carrots daily will halt the growth of cancer, and hopefully will eliminate the cancer entirely.

Based on her extensive reading in scientific journals focused on nutrition and cancer,     her ground-breaking book describes the details of the carrot treatment and the scientific evidence for its power.

In this book, she shares little-known research that is revolutionizing scientific thinking about cancer and how to treat it.  The  research  comes  from  the  exciting  new  field  of epigenetics–the study of how chemical switching mechanisms  in our bodies change the expression of our genes.  Our  environment,  the foods we eat,  and the way  we  live  can silence pro-cancer genes or turn them on, set anti-cancer genes on alert or turn them off.

Genes aren’t our destiny. Neither is cancer.

Cancer develops when the body loses its ability to recognize and eliminate rogue cells–cells that take over the body if they don’t quit dividing. In some cases–probably many–carrots can restore the body’s natural power to regulate growth and kill defective cells.

The scientific information in this book could be a life-saver and a beacon of hope for you or someone you know. Equally helpful, it offers the practical knowledge Cameron gained from her  journey through cancer and back to health–how to use the internet to research proposed treatments and the quality of hospitals and doctors;  how to reduce the cost of cancer care; and how to arrive at individual treatment decisions that are best for you.

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