A Survivor Mindset

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  For Lisa Lobsitz Ravel, she has the ability to recover from hardship with multi times having the ability to bounce back. Once having been given her last rite, twice being in a coma and also experiencing organ failure.  The time she worked in hospice was helpful      in her life.

I was born sick … pneumonia always … battled asthma my entire childhood … had spinal meningitis, ruptured main artery, blah ~ blah ~ blah before I was 22 … then all hell broke loose and never ended. If you want to talk trials and tribulation of life all the while raising two children one at age 20 and the other at 23.
    Then  On June 9, 2009,  at the age 42,  while alone,  suffered a debilitating stroke & paralysis requiring 24 hr fulltime care. I had been symptomatic with an erratic heartbeat for quite some time,  BUT BECAUSE  I was YOUNG,  FEMALE  & LOOKED HEALTHY.
  I did not fit the medical community criteria of a person about to have a stroke.  My concerns instead were discounted and my worries ignored. It was even suggested I find        a less stressful job .. Right up to that fateful day.

   While in Intensive Care, the Doctors found a defect & profound hole in the wall of the  left & upper right chambers that would require open heart surgery to repair. But I wasn’t   a candidate until I showed improvement.

That took 4 excruciating long months of enormous difficulty and hard work while battling a weakening heart just to get to a minimum baseline. I had to have enough strength and ability to recover from the post trauma in order to undergo the surgery. But my heart was failing and I was getting weaker by the day, so on October 15, 2009, I underwent Open Heart Surgery to repair the chamber and successfully close the hole. Then once again, started back on that long road towards recovery & another chance at Life.

In 2011, had 6 plates in her neck and 5 in her shoulder… Lisa knows set backs and is always determined to bounce back from any and all.  Also in her past Lisa had  3 bouts      of e-coli, meningitis and was also hospitalized… for a week in 2007 ….with debilitating Fibromyalgia.  And care gave 24/7 for my husband and dad beginning in 2011.

 ❣Mine is a Happy ending, I am Grateful to have survived .. Far too many do not.

❤ FACT: Heart Disease & Stroke KILL 1 in 3 WOMEN EACH YEAR,                   yet it is 80% Preventable.

❣ PLEASE INSIST ON BEING TESTED if you ever have any unusual heart symptoms that scare or concern you.

❤ FEBRUARY  is  National Heart Month Kim Poulsen-Smith

Her mindset: it has been what it has been …. they say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. What times like these do …. is makes you more resilient  but not tougher. What times like these did for Lisa is made her kinder, more compassionate, giving and forgiving and loving deeper without reservations, while enjoying life to its fullest and the time you do have… more.

The key to survival is acceptance: accepting the fact that you were given that hand dealt you for a reason. That in such a traumatic catastrophic life event, such inspiring Living changing strength can be gained, with such a story so special, and your arduous struggle too regain your health. And the reason I became a pilot is to start a non profit connecting those dying with family members.

Lisa you are blessed, your story is going too help other people!  💗💗

We take all of our experiences and realize they’re meant to be … good bad and indifferent. Could have cave in and died or used the IV to live,  strengthen and fly.  Also my keys to survival are Giving to others … not accepting a Dx … seeing a life ahead of you requiring and needing your presence 🙂

  Lisa being the trooper she is recently became a pilot  And the reason I became a pilot     is to start a non profit connecting those dying with family members. AS she still enjoys Snow & water skiing. Sports that others may have gave up, however, I know within Lisa there is no quit. You’re a warrior,  trailblazer and The world is lucky to have you in it. 👏🏻🎉🍾        Image result for happy valentines day images🎶🍾


Preview  Kelly Clarkson – Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)


Preview  The most beautiful version of Hallelujah you have ever heard.

tiful version of Hallelujah you have ever heard.
 ly Clarkson – Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)
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