Better Lives Through Science!… ;-) xo

Agriculture, Background, Cannabis, Colorado, Concept

IF your considering cannabis oil always remember all product aren’t created equal…. MY RESEARCH via


Myth busting on pesticides: Despite demonization, organic farmers widely use them

  Humboldt’s Finest Farms  Since 1996 Joseph Shepp CEO has accumulated wisdom on strains, locations and techniques. With so many large corporations getting into the cultivation business. It’s a good idea to differentiate sun grown versus mass – produced product. But what exactly is the difference?

  At Humboldt’s they protect the region’s salmon, which can be greatly impacted by the diversion of water when rivers are already low. Removing ground water from water sheds during hot summers create serious challenge. One of the more advanced sustainable farming practices is capturing rainwater during the wet winter season and storing it in specially built ponds and giants tanks for the use during the summer.
   Saving water: water is precious in California so adding a layer of mulch to the top of the soil can save as much as 75%  of your water. Watering in the morning and evenings when it’s cooler will reduce evaporation before the water reaches the roots
   Cleans Buds: NOW that lab testing has become a common practice, growers are discovering how easy it is to produce moldy cannabis without even realizing it. Since mold can grow inside the buds and not be visible this can have a major health impact.  Although growers want the most bang for the buck. Don’t Harvest to late… how to know the proper time to harvest?
   What you will need to do is break out your magnifying glass and check out the trichomes, the glandular, hairy part       of the buds. harvest while the trichomes are still clear. Harvest while the trichomes are still clear, before they turn an opaque white, for optimal potency and reduced decomposition. Remember: just a little contamination can lead to microbial growth on the buds, be sure to use gloves and work with clean surfaces and containers…
    Let the Sunshine: It is far more sustainable and affordable to grow in the sunshine than in grow rooms that require strong lights and powerful air conditioning systems. When grown near trees near shade, out door weed can be leafy, loose and weak. However,hy when it’s grown under the full sun this full spectrum of light it receives. Results in a more complete bouquet of active compounds, including terpenes, flavonoids and the all important THC anti fungal and CBD anti inflammatory cannabinoids.
    Growing cannabis indoors uses an enormous amount of energy, and some grow sites create a ton of toxic run off    from the synthetic nutrients, pesticides or fungicides that they use. Outdoor plants take in carbon dioxide from it’s surrounding air and turns it into oxygen reducing the impact of green house gases.
   Medical patients should also be concerned about the level of metals and other additives that may be present within    the cells of their nugs, Plants grown outdoors in the healthy living soil needs less flushing as they near harvest because they’ve remained properly fed throughout their life cycle. Everything that Humboldt’s Finest grows is lab-tested for fungus, pest and other microbials as well as to determine the cannabinoid levels and terpene profile.
  Strains do have different nutrient requirements, Sativadominate strains tend to be lighter feeders than indica, meaning they need lower quantities (expressed in ppm, or parts per million) of the three main macronutrients– nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium- as well as  micronutrients. Typically indicas are big nitrogen hogs and require heavier feedings. Also some strains prefer to be watered more often than others.  
   Each strain grown by Humboldt’s Finest boast several unique properties and all have stood the test of time. OG Kush is a California Classic, with it’s earthy scent and indica-fueled body buzz known far and wide. Girl Scout Cookies and Scout Master provide the electric, energetic vibes great for treating stress, migraines and pain. The hybrid Sunset Sherbet offers the best of both world, with complex effects for body and mind.
    While XJ13 is the sativa-dominate Jack Herer/G-13 cross perfect for creativity and friendly gatherings, and reportedly very effective for those coping with anxiety and depression. Future plans include taking over an old abandoned logging mill and turning it into a cannabis-production facility, bringing the regions reconciliation with its history and environment full circle.
The Basic Needs:
  Those with a valid medical card have a number of unique requirements,
First, patients need a high quality product  consistently available an obtained from a trusted source with known characteristic to be consistent with each batch they purchase. Secondly, the cost has to be reasonable which mean for the medical patient free of charge. For many medical users who are on a fixed income due to disability or age. Excessive taxes can mean the difference between being able to afford treatment (since cannabis is not normally covered by insurance) and being chronically ill (or on some cases, dying.)
Thirdly, they need to be able to grow their own supply of cannabis, if they can’t afford       the offering or what they feel is needed  isn’t readily available. The topic of the science of whole plant versus single-compound medication and the need for different strains is an entire discussion in itself.
Fourth, they need the ability to join a cooperative growing operation or have someone designated as a supplier. If they can not grow anything themselves due to housing restrictions or physical disability.

Jack Kungel Beat Cancer Naturally 2 Times

 It’s easy to think that chemotherapy and radiation are the only ways to beat c…ancer.
Jack Kungel Beat Cancer Naturally 2 Times and is Eager to Share How He Did It! “I took 28 days from the 3 or 4 months they said I had after being diagnosed with cancer, and began to educate myself.” – Jack Kungel, Cancer Survivor
“It was diet and cannabis. [that healed my body from cancer]”

Jack’s Smoothie Sm

making alkaline smoothie

Jack Kungel, Cancer Survivor

Jack Beat Cancer (oh, and diabetes and other dis-eases) with Cannabis
Jack has beaten cancer twice and has been cancer-free for over 5 years!

In the early 90’s he had a devastating accident and was immediately put on a long list of medications – many for pain management.

Not only was he left with a debilitated body from the accident, he suffered life-altering side effects from the medications; particularly vomiting (for 20 years 15-20 times a day) which wore down his teeth, caused breakage of ribs and pain on top of pain. He realized that he was in chemical toxicity from all of the medications.

With his first diagnosis of bladder cancer which also affected the prostate, the doctor left him with the option of surgery. Jack took some time to think things over, time that was becoming increasingly more valuable.


In this interview Jack talks about:
•How his life was changed by his accident in 1991
•The effect of all the pharmaceuticals on his body
•How he used cannabis to get off of the pharmaceutical medication
•What detox was like and how he got through it
•Section 56 in Canada and how it enabled him to obtain the cannabis he needed
•How he was diagnosed with cancer
•What he found out after weeks of research on cancer
•The endo-cannabinoid system and how it works with cancer
•How he treated his cancer to knock it down for the first time
•How your diet affects cancer
The relationship of cancer and Methionine
•How to kill cancer with cannabis
•The emotional causes of cancer
•How and what he ate to support his recovery
•How he eats now to stay healthy
•How cancer puts you down to rest
•How he re-assessed what was important in his life
•His specific protocol for killing cancer the second time around and what he uses for maintenance to keep the cancer in remission
•How cancer is a threat to so many corporations
•Advice for people who are reticent to try cannabis for treating their medical conditions
•Jack’s plans for the future

Listen to Jack Kungel talk about how he was able to beat cancer, chronic pain, and get off of all pharmaceuticals with the use of cannabis.

Hear the remarkable story of Jack Kungel,…

 Another way to battle  cancer: Stan and Barb Rutner are no strangers to cancer. The married couple, both in their 70s, have run into it before. Barb battled bouts with breast cancer—twice. And about 20 years ago, Stan, a retired dentist with a thriving mini storage business, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. “I just thought I had a cold, flu, type thing. That was it . . . I wasn’t thinking cancer at all,” Stan recalls.

Fortunately, after treating the lymphoma for about six months, it—like Barb’s successful battles with breast cancer—became a thing of the past. By 1989, it was a closed chapter. But in 2011, it came back.

Like before, it struck Stan in the lungs first. Manifesting as a persistent cough, a doctor later revealed cancerous nodes in the lungs that were the real culprits. “Yeah, [my doctor] was really diplomatic. He says, ‘You’re in deep shit.’ Or words to that effect,” Stan recalls. “Yeah, he didn’t sugar coat it at all,” Barb adds. As if that wasn’t enough, doctors later discovered that the cancer had metastasized to his brain.

Like before, the Rutners were able to successfully battle—and beat—Stan’s cancer. But    this time, after going through chemotherapy and radiation, they wanted to find a natural medicine that would improve Stan’s quality of life  and maybe even prolong it.   Medical cannabis did all that and more, surpassing anything they could have hoped for. CULTURE spoke with Stan, Barb, their daughter Corinne and her husband John about this intense and life changing experience with cannabis.

Preview  Cannabis Oil Cures Lung & Brain Cancer:

The Stan Rutner Story (MORE at

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