Rise to New Heights

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The desire to defy age is as ancient as human history, but in the past 10 years a multibillion-dollar industry has sprung up in America promising decades of extra life and good health beyond your 100th birthday.  However, a new book has revealed a disturbing lack of safety regulation,  outrageous unproved medical claims,  risky products that could cause serious health problems, and a celebrity – dominated marketing machine promising an extended youth – much of it with little science to back it up. To defy disease all one has to do is Youtube Query two words Cancer Cures.

Not only the chemotherapy but ALL the three known methods of the Predominant medicine, which N. Shevchenko justly calls “inquisitorial”, cannot cure the person –  simply because cancer is not a reductionistic phenomenon, it is a holistic phenomenon!
This is why It is impossible — even theoretically!
None of them can remove
– the genetic predisposition of the organism to generate cancer cells!
Download here:
clarification in detail – why this is impossible even theoretically!

Furthermore: Chemotherapy (and moreover all of the inquisitorial methods) DO NOT work selectively! – chemotherapy kills not only the sick but also the healthy cells. Often  the patient dies not from cancer but from … chemotherapy.

Surgery and radiotherapy also cannot act selectively! It is impossible even in theory – because: In both methods are hurt micro formations (in other words – selectivity is impossible!) and cancer cells die through necrosis (rather than apoptosis) — the result: Active malignancy and metastases!

The therapeutic methodology of Shevchenko works
a) at the cellular level and
b) strictly selectively and with a markedly opposite effect:
– it kills the diseased cells and
– renews and heals the healthy ones – increasing their resistance and the resilience             of the whole organism.

Even in 1997 this therapeutic Methodology is presented in Russia
before the State Commission, which
recognizes it an invention and issues patent, registered under No 2075213.

A real-life proof of how this therapy cures cancer FINALLY – you can see from the fact:
– How I cured from cancer, even my dog Dolly!
The one who wants to not hopefully or wishfully, but truly be alive — can easily do the same:
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Save life!


Not only the methods of the dominant medicine can not cure cancer even theoretically!

If you type only two (2) “magic” words in YouTube “cancer cure”

Why? – Because they all focus on killing cancer cells by necrosis! (this is a cell death by external intervention)

1) Any method that kills cancer cells by necrosis, can not cure cancer, even theoretically, but only accelerates the death of the organism – because it activates its defense system = causes the organism to begin to restore those killed cells and to multiply them – and so    the organism kills itself by cancer.

2) Only the method of Shevchenko does not kill cells by necrosis but activates the signal apoptosis. Thus it removes cancer cells by a way that is genetically programmed in the very organism – that is internal and natural for it and does not activate the defense system to restore the destroyed cancer cells — so the organism gets cured.
You can also email me for details – here is the contact form: http://www.cancercureclinic.info/Wellness-Strategy_ContactUS_EN.htm

Arlene Weintraub, who spent four years researching  Selling the Fountain     of Youth, says the anti-ageing industry has grown from virtually nothing to a staggering $88bn in 10 years, with few products and procedures regulated in the same way as normal pharmaceuticals and medical cures. Much of it is based on replacing the body’s hormones as people grow older.

But it also includes extensive use of products such as Botox, vitamin supplements and dietary fads. All have become hugely popular, but there is little proof that they work – or are 100% safe. Some female users of a popular hormone therapy called the Wiley Protocol have complained about their menstrual cycles starting again, with excessive bleeding and hair loss. The creator of the Wiley Protocol, a Californian called Susie Wiley, was found to have virtually no scientific or medical qualifications.

Such alarming reports have not slowed the huge expansion of the industry. The American Academy of Anti-Ageing Medicine (known by the acronym A4M) holds annual conferences that attract thousands of businessmen,  chemists and physicians, all hawking their wares. Some critics of the organization have dubbed it “all for the money” and also say it has spearheaded the idea that getting old is basically a treatable condition. Across America chains of “rejuvenation centers” have sprung up touting the latest “cures” for getting old.

Weintraub argues that the current demographics of America have made the country especially susceptible to an anti-ageing message. The “baby boomer” generation – some  77 million strong – is just hitting the retirement age and millions are looking for ways to prolong their health and lifespan. “This generation, probably more than any before, wants to grow old in a different sort of way,” Weintraub said. “Boomers have seen how their parents’ generation aged and are trying to avoid that scenario.”

She traces the birth of the anti-ageing industry to the discovery that human growth hormones used to treat stunted growth problems in children could also be used in      adults, and in many cases appeared to have a rejuvenating impact.   http://abcnews.go.com/WN/selling-fountain-youth-author-arlene-weintraub-anti-aging/story?id=11533763  

The industry spread to include the use of Botox, derived from the deadly botulinum toxin and originally intended to treat muscle disorders. But anti-ageing doctors also frequently prescribe hormones such as testosterone and oestrogen, that are derived from plants such as yams and soy beans. Weintraub has documented cases where people are using such large amounts of these hormones, sometimes as skin creams, that their partners are absorbing them when they lie next to them in bed at night.

She says the main problem is that government regulation is too light and safety rules not as tight as for normal drugs, which require extensive medical trials before they get federal approval. She also points out that as ageing is not classified as a medical problem – and thus is not covered by insurance companies – the anti-ageing industry is largely founded on patients buying treatments from their doctors, which can easily lead to abuse and lax safety standards.

We turn our attention to man’s best friend for the answers…

Dog Diversity

This genetic diversity and sharing of similar DNA, physiology, microscopic structure and molecular features between dogs and humans has presented cancer researchers with a key opportunity. Dogs not only develop similar types of cancers as humans, but their cancer responds to treatments in similar ways.

This means that new cancer treatments first shown to be effective in canine cancers         can frequently be predicted to have a similar benefit in human cancer patients. As a    result, researchers now recognize that new drug trials in dogs with cancer will result          in therapeutic discoveries that are highly “translatable”; that is, more likely to predict “real-life” medical responses in human cancer patients.

By studying how cancer responds in dogs, scientists are gaining a better understanding     of how new cancer drugs not only treat the cancer but also influence the patient’s overall quality of life during treatment.

This benefits dog owners, by providing access to promising new cancer treatments for their pets with cancer, and benefits human cancer patients by providing a rapid way to collect crucial data needed for FDA approval. https://source.colostate.edu/mans-best-friend-helping-cancer-treatment/


Arlene Weintraub’s book explores a topic in cancer not often discussed: the drug development process and its effects on both people and dogs.

PUBLISHED March 31, 2016

What do dogs have to do with cancer research? “Heal,” which chronicles one woman’s research journey across the United States, explains  dogs get some of the same cancers as people, and, in veterinary clinical trials, have been among the first to try new types of medications that were eventually approved for both dogs and humans.

Author Arlene Weintraub — a frequent contributor to CURE magazine and a      lifelong dog owner – does more than share facts. She tells the stories of special dogs, their owners, the researchers who entered their lives — and her own loss of a loved

What do dogs have to do with cancer research? “Heal,” which chronicles one woman’s research journey across the United States, explains that dogs get some of the same cancers as people, and, in veterinary clinical trials, have been among the first to try new types of medications that were eventually approved for both dogs and humans. Author Arlene Weintraub — a frequent contributor to CURE magazine and a lifelong dog owner — does more than share facts. She tells the stories of special dogs, their owners, the researchers who entered their lives — and her own loss of a loved one to cancer.

With the FDA now willing to consider data from clinical trials in pet dogs as it reviews cancer drugs for human use, these pets and the owners who speak for them provide vital information about efficacy, side effects and dosing.

In fact, some of today’s most promising cancer treatment techniques are being developed with help from man’s best friend, including T cell immunotherapies and engineered viruses, Weintraub explains.  Dogs are also contributing to cancer research through their uncanny ability to sniff out human cancers, and also scientists are working on diagnostic devices that can mimic this ability.

Writing the book brought Weintraub hope as she grieved the loss of her sister to gastric cancer. “I had been writing about science for a long time, however when my sister got sick   and died, I lost all hope that anything that did well in trials was going to make much of a difference,” she says. “But as I started

Heal: The Vital Role of Dogs in the Search for Cancer Cures (ECW 2015).

Drawn from extensive research, on-the-ground reporting, and personal experience, this book explores the fascinating role dogs are playing in the search for a cure for cancer. Learn how veterinarians and oncologists are working together to discover new treatments — cutting-edge therapies designed to help both dogs and people suffering from cancer.

Heal introduces readers to the field of comparative oncology by describing several research projects aimed at finding new therapies for cancers that are similar in dogs and people, including lymphoma, osteosarcoma, breast cancer, melanoma, and gastric cancer.

Weintraub, who lost her sister to gastric cancer, also writes about the emerging science behind the remarkable ability of dogs to sniff out early-stage cancer, and the efforts underway to translate that talent into diagnostic devices for early detection of the disease. In the course of bringing these dogs and their human companions to life, Weintraub takes her own personal journey from grief to healing, as she shows her readers how man’s best friend might be the key to unlocking the mysteries of cancer.

Praise for Heal: The Vital Role of Dogs in the Search for Cancer Cures

“A new book stems from a truth many a dog owner knows: Man’s best friend is deeply susceptible to cancer.” —Newsweek “Best Books About Cancer.” Read more here.

“Science writer Weintraub (Selling the Fountain of Youth) introduces readers to the field of comparative oncology in this analysis of research into treatments for cancers that are similar in dogs and people.  These ailments include lymphoma,  osteosarcoma,  breast cancer,  melanoma,  and gastric cancer.  Driven by her professional curiosity,  lifelong love of dogs, and grief after losing her sister to gastric cancer in 2010, Weintraub visits eight universities over two years.

The book chronicles her interviews with researchers, whose fields include the quest for cancer-killing viruses  (virotherapy), and also testing potential treatments on pet dogs   with cancer; trials with metformin, a glucose-lowering pill that’s used to treat diabetes; and the use of sniffing dogs for early detection of some kinds of cancer.

Anyone interested in translational science, innovative developments in cancer research,    or treating pets with cancer will find this book a valuable resource. It includes lists of institutions doing comparative oncology research, related books, clinical trials, and funding sources. Readers will share Weintraub’s growing appreciation for the canine      and feline subjects (and their owners) who are helping to advance cancer research.” —Publishers Weekly (Copyright © 2015 PWxyz, LLC)

“…chock-full of thought-provoking data-backed stories, in which experts in canine and human cancer weigh in….Ms. Weintraub has produced a fine book about the hope and possibilities that abound in today’s era of cancer research and treatment. This book is highly recommended….” American Society of Clinical Oncology’s ASCO Post.                 Read more here.

“[A]n incredibly important report….This book is science, emotion and love of dogs             all mixed together.” —Steve Dale, “My Pet World,” Tribune Media Services.                         Read more here.

“Author Arlene Weintraub— is a frequent contributor to CURE magazine and a lifelong      dog owner—does more than share facts. She tells the stories of special dogs, their owners, the researchers who entered their lives—and her own loss of a loved one to cancer.” —CURE. Read more here.

“The author did a wonderful job researching the topics and presenting them in such a    way that even the most difficult medical terminology could be understood by the common lay person. If you love dogs and want to learn how our faithful companions are helping us extend our lives, this is definitely a book to look into. I highly recommend it!”—Night Owl Reviews “Top Pick.” Read more here.

“In a new book, Heal, dog lover and science journalist Arlene Weintraub conducts a brisk and often-moving tour of the frontier of comparative oncology. She describes cutting-edge research aimed at treatments for such ailments as lymphoma,  breast cancer,  and gastric cancer, the last of which took the life of Weintraub’s older sister, Beth, at the age of 47—a loss that animates the author’s account.” —BloombergBusiness.com. Read more here.

“Beautifully written and superbly researched, Heal makes a compelling case for increased collaboration between the human and veterinary medical fields. Engaging and emotional, Heal is an important book for scientists, animal lovers and anyone interested in the vulnerabilities  we humans share with animals.” —Dr. Barbara Natterson-Horowitz and Kathryn Bowers, co-authors of Zoobiquity

Heal is a fantastic read for anyone that loves dogs (and cats) and has wondered what    role animals should play in cancer research. Heal chronicles translational research in a way that is informative, understandable and heartwarming, making us cheer for cancer patients and the veterinarians that care for them.  An Emperor of All Maladies  for  dog lovers, this book distills the science of cancer research down to the compassion and love for animals that drive us to find better cancer treatments for animals and their humans. Heal explores our symbiotic relationship with the pets that we share our homes, our beds, our cancers and, hopefully, our cures with.” —Dr. Sarah Boston, author of Lucky Dog: How Being a Veterinarian Saved my Life

Heal is a very easy read of a complex problem: cancer, and how pet animal cancer can help solve cancer in all species. It contains an interwoven mix of stories from pet owners, veterinary scientists and the author’s own personal reflections of her sister’s gastric malignancy. The recurring theme is under recognition of the value of spontaneous cancer in pets as models for human disease. In a time when cancer research dollars are in decline and with historic dependency of cell culture and rodent modeling, it seems timely to consider a real life cancer model in pet animals to test new agents, devices and techniques. Pet owners and the veterinary community stand ready to engage in thoughtful, creative and humanely performed research to benefit all species.” —Stephen Withrow, Founder and Associate Director of the Colorado State University Flint Animal Cancer Center.


Dr. Nicole Ehrhart is a professor of surgical oncology at CSU’s Flint Animal Cancer Center.

Her research in canine bone cancer has revolutionized therapies for child patients, doubling survival rates for childhood osteosarcoma.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBUY6z3thtU

Dr. Andrew Jones shows you the top 5 most important Natural Remedies for treating Cancer in your dog.

Preview  Cancer In Dogs: 5 Natural Remedies

Preview  These dogs could be the new face of cancer treatment

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