It’s Poisonous to Humans.

American Scientists Confirm Toxic Graphene Oxide, and More, in Covid Injections.

BY RHODA WILSON ON AUGUST 30, 2021 • Listen Now 

Sarah Palin believes; why would anybody who hasn’t gotten sick in over a year want the virus, Why would anybody that had the virus get it <end.

I Agree With Her: It is a human right, and global law governed under the Nuremberg Code, that vaccine specific ingredient information is disclosed.  It is critical, required and necessary information so anyone, from any country in the world, can make an informed decision whether or not to consent to medical intervention. 

Because the full list of ingredients of the Covid “vaccines” have not been made available, Dr. Robert Young and his team conducted research to identify the specific ingredients in the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson Covid injections.  On 20 August, they published their findings.

Dr. Young is a biochemist, microbiologist, and clinical nutritionist. 

He and his team of scientists have confirmed what the La Quinta Columna researchers found – toxic nanometallic content which are magneticotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic to plants, insects, birds, animals and humans – all life on the planet.  One of the “vaccines” even contained life-threatening parasites. Taken together, the “vaccine” components – which include graphene oxide among many others and which may be influenced by radiation sources external to us – create a toxic chemical and radiative soup inside our bodies.  Anyone who has a Covid injection is seriously putting their lives at risk.

We previously covered some of La Quinta Columna’s research in two articles: Spanish Researchers Find Covid-19 Vaccines Contain TOXIC Levels of Graphene Oxide; and, The real pandemic – Covid-19 or Graphene Oxide? Poisonous Nano-Material found in Covid Vaccines and Face Masks. For additional resources visit Orwell City, a website that translates, transcribes and adds English subtitles to a good portion of La Quinta Columna’s materials.

“Vaccines” from the four major pharmaceutical companies were analysed by Dr. Young: Pfizer/BioNTech (“Pfizer”); Moderna/Lonza mRNA-1273 (“Moderna”); Vaxzevria by AstraZeneca (“AstraZeneca”); and, Janssen by Johnson & Johnson (“Janssen”).

Liposome capsids are fatty lipid capsules. We are told their purpose is to envelope the mRNA to protect the genetic material from breaking down before it has reached its target – our body’s cells.  All four Covid “vaccines” contain relatively high levels of graphene oxide but both the Pfizer and Moderna liposome capsids are 100% graphene oxide (after extracting the mRNA). 

Graphene oxide is cytotoxic, genotoxic, and magneticotoxic.  The image below shows the liposome capsid containing graphene oxide in the Pfizer “vaccine.” The liposome delivers the graphene oxide to specific organs, glands and tissues, namely: the ovaries and testes; bone marrow; heart; and, brain.

Liposome Capsid from the Pfizer Covid injection

Also found in the Pfizer injection was Trypanosoma cruzi – a parasite of which several variants are lethal and is one of many causes of acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS.  It’s not known if this was just a random ingredient or was purposefully placed and will be found in all Pfizer “vaccines.”

Trypanosoma parasite found in the so-called Pfizer “vaccine”

In the AstraZeneca “vaccines,” Dr. Young and his team identified histidine, sucrose, poly-ethylene glycol (“PEG”) and ethylene alcohol, which were also contained in the Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen Covid injections. PEG was the only adjuvant declared on the data sheet listing the ingredients of the AstraZeneca injection.

The injection of PEG and ethylene alcohol are both known to be carcinogenic and genotoxic.

Janssen also contains particles which are composed of stainless steel which are glued together with a “Carbon-based glue” of reduced graphene oxide.

A stainless-steel aggregation of carbon, oxygen, iron and nickel held together with graphene oxide found in the so-called Janssen “vaccine”

This aggregate is highly magnetic and can trigger pathological blood coagulation and the “Corona Effect” or the “Spike Protein Effect”

Cells on the left are healthy, concave. Cells on the right are hollow, not concave, they have lost their haemoglobin which is the “Spike Protein Effect” or “Corona effect”

Coagulation of the blood. On the left, white blood cells with lactic and citric acid crystals and pathological blood coagulation. On the right, blood analysis showing disseminated intravascular coagulation, thrombosis, immature neutrophils, the ‘Corona Effect’ and Acanthocytosis

The Moderna “vaccine” also contains many spherical foreign bodies with some bubble-shaped cavities. These highly toxic nano particulate composition are quantum dots of cadmium selenide which are cytotoxic and genotoxic. Quantum dots are semiconductor nanoparticles that glow a particular colour after being illuminated by light. The colour they glow depends on the size of the nanoparticle.  The black spots on the image below are graphene oxide.

Nano dots and graphene oxide found in the Moderna so-called “vaccine”

Dr. Young’s paper concludes, these Covid injections “are NOT vaccines but nanotechnological drugs working as a genetic therapy …

All these so-called “vaccines” are patented and therefore their actual content is kept secret even to the buyers, who, of course, are using taxpayers’ money. So, consumers (taxpayers) have no information about what they are receiving in their bodies by inoculation.”

Summary of undisclosed ingredients extracted from Dr. Young’s published scientific paper

According to Dr. Young an estimated 500 million people worldwide have already been injured, with potentially 35 million deaths, due to Covid injections. This is likely to increase in the coming months with people who have had two injections being  — thirteen times more likely to be injured, hospitalized or killed by the “Delta variant” compared to those with natural immunity. But what is actually causing the Covid “variants” and future “waves”?

The genetic code for the Spike Protein in the “vaccines” is computer generated, it is “man-made”, and can be easily altered.  And, the graphene oxide in the body’s tissues – brain, connective tissue, potentially in the muscles – will interact with pulsating frequencies within the 5G range, said Dr. Young, this will be what causes the next “wave” predicted in October.

Stop putting poison into your body, Dr. Young said, “these [Covid] inoculates are dangerous because the nano particulates can pass right through the blood-brain barrier, they can pass right through the air-blood barrier.  That’s why these inoculations are so dangerous.  It’s because the particulates break through: the blood-brain barrier, which is protected; the air-blood barrier; and, the testicular or ovarian-blood barrier.  The particulates go right in.” To poison the body in order to heal the body makes no sense – it is a failed narrative.

Dr. Young’s published scientific paper, Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines, can be read by following this LINK or in the pdf document as attached:Robert-Young-GrapheneOxideVaccinePaperUpdatedDownload

The paper is technical and those of us who have not made a career in science or medicine may struggle to understand its full implications. 

Dr. Young discussed his findings in depth during an interview which you can watch HERE.  Beginning at the one hour mark he works methodically through the paper’s highlights.  What he has to say is of enormous importance to us all. Whether we have had, are considering having or decline to have a Covid injection it’s worth taking the time to hear what he has to say.

Further reading:

Why would they put graphene oxide in the Covid injections?  At the end of July a Pfizer whistle-blower, Karen Kingston, confirmed there is undisclosed graphene oxide in the Covid injections.  She gives some insight as to the reason why which aligns with that given by Dr. Young.  You can watch Kingston’s interview HERE.

On 26 August, Japan announced it was suspending the use of the Moderna “vaccines” due to reports of contamination with “a substance that reacts to magnets … it could be metal.”

Previously all Covid injections had emergency use authorization only but on 23 August, for America, the FDA approved the Pfizer “vaccine”.  Last Wednesday in a second interview Kingston discussed the impact this approval had on disclosure of ALL ingredients, including those not previously disclosed:

Ex Pfizer employee turned whistleblower, Karen Kingston confirmed GRAPHENE OXIDE in COVID vaccines through her research. All of the researchers strongly agreed that THERE IS NO POSSIBLE REASON for a known toxic substance like GRAPHENE OXIDE to ever be injected into a human!!!  POISON CONFIRMED! Former Pfizer Employee Verifies Graphene Oxide in Covid Vaccines | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (


AUG 12 Posted by Editor, cairnsnews

Letter to the Editor

Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee, confirms covid vaxxxines are poisonous.
Nice of her to bring some science to the growing pile of bodies.

Karen Kingston former Pfizer employee now an analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries

Transcript of interview with Stew Peters:

Stew Peters: “Well we have gone back and forth with fact-checkers – some independent researchers who have attempted to debunk the findings of Spanish researchers called La Quinta Columna, originally broken here on the Stew Peters Show by Dr. Jane Ruby. That video revealing that graphene oxide, a toxic substance – a poison! was found in the Pfizer vaccines. Those researchers later found that the same applied to Moderna and AstraZeneca, is now being tested as a result of our reporting. The truth is here.

USA Today and Lead Stories, all funded by the cabal, were all over me, all over Dr. Jane Ruby, and out and out calling us liars for reporting those findings to the world in a video that has now soared over well I think about a million views on Rumble.

We have sought the input of many medical experts, world-renowned doctors, Dr. Jane Ruby, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr. David Martin, they have all confirmed that report. But despite all of that confirmation, the assaults on our truth continue.

On twitter, you may have recently been following the hashtag ‘pfizerleak’ [#pfizerleak]. We want to know what’s in them. We want to know if it was pre-planned. Who’s behind all of it. We want to know what to believe, so today we’re going to get the confirmation that we need.

It’s hard to fact-check documents. It’s hard to fact-check publicly discoverable propriotary ingredients. It’s hard to fact-check Karen Kingston. She is a former Pfizer employee, currently an analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries.

Karen, thank you so much for being here. We really appreciate your bravery. We admire your desire to expose the truth behind what appears to be, to me at least, one of the most, if not THE most, evil agenda mankind has ever been subject to.”

Karen Kingston @1:50: “Well, thank you for giving me a platform to share my findings and to spread the truth. And you’re right, it is extremely difficult to find this information and link it together. I do have a unique set of skills, this is what I do in the industry; I analyse intellectual property, the legal landscape, for both physicians, pharma and consumers, and then I’m also a scientific writer and do the clinical analysis as well. So you can’t expect everyone to have that skill set to find this information, and the truth is I’m – you know, the whole do your own research was born out of the reality that the mainstream media has been lying to us and big tech and social media have been blocking the truth. And that’s why people have had to do their own research.

And that’s – that violates our first amendment.”

SP: “Is graphene oxide in these shots?”

KK: “100% it is, and it’s irrefutable.”

Stew Peters @2:38:

“So, just lay it out there. Is graphene oxide in these shots?”

Karen Kingston: “100% it is, and it’s irrefutable. And I’ll walk you through it.

So, what’s really important to know is that all of the mRNA vaccines contain what’s called a PEGylated lipid nanoparticle. And that’s what we’re going to go through. So if you take a look at the Moderna patent, it says, right there, that this contains lipid nanoparticle formulation. And as you go through the patent, which I’ll show you, they specifically talk about various ingredients and various PEGylated formulations that have alpha-numeric codes. And then you can also find them in the filings with the FDA with the IND [investigational new drug] and phase 3 trials for both Moderna and Pfizer. And you can also find them, you know, across the pond with the UK filings. I hope that’s making sense so far.

So here’s the important thing about the patent. I read the patent; it’s 193 pages plus attachments. And I read the patent to look for graphene oxide. It is not listed in the patent because it is a trade secret. So remember Bill Gates saying that there was a trade secret? Trade secrets are not, you know, privy to the public, so they cannot be in the patent. So graphene oxide is not listed in the patent, and it lists everything BUT that. But I’m still going to show you evidence that these contain graphene oxide and the patent in China that shows they contain graphene oxide.”

Stew Peters: “So let me just ask you, why would they put every other ingredient on the patent, with the exception of the standalone, graphene oxide? Why would they not put that on there?”
Karen Kingston: “I would say the number one reason is because it’s poisonous to humans and well-known that it’s poisonous to humans.

Yeah, and the other reason is because it is the main ingredient in hydrogel, which is the liquid, you know, AI template that’s used for some of Elon Musk’s, you know, research and Bill Gates, as far as that creating an interface between humans and, you know, the internet, if you will.”
Stew Peters: “So there is a legitimate theory that these shots are actually designed to create some sort of connectivity between humans, 5G – whatever this is, controlling your thoughts, your memories, all of these things, I mean, those are realistic and plausible possibilities?”

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FACT CHECK: Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Contains Poisonous Graphene Oxide, ‘Confirms’ Spanish Professor (
Bonus Link: 19 Ways to Survive a Breakup and Come Out Stronger | Greatist

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