Pancreas’ and Thyroid Cancer

   The pancreas an organ  in  the  upper abdomen  located beneath the      stomach and adjacent to the first portion of the  small intestine  called        the  duodenum.   The  most  common  cancer  of  this  type  are  called adenocarcinoma of the pancreas  amongst the most agressive type of all cancers.

  By the time  pancreatic cancer  is  diagnosed most people  already  have   disease that has spread through out distant sites in the body and probably      is  the  most  difficult  to  harness.  With  very  little  curative  options and treatment,   the best preventive measures is to abstain from smoking  and  drinking excessively of  alcoholic intake.   (T Gen Research Institute.)        Global Cure!!!!

  The thyroid gland located  in front of the neck  and just below the so called  Adams Apple and is shaped like a butterfly. It’s function that it discretes the hormone that helps regulate the way in which we use energy and this helps your body function normally.  Experts really don’t know the exact cause of thyroid cancer,   however,   being  exposed  to  radiation   (especially from    dental xrays is a concern.)

   Medullary  thyroid cancer  can be also caused by a change or alteration in       a gene called RET. A blood test can detect an altered RET Gene and a doctor  may recommend  frequent lab test  or  surgery to remove the thyroid before cancer developes (and yes…. you can live without a thyroid comfortably.)

  A preventive measure  one  must  always  consider  is  the  amount  of  the    Iodine one maintains  in their diet. The thyroid  needs  Iodine to  manifest   the hormone that makes it function and in the Great Lakes region. Known as  the goiter belt….  a greater number  of thyroid cancer  is reported because of  less Iodine consumed in those people that live there.  How ‘Bout Laetrile?

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