z -The Lord is Risen

Image may contain: text                               I don’t run from it, I embrace it, it fuels me, it drives me to be something/someone better.

Depression is like a wildfire, you can sit there and burn with everything/everyone. Or you can rise up from the ashes, stronger and smarter. I hate what goes on in my head. It may not seem like it…. but    there’s always a reason to keep on going. 

I hate the shell of a person I am. Let it GO!!!

You really cannot run from what’s in your head, I have been there many times and it’s hard. But there is one thing you can do give it to the Lord and he will carry you through.

1. Drive around the city at night time listing to calming music (like “MercyMe”)

2. Take long naps

3. Cry in silence or pretend your numb

4. Run/walk around or yell

5. Eat food and watch movies

6. Lay in my bed listing to music in a comfortable position and think

7. Fighting/ punching a punching bag

You can’t run away from anything that’s inside you. All you can do is with effort, replace the BS with better thoughts and ideas. It takes work but it is possible. That’s easy control your thoughts. If you didn’t have control you wouldn’t attempt to think of an answer to this post. U don’t run u can’t run u just have to put them a side be positive be optimistic then go back to them once your in a better mind set and then deal with it…  it takes time Rome wasn’t built in a day. And you will see a whole different side of life. As you        will almost feel reborn. And that first taste of freedom will be amazing.
AS I promise.. U can’t experience true happiness without going through true pain..
I can’t say my mind has healed 1,000% … But after making a list of things that seem to really make a difference in relieving my anxiety and tension, releasing stress. I have felt    and seen a huge change in my overall health. Its a matter of hard earned relaxation. Meditation, music, or just try to smoke it out💨🍃😉 which doesn’t work.
Going for a walk, or reading a book outdoors on a sunny day 🙂 I honestly feel the difference its been making. I also ride a bicycle on a regular basis as to relieve most stress before pursuing my next step 🙂   I have struggled with my thoughts  and feelings for a very long time. Doing any of these things. . .  listed, I always feel a calm I know will never change. And I found comfort in that 🙂 Music helped me   You’d love Evanescence’s first album. Did wonders for me. Particularly the song “Everybody’s Fool”. Amy’s voice is so pure … you might like Julia Michaels – IssuesLady Gaga – Million Reasons,  “I get so scared” by Miley Cyrus!!!
I tell myself that “the only way out” isn’t the actual way and that it would only spread the pain on rather than ending it.  Had some hiccups here and there,  however,  my scars are  reminders of what it means to be strong. Keep fighting my friends. Also always and always hang on to your faith. I don’t know where I would’ve been ~now~ if I had given up on my faith in God. If spirituality, prayer, and faith isn’t your kind of thing. You are strong and you are totally right. With no balance, no focus, no room to hide, and even worst you can’t control the fear inside of you. People won’t want to be around you, and won’t listen or being hearing you asking for Help.
Demons of the mind quake in fear when you laugh. Happiness is their kryptonite! Confidence knocks the living daylights out of them! Let the light shine upon you, make peace with your past and accept you cant change it. I’m so very sorry life has given you these awful demons. They will never go away, you just need to learn to live with them as best you can.  Never could I just learned to live with myself and go forward that’s all you can do. As you get older all of that stuff is irrelevant and you realize there are more important things that make up your life then the thoughts and regrets in your head
You can write your feelings down everyday, and never have to read it again.
Listen to instrumentals,  0r songs that make you happy  or   that make you sad so you     can cry it all out until your eyes hurt. Take a peaceful relaxing walk through the nicest neighborhood, or park. Talk to someone you trust, you can even talk to yourself. That helped me through those days.
Because yep its true…you can only control your thoughts and how they make you feel. WE cant get away from our heads unfortunately. So Just have to try train the head and make it our friend I guess. And just keep on thinking about happy positive memories and good times. So talk to that trusted friend and let the good times roll on and listen to your favorite music
The solution is not to run from your thoughts, but rather to sit still with them.
Face them and with total honesty with yourself (#1) try to get to the root of those thoughts. Something I learned in Buddhist meditation: misery has the same intensity as bliss. If I sit with the miserable thought and connect with that intensity, I hold onto just that, and flip my thinking to something that makes me happy. I literally feel that happiness with the same intensity. This takes practice, but even a few moments of intense happiness a few times a day can turn your thoughts around. Misery and happiness are just opposite sides of the same coin. You just gotta flip it over. 

Image result for namaste yo honro el lugar dentro de ti

Thereby go to sleep and let your subconscious deal with it. your brain will either deal with the problem or repress it more. The more the problem bothers you the more your mind is forced to find a solution.. So stop crying over it and find its rot cause. If you have anxiety is like mine… your mind will force itself to deal with the past. Because it knows if it doesn’t it will continue to hurt itself.
Sounds crazy….huh. But i was literally waking up with an answer in a more relaxed state. SO if you have anxiety your mind will try to keep whatever the feeling you for a defense mechanism. Tell your mind I’m too old for this shit and try not to run the other way!!!
  I probably sound cracked out but your mind. Ego is a very real thing!!! So Dig deep and remember all the things that make you feel the way you do. And try NOT to run from them face the problem head on. Therefore I hope i don’t sound too crazy because after asking the Lord to help get over my grudges it worked for me im dealing with it. When it comes to  Anxiety its a whole lot better to walk towards the issues then to runaway. If you keep thinking this way you will have no choice and those thoughts they wiLL clash with them you. So its just a matter of  dealing with the problem, depending on what happened it may take days… weeks… years only you know the pain inside of you.  .. so that part is subjective.
Take it from somebody that’s been through a lot of The thoughts in my own mind. Never allow the negative inside stay positive and think nothing positive comes from being negative. And remember universal thoughts will make your wish come true. Your desires in time will appear so don’t be in a hurry they happen when the time is given. So Find peace in your mind that in the given time it wiLL happen. Sometimes it’s better to wait and listen to the lesson and ask God for what you want then be ungrateful that it happen to quickly. Depression is like the County jail: a place that takes away all your unwanted desires and leaves you the lessons learned from those desires … God bless.
You have to remember: they the powers that be, the 1 to 3% of the population that controls all the rest of us, through their laws and aristocracies. Fear not:  If You don’t stand up and face it …just like anything you FEAR those FEARS can turn on you in the worse of ways. Surround yourself with friends because friends are like elevators some will build u up and some will take you down. But in order to go up u need to leave the ones trying to take u down.
Also remember: You don’t you have to learn how to deal with everything  is going on in your head. You can’t get rid of it you have to think about it all and try to make the right decision that is best for you.  Many things can make enough noise to stop hearing those voices. But nothing but Christ can make them shut up.  In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul. Psalms 94:19 KJV
REMEMBER to  embrace what’s in your head there is not such thing as running from it. That’s why people use drugs instead of knowing the truth about facing certain fears and roadblocks that aren’t what they seem.    It’s hard for most people who are taught to live and think a certain way and they actually abide by it. Training your brain to be limited in scope, thought and self actions leads to problems like this. It’s 1 million things that can help it starts with being alone.
You have Two LIFE choices
1. You control your own thoughts and life.
2. Or it controls you.
Though my past experience, I’m in control of my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being
Learn to express your thoughts its the best way  to find someone that wants to listen and understands your problem. That’s why we have Therapy you can go to ~ which is one way of dealing with depression. Another way to do it is to write it down;  its a way you can discover what is troubling you as you read those thoughts later. A lot of times you think these thoughts but its not until you acknowledge them that you can deal with the problem holding you down.
REMEMBER: You cant run from your thoughts but you can replace them with other thoughts. I had this problem for yrs. But then i began to read the Bible which iS the Word of God. In the Bible: the Book of Roman ch 12 verse 2 instructs us, dont be conformed to this world & its THINKING but be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING of your MIND.
So that you can know & prove the Good & acceptable will of God. When we put the Word of God into our minds it pushes the junk & negative thinking out & replaces it with positive clear & happy thoughts. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Johns Gospel Ch 15 verse 3 Jesus explains Now ye are clean through the Words ( Bible ) which i have spoken unto you. How we THINK will ultimately determine how we live. POWERFUL WORDS.
So You don’t run. You take control over it before it does you. Slowly but surely you will get through it. Some days are harder than others. You embrace it, you feel it, you cry, you scream, you pray, you do not run away. You face it. You speak positivity into everything. You overcome everything you thought you couldn’t. You FORGIVE. AND YOU FORGIVE YOURSELF. Learn how to love yourself and learn to be alone without feeling lonely. You keep going, because life doesn’t stop for anyone. Not me or you. You do what YOU LOVE to do. You do what makes YOU HAPPY. You treat yourself, and cut off any negative people that serves you no good with negative vibes. Most importantly DON’T GIVE UP.
  You have to look at these issues as a bully to be confronted. Depression, addiction, jealousy, insecurity and those fears that are literally an abusive relationship with yourself. You tell it to shut up and sit the hell down and you don’t take any crap. So Clear Your Head AND Do What Is Right.  And All Will Be Well With You ALL..
Through aLL of Life trials and tribulations that comes my way, I hold on to the promises Jesus our Lord will carry you through the most difficult circumstances that life can throw at you, if you will trust in Him.
Just Saying T.Y.L.F.A…means THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL.