Becoming A Cancer Survivor

    In this blog post which I gradually seek out  cancer survivor stories         and how,  they decided to make a difference in a proactive way. Telling    their stories to others by either developing a website, facebook page so    they could make a difference to others. It’s my belief  “if ” one is willing         to talk about it they might learn  from others, thereby, either being the messenger or providing a message to others with awareness.

    MY  first  installment  is  Sharon Blynn,   Ovarian Cancer Survivor;      whom has been cancer  free since January 2003.  Being the host of the      PBS Documentary, The Whisper:  The Silent Crisis of  Ovarian Cancer,         she also  founded the website Bold is   She wants to send            a message to women they can “flip the script,” on  the many traumatic aspects of the cancer experience.

  Atlanta Beer Distributor;  Howard Young,  whom  at 42 years old in     2002. He beat the odds stating that 75% of  pancreatic cancer patients        die  within the  first year  of  this  virtual  death  sentence.  Seeking the expertise  of  Dr. Daniel Von Hoff,  at  the  TGen Research Institute  in Phoenix, Arizona. They believe starving the  cancer of  it’s  fuel source Glutamine shuts off the fuel source for cell division.

    Leiomyosarcoma Survivor: Donna Lyn Giegerich of New Jersey, whom   back  in  October 2006,   developed  right  flak  pain  toward  her back  was diagnosed  with  4  in a million  rare  cancer set.  After  being  examined  by Hematology ~ Oncology of  Central New Jersey.  She was told to get filmed     at Meridan Healthcare  in Red Bank, New Jersey.  After which she endured      a 10 hour complex cancer surgery, general radiation, cyberknife radiation and chemotherapy  for a year.

   Another cancer  that can be  tough to treat  is mesothelioma,  however,      for  Heather von St. James  of  Minnesota  whom  endured the test of time. She battled through it with the assistance of her loving husband Cameron and the team  from Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston. Coming out  on top today she provides answers to cancer to those whom contact her.

  Nashville  resident  and  lung cancer survivor;  Jenny White  is  a  living  example of  battling and beating the odds. While being the Director of  the Tennessee  Lung  Cancer  Alliance  Chapter,  she  has  the  opportunity  to shine a light on Lung Cancer  by  being  a living example.  A Startling  fact    is  80 percent of  those diagnosed with lung cancer are people that never smoked  or former  smokers who quit decades ago.

     Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation  started after successfully beating  lung  cancer  herself  in 2006.  Her purpose was giving something  back helping other patients  NOT become a victim themself.  The  facts are that every year 1.4 million people world wide die of lung cancer and that’s 450 people daily.  With  only 15%  of  those diagnosed survive  past 5 years making it the deadliest cancer globally.

    Ivelisse PageChairman  and Co – Founder of  Believe Big,  also being diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer in 2008.  Statistically  she  had  less than  8 percent chance of  survival,  however,  four years  later  she’s  still cancer  free.  In 2011,  Ivelisse  established  “Believe Big”  to  help  families navigate their own cancer journey  by providing the tools  and  resources they need to advocate  for their own health.

    Nick Koulouvarius  being  an  esophagael cancer survivor  since  2002         went  another route  with  a  very different story  being told.  Following his Oncologist supervision:  Dr. Hitesh Patel  fought  his  cancer  with  both the traditional…. chem/radiation….  along  with  alternative  means. When the cancer recurred  after having 40% of  his stomach  ~  60% of  his esophagus removed  Nick believing in the alternative turned to Cell Quest.

     Carla Shuford,  whom in 1958; at the age of 15 years old was diagnosed  with Osteogenic Sarcoma that which also metastasized to her lymph nodes. Osteogenic Sarcoma, the second most common type of primary bone cancer which typically presents itself in the leg or shoulder,  Since  the  time  of  her diagnosis:  Carla has dedicated her life…. with one promise of  following the Gershon Therapy to the letter.   Happy 70th Birthday… April 21… Carla!!

   Two Time Leukemia Survivor: Derrick Lucous has a telling story of faith personified and was  first diagnosed when he was 5 years old.  Having been  pronounced cured… at 10 years old…  it wasn’t until his junior year in high school that he had the leukemia flare up again.  With a thought of a broken collar bone,  after x-rays and blood test nothing showed up.  It wasn’t until  a  bone marrow test  did  he  findout the truth  and  a lucky break  from  his brother whom was a perfect match to be a marrow transplant. Today he is again considered a survivor with his motto:  live like your dying.

  Intravenous Vitamin C,  when Donna Gudauskas  of  Cherry Hill,  N.J., was  diagnosed  with  colon cancer  December 2007.   She  had  surgery  to remove the tumor, however, didn’t want chemotherapy/radiation and the harsh side effects  that comes it.  Switching to an organic diet,  nutritional supplements  and  began receiving 45 grams  of  IVC  (equal  to  500 ~ 600 oranges worth.)  While  Dr. Allan Magaziner  &  Dr. Scott Greenberg  are advocates  of  this at  Magaziner Center of  Wellness  had  levels  of  success  treating cancer…. the  Brind Institute at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA….  is a worthy option.

   In the  film out presently “The Cause Is The Cure,” patients who overcame explain the  fears, decisions and their other experiences. While  fighting this notorious dis-ease  that is cancer without the use of  conventional therapies. Andrea Thompson  the  founder  of  Moving Beyond Ministries  and cervical cancer survivor,  whom was given one year  to live “if ” she didn’t choose  to  do chemotherapy or radiation.

     After learning the principles of  Maximized Living  she knew she was in    the  right  place.   Maximized  Living  which  has  a  health  program  called,  The 5 Essentials  that  focuses on restoring health,  reducing stress through nutrition,  nerve supply  and  detoxicity.  Dr.  Ben Lerner,  New York Times  best – selling author  and co –  founder of  Maximized Living states,  making proactive intelligent choices  and  life – style changes.  The  average  person can significantly reduce their risk  factors  (The Cancer Killers.)

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