Oxidative Stress Impact on the Human Body

   This blog post may not make sense once you read it,  however,  once you look through the links;  research it  for yourself  it will become crystal clear. Within the human body a wide array of  events occur that produces chronic inflammation.  Predispose  susceptible  cells  to  neoplastic  transformation, in general, the longer inflammation persist, the higher risk  for cancer.

    This  inflammatory  process  may  induce  DNA  mutations  in  cells  via   oxidative/nitrosative  stress.  This condition occurs when the generation of free radicals and active intermediates in a system that exceeds the system’s ability  to neutralize  and  eliminates  the culprits.  Inflammatory  cells  and  cancer cells….  themselves produce  “free radicals”  and  soluble  mediators, such as metabolites of  arachidonic acid,  cytokines  and chemokines.

     Which act by further producing reactive species, these in turn, strongly recruit  inflammatory  cells  in  a  vicious  cycle.  Reactive  intermediates  of   oxygen  and  nitrogen may directly oxidize DNA,  or  may interfere with the  mechanisms  of  DNA  repair.  These reactive substances  may  also  rapidly react with proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.

    Thereby,  having the derivative products inducing a high perturbation     in the intracellular or intercellular hemostatic until DNA mutation occur. The  main  substances also linking inflammation to cancer… via oxidative/   nitrosative  stress are prostaglandins  and  cytokines  which can suppress  the immune system.

    The effectors  are  represented  by an imbalance  between  pro-oxidants and  antioxidants  enzyme  activities  (lipoxygenase,  cyclooxygenase,  and phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase), hydroperoxides  and lipoperoxides,  aldehydes  and  peroxnitrite.  This  review  focalizes  on  the  intricate events by discussing the relationship occurring among oxidative/ nitrosative/metabolic stressinflammation  and cancer pathways.

     While oxidative stress causes cancer  those  same  free radical assaults can damage the eye and the rest of the body as well.  One key preventive is consuming a healthy diet while avoiding exposure to pollution, chemicals, smoking  and  ultra violent radiation.  While  free  radical  production can occur  with normal daily metabolism some risk  factors can be reduced by     a diet  filled with antioxidant  foods.

     So what people need to know  to prevent  cancer  as  well  as  cataracts which  is  easier  to understand  is  to  follow  a  healthy diet.  That includes colorful   fruits  and  vegetables  enriched  with  antioxidant  vitamins  and phytochemicals  found  in  them.  Along  with  a  moderate consumption of  fish high in omega – 3 fatty acid. While also avoiding those  food additives, sugary snacks & soft drinks, reducing sodium & fried greasy  fast  foods to help you avoid cataract surgery and cancer in your  future!! 

    Antioxidants  are very beneficial  as  they  help  to boost energy while  reversing the aging process  and  nourishing skin by supplying purifying agents  into the blood.  Playing a vital role  in  preventing chronic disease with my personal  favorite being Zeal  for Life. What Wild Berry  flavored blend does besides tasting great…  is give me a boost each morning before riding  my  bicycle.  If  it  wasn’t   for  this  product  no – way  could  I  ride    18 miles  without so much a sunburn  while losing the weight  I want to    lose by the 4th of  July.      For Q & A Contact:  Peggy Easterwood

Metabolic  Effect  of  Exercise!!!!

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