Sacred Geometry

   How come we have an eye within the middle of our brain. That absolutely no doctor  wants to talk about?  How come ‘sacred geometry’  isn’t taught in detail in our school system?

   How come chakras and kudalini aren’t discussedand if  it goes against the established dogma,  it is then condemned immediately  and you are cast out into the label of  crazies?

Jill from Wexford, Ireland…  isn’t about established dogma it’s about sharing the view points and options you have  for treatments of  cancer. Hopefully, by being  made aware  you won’t get the dreadful disease.  ‘Sacred Geometry,’   is the area  in the brain  found to be  instrumental in the mind ~ body connection, such  as  the limbic system  and  the amygdala;  which  affects  the nervous, endocrine and immune system.

   Engaging anecdotes  (e.g. individuals  who  have  right  side  prefrontal cortex dominance patterns and negative emotion have greater decreases     in their natural killer cell activity.)  Stress  is the absence of  homeostatis     or imbalance in the harmonious working of  the organism,  which results    in the body’s concerted effort to re-establish that balance.

    The stress response  triggers  the  release of  powerful  hormones  that generate arousal  or anxiety.   For example:   in humans,  elevation  of  the chemical stress pathway  (glucocorticoids….. tends  to  be associated with depression,  whereas the electrical stress pathway  (epinephrine)  is more frequently correlated with anxiety.)

     The discrete differences….. in  the  hormonal response  to acute stress compared  with chronic stress.  Demostrates  chronic  stress  is destructive    to  health,  creating  an  unremitting  suppression  of  the  immune  system. Apoptosis is the end ~ stage of chronic stress which is programmed cellular death,  whereas humans  are  literally capable  of  worrying  themselves  to death. 

    Since the 1950’s,  researchers have succeeded in unraveling the precise sequence of  hormonal reaction that occur during acute and chronic stress responses.  The term  ‘theta healing system’  was coined  because  the effect naturally occurs when the body is relaxed enough…. to allow  the  mind  to enter  a state of  equanimity.  Most probably occurring  at  the transitional   point between an EEG reading of  Alpha and that of  Theta.

    While  the sequences of  hormonal release  can  not  yet  be  determined,      the  theory is substantiated  with research on hormones  inducing states of  tranquility.  As evidence  by meditation,  deep relaxation  that leads to and maintains physical health. The ‘theta healing system’  is the first theory set forth that explains  ‘why’   deep relaxation is beneficial to a calm mind.

    Therefore,  activating the  ‘theta healing system’  requires  participation   of  both mind ~ body in some type of  relaxation therapy.  Specific hormones comprising this system, includes endogenous benzodiazapines, anandamide (and other endogenous cannabinoids), melatonin, N,N-dimethyltryptamine. Which  is quite possibly  the chemicals responsible  for the  experience that’s  described as spiritual or inner peace.

      It’s the pineal gland,  not pituary gland  that’s  the body’s master gland and presents the pineal gland  as the physiological core site of  the interface. Between which exists outside the body and the hormonal electrical cascades that  are  experienced  as  thought,  emotions  or  spiritual in nature.  It’s  the pineal gland  that is the master gland of  the endocrine system, that converts light, temperature, magnetic environmental  functions into neuroendocrine signals regulating and orchestrating bodily  function.

    Such as regulating our biological clock,  determining  our  daily  sleep ~ wake patterns and influencing our broader lifetime rhythms. It’s the pineal gland that is draped in ancient lore as the mysterious third eye  and the site of  our  six  sense.  Curiously,   it  may  well  be  the   ‘physiological  interface between the mind  and  body connection  and subtle energy experience that transcend the  five senses.

     In brief,  while  the pineal gland  is  the  energy transducer  that  sends hormonal  and  electrical messages  throughout the body.  The chakras,  as described  in  eastern  religious  and  medical  systems,  may be  the  energy transducers  for subtle energy.  Therefore,  various  forms of energy,  such  as  light,  sound,  electromagnetism  and  the  putative  energy  behind  the healing effects of  prayer  are  translated  into  the electrical  and  chemical signals within our bodies.

     According  to  Eastern Medical Systems,  the  body   contains channels through  which  flows an invisible,  but nutritive energy called  ‘chi,  which loosely translated means vital energy or life force. Furthermore,  there is a purported energy surrounding the body,  referred to  as subtle energy  and transcends  the  faculities of  the  five senses (it’s  taken  into  the  body  via openings called chakras.)

   Thereby, translated into a  form of  energy the body uses at the cellular   level. Just as the pineal gland is the energy transducer for environmental information,  the chakras  are  the  energy transducers  for subtle energy. Subtle energy is a healing energy that everyone can learn to perceive and utilize  the  foundation  of   integral  physiological  uniting  the  enormous contributions  of  Western Medicine with the profound insight of  Eastern Systems of  Health. 

    The Fountain 0f  Youth:  look all over China where they have lasting longevity,  being  some of  the longest lived people  on the planet.  Also a place  where  they  practice  AcupunctureBiogeometry,  Chi Nei Tsung,     Jin Shin DoJin Shin Jyutsu,  OhashiatsuQigongReflexologyReiki, Thought field therapy  and Yuen Method.

     Besides all that  for the sake of  health:  they ride bicycles  and  they          ride everywhere,  which  is  a  habit  I picked up this summer.  Bicycling  helps to keep the heart muscle strong and hip muscles working properly. The vital heart muscle  helps keep the heart expansions moving strongly  and  the hip muscle  keeps your back  feeling  free of  pain.  Which keeps      you active  ~  so your entire being works in unison longer.

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