Compassion In the World

  Since the early 1960s, United States regulatory agencies have become increasingly  stringent  in  their  requirements  for  a  treatments  proof        of  effectiveness.  According  to  Ralph Moss,  the  numbers  of  clinics  in Mexico having increased in the 1970s because of the interest in Laetrile, however, the popularity of these clinics began to decline in the Mid 80’s     and many have since declined.

   This  decline  caused  by  the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), passed in the 1990’s by the Clinton Administration. Amongst   other  things  NAFTA  allows the United States,  Canada  and Mexico to   work together to take action against cross – border health care  fraud.       The three countries banded together in 1994 to form a Mexico-Canada- United States  fraud  work  group.  Much  has  been  said  about  cancer patients going  to Mexico to be treated successfully, however, their has     been conflicting reports as well.

    In 2004,  United States  and Mexican authorities worked together to        shut down yet another Tijuana Clinic. The owners were based in Bonita     (in San Diego County), where they were charged with  fraud. In separate cases,  the Clinic where Coretta Scott King was treated  in 2006  was shut down  by  Mexican authorities. When  Mrs. King  died shortly after given  an unauthorized procedure.

   Therefore, when contemplating traveling to Mexico always remember      to  do  your  research  or  risk  being  subjected to potentially hazardous regimens,  especially be weary  if  they  postpone medical care. Through    out all my research: I have come to realize like here in the United States, some clinics are better than others …so by all means do your homework.

    Also  another red  flag  for me  is  while  in  Mexico  the  rate of  cancer incidences…. are a  fraction of  ours. When given their standard of living doesn’t  match  that  of  The United States.  This tells me cancer screening      in Mexico may be less common than here in the United States. So always remember what is ours, maybe not even close to being their lifestyle and   that some clinics in Mexico  may  use  responsible science based methods   others may not?

   Also  as  you  travel  the  globe  looking  for  alternatives  through  the  usage of the internetEach countries incidence rates  are  different  and    one might  be best serve  to  ask  themselves the reason  for it.  As I travel through the internet searching for the Answers  for Cancer.  I  find many that’s trying to decide what’s right  for them and what I’m learning what works  for one may indeed not work  for the other person.

   What this experience has done  for me is change my view of the world     and the people in it.  What  the worlds people  have  in common  is stress, work, bad diet and no exercise. Not having enough hours in a day makes   the world revolve:

   Human Kind has not woven the web of life, we are but a thread within. Whatever  we  do  to  that  web,  we do to ourselves…. as all things bound   together…. all things connect.                — Chief  Seattle….

    Also through Radical Forgiveness,  food, herbs, the environment and           at  peace spiritual side. I see cancer being cured,  its through awareness, meditation that gives you the strength to make the changes to necessitate     a positive outcome. When you handout answers you gain them in return, while also asking yourself what have I done to help is a strong medicine.

   Through the Gerson Therapy which is a great body cleanse, not saying       it  works  for  cancer.  Through  Coffee Enemas and lemon/ginger infused water making for a powerful pain management regime. With people and  food  working  in  synergy  (orange juice  +  oatmeal,  turmeric  +  pepper, tomatoes  +  broccoli,  green tea  +  lemon,  raspberries  +  raw cocao  and peanut butter + wheat bread, raw organic raspberries + walnuts, garlic+ hemp oil + turmeric + pepper + ginger mixed and chick peas + beet root.)   We all work well …when we work in synergy. Thanks Again… Lene Maria!!!  


This  Guy  is  Awesome  With  Deep  Deep  Meditation  and  Subliminal  Messages!!!

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