Be Careful Out There

    When  I  see  what  is  being  stated  on  the  internet  about  monitoring         your pH balance closely with limited red meat  and sugar. While  drinking alkaline water  and sticking to an organic diet.  Then I get comments  from people like Linda G.  Robinson who informs me her mother did all that and  still came down with and passed away with a glioblastoma multiforme.

   Her belief  when you live near a toxic dump cancer is environmentally based, living in a cancer cluster site in Shelby Twp., Michigan. She warns that her mother died still after doing all of  the above  from a brain tumor. While living  within a  4 mile radius of  a  Ford Visteon plant which closed down because of  contamination.

    Being we live in a dirty filthy country polluted from over 100 years of  Industrialized Living.  One must always consider  it  a good thing to give  yourself a gentle detox twice a year. While also getting your full plate of antioxidants in your diet.  As  we  also hear Dr. Earthman  Eric Plott talk about Moringa Oleifera as an option worth researching.

Natural  forces within us are true healers of  disease  ~Hippocrates.~

  This Will Become The Impetus Of Spiritual teachings to help humanity understand themselves more deeply  and transform their creative self  in alignment  with  Divine  Love.  The  Higher  Self  Teachings  are  a  unique spiritual path  that  will  align  you  directly with your Higher Self within, increasing the experience of Divine Love,  peace and creative power.

     In this instructional video you will learn how water  fasting can help   you.  Very Detailed Instructions about Water Fasting and Detoxification Water fasting is nature’s oldest natural health cure.  People also  fast  for spiritual reasons, mental health benefit, emotional healing, and physical detoxification.  Learn  how you can safely  and  effectively perform water fasts ranging  from 1 day to even 40 days.

   The video begins by speaking about how to effectively perform a water fasting,  starting  with a simple  one day water fast  and then adding days  with later fasts. The length of water fasts must increase gradually at  first   to allow the body  to adapt to deeper detoxification.  Know  when  to  keep fasting and when to stop. Learn how the body’s physiology changes as the length of  the  fast increases. 

    Then the instruction moves onto the use of  detoxification aids such as enemas,  colonics,  internal  salt  water  baths,  dry brushing,  far infrared saunas  and  other supportive tools  and techniques.  Learn why stretching and mild exercise are necessary when  fasting.  Finally  learn how to break     a water fast by choosing correct foods. Understand why eating some foods after a  fast c an cause your body harm.  Know  how  quickly  to  return  to eating solid  foods.

    We understand that  fasting is nature’s way of allowing your body to cleanse  and heal itself,  and realize that rest is paramount to the success    of  the process.  Tanglewood Wellness Center  is  a  water  fasting  retreat that provides beautiful, clean, quiet, and comfortable surroundings that foster the deep rest and introspection that allow  for true healing.

FACT SHEET: Interesting USES OR BENEFITS OF MORINGA…  India,  where the Moringa tree is said to have originated, some eat it three times daily.  India’s ancient tradition  of ayurveda medicine sites 300 diseases that are treated. The claim is that   leaves are used as a remedy for diarrhea, dysentery and colitis.

 Here is an ongoing list, researchers claim are prevented cured or treated by Moringa
*CURES 300 diseases:
*TREATS many illnesses and conditions:
upset stomach, cancer, gastric ulcers, skin diseases, lowers blood sugar, increases bone density, nervous conditions, diabetes,  fatigue,  increase lactation,  hay fever,  impotence,  edema,  cramps,  hemorrhoids,  headaches,  sore gum, strengthens eyes, brain, gall, digestive, respiratory system, is a blood cleanser and builder. This never die tree gives    relief from high blood pressure,  stroke,  heart disease,  obesity,  cholesterol, cancer, lupus, arthritis, auto-immune diseases, glaucoma, blindness, skin diseases, prostate enlargement & prostate cancer, hepatitis, M.E., depression,     S.A.D, chronic fatigue and irritable bowel syndrome.

 Moringa seeds.*ON PlottPalmTrees.Com , pills sold are marketed for: Flatulence • Toothache • Circulatory tonic • Nervous debility •Intermittent fever •Spleen enlargement •Skin infection •Kidney stone •Rheumatism •Diabetes •Arthritis/Gout •Anti-ulcer •Anti-cancer  •Anti-cholesterol   •UTI •Tumor/blood clotting •Anemia  •Children’s vit and vege cap •Constipation/LBM • Diuretic and tonic   •Homeostasis •Insomnia  •Anemia  •Anti-tumor  >Anti Cancer  •Anti-inflammatory  •Detoxification • while it Normalizes Body sugar  •Strengthens immune system  •Normalizes blood pressure  •Vision improvement  improving wound healing •Reduces fine lines/wrinkles  •Improves digestion  •Increases energy  •Fatty liver •Appetite suppressant Milk enhancer •Natural antibiotic •Mild stroke •Dysmenorrheal •High blood •Scurvy  • Boosts male potency

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