It’s about positive thoughts  you have to believe what you’re doing…. it’s the  Placebo Effect.  You have to have Faith  and remember it takes time  for  your body to heal.  Sometimes  people  have to give their specific treatment enough time to work.  Sometimes it takes six months to two years  for most cancer patients to become cancer  free depending upon the type.

    The hardest part  about healing  is the choices you have,  should I go the  conventional route  or do the alternative  and you do not know what choice is the correct one. So that is the confusing part of  the journey.  Listening to your inner voice  and  letting  that  guide   you.  The  choices  are  numerous indeed to start with and some are complicated to research.

    What’s  out  there  are  The Native American Way of  Healing,  Ayurveda, Reif  Machine,  Hulda Clark, Hoxey Treatment, Essiac Tea, Gerson Therapy, High Does Vitamin C  Therapy.  Also Essential Oils,  Aloe Vera Juice,  Ozone Therapy  and Oxygen Chamber.  Not  to  mention  the Modified Gerson Diet and Liposomal Vitamin C contradicting The Budwig Protocol.

   Making it even more conflicting  is when you hear  Aloe Vera Juice and Baking  Soda  and  water  lowering  potassium  levels.  Will  one  treatment counter balance another,  also  how about exercise  which is beneficial and which is not.  Does it take the vigorous exercise of  swimming,  bicycling or bouncing on a trampoline to provide lymphasizing  ( keep the lymph  fluid flowing in the lymphatic system.)

    This  all  said  which  is best  for everybody  and  a good starting point in your individual protocol. Listening to my inner being  from all my research, I  would  do  a  parasite  cleanse,  Aloe Vera Juice  for its  anti inflammatory, viral and  fungal properties  with  Green Vegetable Juice and Essiac Tea  for a gentle detox. Adding Jason Winters Classical Blend Tea, Alvita Pau d’arco Tea with Red Clover,  Pacific Yew Tea and CanGest Tea once a day with also a good  form of  digestive enzymes and Hemp Seed Heart  for plant protein.

In  my research  the number one reason for cancer  and an oppressed immune system       is this reason:  Selenium is required for the proper activity of a group of enzymes called glutathione peroxidases.  (You’ll  sometimes see the abbreviation “GPO”  or “GPx”  for a glutathione peroxidase enzyme.)  These enzymes  play a role in the body’s detoxification system and provide protection against oxidative stress. (Oxidative stress is physiological circumstance  in  which  there is excessive risk of oxygen – related damage to the body.)   Of the eight known glutathione peroxidase enzymes, five of them require selenium.

In addition to the activity of glutathione peroxidase,  selenium-containing enzymes are involved in recycling of vitamin C from its spent form back to its active one, allowing for greater antioxidant protection. Selenium is KEY  to mercury detox (cadmium, too) AND liver detox  AND restoration.  Selenium was established as essential nutrient (when just considered a poison before) by NIH researcher conducting LIVER studies!  RESEARCH   of  actual human study  with 141 medically documented  terminal patients  noted  never less  than 400 micrograms  worked  and stated  “that was rare”  and  that it usually took from 900 micrograms to 2,000 micrograms and in one case 5,500 micrograms daily!

    While supplementing  with Alta Health Product Silica,  Innate Response Selenium and GTF Chromium  and a good source of  apricot seeds ( Apricot seeds should be bitter  and  sun dried three days  before  consuming  them.)With also doing some form of meditation for reducing mental anguish and stress load. This all said, “to  clear  up your confusion ….one must know in their heart  what is best  for them?” Infrared Sauna Detoxification… et cetera!!!!       I would like to Thank YirmeYahbarYhuh, Angel Howerton and Maria Melnyk for their insight and contribution putting this blog post together  🙂


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