Sunny Disposition

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  Hello guys,  My name is Aramkajorndet Athitiya  (Sunny)  from Bangkok, Thailand and I am cancer  survivor,  since last  year  I  was  diagnosed  with LMS  Stage  B  II aggressive without  chemo  or radiotherapy  as  the doctor’ suggested. I respected doctor’s  decision to  submit  to  the  chemo/ radiation combo  but  also  at  the  same  time.  I  knew  this  chemo/radiation  combo  had horrible  side  effects. 

  So I added several natural remedies along with the medical approach.           I  found newer ways  to prevent sarcoma reoccurrence  by taking Cancer Immunotherapy.   It would not be so simple.  The human body’s  first  line      of defense against cancer is the natural killer (NK) cell. NK cells are white blood cells  that  actively  scan  the  body  for  abnormal  cells,  destroying them before they can develop into actual cancers.

   As NK cells patrol the body,  they interact with many types of  cells using their array of activating and inhibiting surface receptors. Most cancer cells engage the NK cell’s activating receptors, which also triggers its natural kill response.  Some cancer cells,  however,  evade destruction  by  engaging  the NK cell’s killer inhibitory receptor (KIR). 

   By  triggering  this “master – off  switch,”  rogue  cancer  cells  can  evade destruction and form tumors that the body’s own NK cell population can no longer defend against.  Tumors  wield  many  defenses  against the immune system’s most powerful cancer – fighting weapon:  T cells that hunt out and eliminate problem cells.  Cancer cells  can  disguise themselves and make it difficult  for T cells to  find them. Tumors  also  fend – off  immune attack by expressing proteins that suppress T cells in the surrounding environment.

  I take daily low dose naltrexone before bed time. In general,  people with diseases  are  partially  or  largely triggered  by a deficiency of endorphins (including cancer and also autoimmune diseases),  or are accelerated by a deficiency  of  endorphins  (such as HIV/AIDS),  restoration  of  the  body’s normal production of endorphins is the major therapeutic action of LDN.

  I have been on an alkaline diet since my diagnosis, no dairy, no red meat, no coffee, no sugar.  As  for my supplements I also take: Vitamin D3, iodine, Probiotics,  Magnesium,  Hemp oil,  Fish oil,  Flax oil & cottage cheese which was instructed  by  the BUDWIG CENTER,  Vitamin C (2000mg),  medicinal mushrooms,  Juices Organic carrots and apples daily.

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