In Your Darkest Days

jenny jones

  1. Millions of people around the world are diagnosed with cancer every day.

2. Many people have been successfully cured from cancer naturally.

3. People fight till the end using different treatments.

One of them is Mrs. Jenny Johns.

She says that she knows the secret and

Breast Milk Saved Her Life!

Jenny Jones has started 400ml of milk every day after being diagnosed with bone marrow cancer, seven months ago. She buys milk from an anonymous donor through internet.

Breast milk has been proven to increase the immunity in newborn babies and it has  unique nutritional source that cannot be replaced by any other food.

This unusual treatment has not been prescribed by her doctor, but later her decision has been supported by doctors at John Flynn Private Hospital and the Mater Hospital in Brisbane.

Mrs. Jenny Jones, 62, shared her results which show that after a month of daily doses         of breast milk her cancer levels had reduced significantly.

Mrs Jones, consultant at John Flynn for 14 years, says she knows about breast milk’s benefits.   And the gut disease connection?

Mrs Jones says that she’d never tasted the breast milk before, but I now she drinks 400ml every day because she simply believes in it.

In 2010 researchers in Sweden revealed and published a study that shows that breast milk kills cancer cells.

Now, Mrs. Johns has a mission. She wants to spread this story around the world, because she wants to help other people who are facing with a cancer problem at the moment.

So, let’s help and let’s spread this story together!

While in your darkest days can be stressful it doesn’t have to be so. Dealing with this stress can best be managed through the knowledge of knowing your options.  I believe       it is most stressful when everybody around you tells you what they would do. Thereby,      I will only display the options open to you through blog post with this website.

Also by gaining support through our Facebook group page you will have people that have been there and done that both conventionally and alternative. I can not tell you what to do only your heart intuition will know that.  In the website  I have key blogs and top tabs below the mountain scene that can help guide you.

For instance within the 18 major types of cancer… I have built in links of the cancers best links on the internet for a time saving approach.  Also within that top tab a Comprehensive Cancer Library highlighting the best cancer books. Which are numerous… considering that many people don’t realize fantastic books on cancer a await you at your corner stone book store.

It is amazing when I talk in convo on Facebook how well people are research about the various types of cancer they became free of. Also what astonishes me almost everyday to earn a cancer free label. One seemingly has developed a certain confidence knowing that what they did was right for them.  In each case… which in many times… are different the person tells me, “But Ken it’s what I felt I had to do to survive and I knew deep within it was the right thing for me to do.” 

From my research…. this is what I learned  and  is what I practice everyday of my life to help prevent  The Big C is what I believe. I avoid the chemicals in the food I consume  and water I drink. While exercising  in  the  sunlight,  I eat clean and green and try to eat something of nutrition with everything I consume.  Keeping life in perspective I manage stress in this manner.  While journaling each day events and deleting the negative out of my life enhancing only the positive aspects.  Stress has an amazing ability in that it can talk to a tumor?

Stress Kills  so if it’s negative vibes that I feel I will tune that out.   If I don’t like the long drive to work I will find something that’s closer. Unfortunately for some they feel trapped…. it’s 3 hours in the car to and fro work. Because it’s there employer paying there bills. It’s this part of life they must figure out a way to change while keeping the health care benefits. It’s hard I know it’s a way of life but if we have the will to change the negative …. positive aspects will enter into your life!!!!!!

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