I Learned Balance by Living

Hey Ken: I cured my lung and bone cancer by knowing history and cutting out all GMOs, sugar and processed foods. While taking I teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and upping my pH to 8.4. With 1 tablespoon of molasses, 1 cup of water. Warm on stove to blend together. Do not boil. Do this 3 to 5 times a day. I ate leafy greens, avocados, bananas, apples, green foods, etc. I followed Dr.Sebi cure for every disease and virus known to man!  ~ Marcus

This article is copyrighted for Mucusless-Diet.com Website Alone. All Rights Reserved.

Cancer is not a death sentence. Say that 3 times fast and then read this article thoroughly. This protocol is based upon what Dr.  Sebi  himself used and his nutritional guide here.          As a cancer expert myself I felt it was very strong to give a thorough protocol on what heals. Keep in mind that all protocols require a multi-prong remedy, not a simple herb     or herbs or bromine mix. You are fighting for your life.

We will be focusing on:
– Pain

Acid – Alkaline Balance and Cancer: The Truth Behind the Myth

By Dianne Piepenburg, MS, RD, CSO, LD – Minnesota Oncology.

“I have litmus strips to check my saliva because someone told me that my body is too acidic.” “I am avoiding citrus fruits, tomatoes, and acidic foods because cancer thrives      in an acidic environment.”

These comments seem very logical and believable; however the concept that the body is too acidic,  and one needs to make the body more alkaline in order to “starve” cancerous cells is only a myth.  The information below will discuss how this myth got started,  what  we know today, and identify what you can do to incorporate cancer-fighting foods within your routine.

The History:
Back in the late 1870’s a scientist named Marcellin Berthelot used the Bomb Calorimeter to study the amount of heat produced or absorbed during this chemical reactions.

This machine consisted of a cylinder-shaped chamber, pressurized oxygen, and a small amount of water. Berthelot would take various food substances (i.e., fruits, vegetables, meat, etc.) and incinerate them within this device which turned the item into an ash-type substance. When this ash was mixed with water, Berthelot was able to check the pH of each item. What he discovered was that items with a higher pH (more alkaline) were plant-based items such fruits and vegetables, while those with a lower pH (more acidic) were meats.

Then, in the early 1900s, the Nobel-prize winning Dr. Otto Warburg, suggested that cancer cells “live in hypoxic, very low oxygen, and acidic conditions and derive energy from sugars by fermenting them the way yeast does. From this, he theorized that these low-oxygen and highly-acidic conditions caused cancer.

Given these findings, it is easy to see where the acid-alkaline idea came from.                  BUT one must remember that science has dramatically advanced since these times.     While both gentlemen provided cutting-edge research for their time, we know a lot      more today about cancer, metabolism of food, and diet. So what do we know now?

Today’s Science:
In order for a cancer cell to grow, it relies on growth of blood vessels in efforts to provide enough oxygen to metabolize energy. However, the pace of cancer cell growth and division is quicker than the production of oxygen-supplying blood vessels.

This results in the inefficient metabolism of its energy supply, and ultimately, lactic acid    is produced.  Just because cancer cells are producing lactic acid,  does not mean the whole body becomes acidic.  In fact,  the body has a very tight set  of  checks and balances  which keeps your blood’s (i.e., body’s) pH between 7.35 – 7.45, or near neutral. It is impossible to significantly alter one’s blood pH with the food you eat.

Therefore, checking your saliva for acidity or alkalinity is not an accurate measure of    your body’s actual pH balance.  So, as you can see, it is not the body that is too acidic      and gives cancer cells a medium to grow and divide. Rather, it’s the opposite. Cancer    cells produce acid, but that does not make the entire body more acidic.

What can you do?
Fortunately, the same foods that Berthelot found to be alkaline back in the 1800s are  many of the same foods that are recommended today for their cancer-fighting properties. These plant-based foods – including citrus fruits  and  also  tomatoes – protect cells from damage, encourage normal cell growth,  and other processes which help fight cancer and other chronic illnesses.  Conversely,  high-intakes acidic foods  such as meat and animal-based proteins, have been linked to inflammation, insulin insensitivity, and increased cell division.

As you can see, the myth of the need to make the body more alkaline does not have significant value in respect to cancer cell growth or development. However, we do know that incorporating more alkaline-type foods is recommended.

The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends a plant-based diet which aims  at receiving at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day (at least 2 ½ cups), using whole grains versus refined grains, incorporating beans/legumes more often and meat less often. Incorporating these dietary habits will also limit your intake of acidic foods, increase your intake of alkaline foods,  and provides your body with the cancer-fighting nutrients it craves through balance.

Pierre Eugène Marcellin Berthelot Biography. Accessed March 11, 2014.
Schor, Jacob. Acid Alkaline Diets and Cancer, an ethical question. December 12, 2007. http://www.denvernaturopathic.com/alkalineash.htm. Accessed March 10, 2014.
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg: The Cause of Cancer. .           Accessed March 11, 2014.
American Institute for Cancer Research. www.aicr.org. Accessed March 11, 2014.

First You Must Know This Man

Yes we are focusing on the healing of the man, Dr. Sebi. He died in early August of 2016 while being in Jail unjustly for trumped up charges. He did not die from natural causes as many would like you to think too. This man was such a threat to the conventional market, that he was done away with.  He went to the Supreme Court  and provided more than 70 witnesses who showed he cured their disease. So on this day we pay homage to the great and mighty, Dr. Sebi. Rest in Peace.

His diet will Sustain You

In order to know great healing you must first be on an alkaline, electric food plan. Everything you have been told in the past will be out the window. No, you cannot eat carrots, broccoli or cauliflower. You cannot make carrot juice either. But you can eat so many foods that will cause your cells to scream with delight. In other words we are also healing the entire body, not just the cancer or other disease you have.

To learn exactly what you can eat, go to the Nutritional Guide I wrote: Here.

While you can eat anything on the list, we want to limit some things. Fruit has natural sugar and so we want to limit fruit intake to only in the morning and only a few. So do not have a diet full of fruit. In the article link below mango was shown to aid in the eradication of cancer, however, I’ve seen minimal proof of this and so go lightly as it is a high glycemic fruit. Green apples are better to add to your green smoothie along with green bananas, peaches, kiwis.

Limit your carbs

While on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional guide you will see all kinds of flours and grains allowed, let’s limit those also. We want our diet to be full of nutrition. Bread slows you down and is a form of sugar. Keep your bread to one portion every other day.

Eat as much as you want from the vegetable selections, beans should be eaten daily (chickpeas) and a handful of walnuts or hempseeds. You can make milk from these nuts. You can also have some hemp protein.

You must have certain lifestyle changes also. You need to have no stress. Eliminate all toxic people from your home. Hibernation is really good if you can as many will tell you  eat something. Try to get some sunlight daily (not 10am to 2pm) and mild exercise, such  as rebounding on a mini-trampoline. Do 10 mini jumps and rest.  Do 10 more and rest.  You must keep your energy up and so we do not want you to do aerobic exercise or running.

Dr. Sebi Herbs and Compounds

You must have the bromine mix (Irish Sea Moss and Bladderwrack) daily. You can make   it on your own or purchase from Dr. Sebi’s Store Here or you can make it yourself. Find directions here You need minimum 1 tablespoon daily,

You must take the green food plus daily too. Now you can put the green food plus in     your morning smoothie. It contains nopal cactus, bladderwrack, linden flowers and nettles. I upgraded this simple protocol to be much more intense, call it Green Food      Plus Plus Plus. Here

You must have a minimum of three cups of herbal tea daily. Now you can have any         herb of your choosing. Some of the approved herbs are dandelion root, elderberry, red raspberry, nopal, burdock, yellow dock and more. You can see many herbs on my store.
Dr. Sebi’s Cellfood Store – If you call Dr Sebi’s store they will want you to go on the full protocol of 20 products.

The cost is $1500 a month plus shipping. For some this is the easiest route, but for some the cost is more than they can afford. I have written a detailed article on the herbs in these products and how to make them yourself. You can read the article here.

If you want to call the office, you can talk to them about the complete packages.               The telephone number and contact information is on the article linked above.

Suggested Supplements

In addition to the diet and herbs, there are certain supplements we suggest. Keep in mind this protocol is a suggestion and may be adjusted depending on your illness or disease. No two cancers are the same and that goes for all disease.

Black Cumin Oil – 1 tablespoon daily with the juice of 1 orange – not store bought.
IP-6 &Inositol – As directed
Vitamin D3 – 2000iu if not deficient. 5000iu if you are deficient.
Colloidal silver – 2 teaspoon daily You must buy the Ionic Silver Type                                     as it is 10,000 times more powerful.

Are You In Pain

For pain you can read up on my new protocol for pain with black seed oil and olive oil. Read Here

You can also use Penetrex cream which is highly rated by more than 14,000 people,     drink cayenne tea and take a massage of olive oil and black seed oil mixed equally.
Stress and Depression

You will have stress with any disease. If you feel overwhelmed then take one inch of   ginger and mine it and add in 1/2 teaspoon of ground black cumin seeds. It will relax          a bear. For other suggestions try making a cup of chamomile tea or anise tea.
Fasting, Fasting, Fasting

There will be some who just cannot fast and should not fast. Fasting is hard on the       entire system. If you are stage 4 cancer, do not fast. If you are overwhelmed with fatigue do a liquid fast only. A liquid fast is smoothies, soups that are liquified and water. Do not drink fruit juice.   Source: https://www.mucusless-diet.com/cancerprotocol.html

To see more on fastinggo here

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