Common sense is now an endangered species.
Stupidity has taken over the world & there is no known cure.
“Freedom is the American Dream”…. Be a Pitbull on appreciating Freedom and Opportunity.
When we allow it to be taken away from us, people will miss it, and want it back. By then it may be too late.

You don’t have to know a person to show some empathy towards them, to show up for them. It’s easy to turn a blind eye, to keep scrolling, to not reach out or act like you’re too important. Life humbles us all at some point, so extend a hand when you can. All one can do for a stranger IS show empathy, leave a kind note or a sign of support. An offer to listen is generous. Yet how many times do people react to another’s weak moments in an inappropriate manner? Best to offer support, kindness and await an acceptance. Everyone hits rock bottom at one point…be nice. Be kind.

Part of the problem is that we think common sense has ever existed, but the truth is that it has always been the least common of all senses. Thus making it rare from ever since. What’s happening now is that its rarity is becoming clearer. The cure is Curiosity. But it’s not mandated, so many will refuse And it’s multiplying rapidly, fueled by the “look at me”mentality bred by social media. There is no common sense anymore! It may be time for us to start learning Chinese!!

Many people who appear to be stupid are not. They just look that way because they do what stupid people tell them to do instead of what they know to be right….That means they are weak, ignorant, and lazy…not stupid. The cure is when kids need to have their ass beat when they f up. That way they should know right and wrong when they are older or put democrats on birth control so they can’t reproduce. #Truth

It’s bad when British TV is more entertaining than American TV! They don’t force political stupidity, white hate or a 99% gay parent family! I have found that common sense is not common at all. Stupidity, foolhardiness and foolishness ARE. There is a cure: turn off all your devices and walk outside and enjoy life. CDC recommends those with the condition of no common sense wear 5 masks + a plastic bag over their heads to avoid spreading this deadly condition to others. This also goes for the variant of stupidity.

I think wearing three masks might help. Oh wait, that’s stupidity at its best. Just like wearing a mask when you’re alone in your car driving. holding your breath as long as possible is the cure for stupidity. If it doesn’t work the first time, just keep trying longer & longer! There is a better cure, but it’s painful. Excise the tumor known as the Democrat party and follow up with anti-socialism chemotherapy. These methods are also effective in treating pedophilia and communism. That’s the real pandemic.

It’s been confirmed – you can’t fix stupid. As a matter of fact, the longer it goes untreated the more contagious it becomes and can spread throughout an entire society. I believe America has become the perfect example. This is a cure for stupidity! A bitch slap!… Across all of their faces!.. (RINO-simp-republicans, blm/antifa/kkk, and the rest of the left). It all started in the sixties on Haight & Ashbury when the Hippie movement became the Yuppie of the 80’s, short for “young urban professional” or “young upwardly-mobile professional”.

Which produced Veggies like Nancy Pelosi (see Alexandra Pelosi ) who has served in the House of Representatives since 1987.  So now we are back to allowing China to walk all over us? You know China owns Big Tech and silicon valley. We are also back to treating terrorists in Iran like friends by sending them pallets of cash? We can’t afford to go back to Obama’s failed foreign policy. We must continue to put America First and stand strong in the face of evil.

Kimberly Guilfoyle, a campaign adviser for the president and Donald Trump Jr’s girlfriend who took aim at California during her speech on the first night of the 2020 Republican National Convention. Guilfoyle, a former Fox News Host, portrayed the state as one ruined by liberal politicians that would serve as a template for the country under a Joe Biden administration. Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle is an American television news personality who also served as an advisor to Donald Trump. Guilfoyle studied at University of California, Davis, and the University of San Francisco and was a prosecuting attorney in San Francisco and Los Angeles, California. 

She served as an assistant district attorney in San Francisco from 2000 to 2004. Guilfoyle married Democratic politician and future California governor Gavin Newsom and was First Lady of San Francisco during Newsom’s first two years as mayor of that city. She is a member of the Republican Party and has been the partner of Donald Trump Jr. since 2018. California Gov. Gavin Newsom declined to speak ill of ex-wife Kimberly Guilfoyle after she called out the state for its handling of current drug and homelessness crises during her Republican National Convention address.  Newsom reacts to ex-Guilfoyle trashing California in RNC speech (nypost.com)

The Democrats are horrible people! They use every single crisis as a political weapon. And where there is no crisis they create one. And they take things that aren’t a crisis and make them into one. These are the worst human beings. Outrageously selfish, abusive Tyrants! They have no platform and they cannot defend their positions in debates. Trump and Pence dominated Biden and Harris hands down. They have to cheat and do anything to win. Diabolical.

As soon as I think they’ve hit a new low, tomorrow happens.

Do they take a mandatory class for this shit??
I’d like to know how they are all on the same page of insanity?? I couldn’t have put it any better myself. We can also thank RINO Republicans for selling out to the establishment. This is why I’m an Independent. Fu€k ‘em all. Just carrying on in the proud tradition of their role models, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro (People of NYC KNEW Castro was the personal hero of de Blasio before they elected him to destroy NYC).

Mutated virus may reinfect people already stricken once with covid-19, sparking debate and concerns (msn.com)

Are we living in communist China?????? Why can’t I WATCH a film that Mike Lindell just released? The 3 times I was watching it on YouTube, it stopped and
informed me it was removed! What the HECK IS GOING ON!? What are they so afraid of?

Try this >>
Absolute Proof With Mike Lindell | ScienceSplat (gab.com)

“The Cabal” “Deep State” “Illuminati” “NWO” “Knights Templar” “Bilderbergers” Wash, rinse, repeat. Dehumanize, point fingers, blame, look Woke, look like you know more than others, feel superior, distract, deflect. He gets a lot of attention because there are not very many truth seekers out there and if you don’t want the truth then go away because god is on the side of truth!! Doesn’t matter if you like the pillow guy… Do you like the truth?

You’re a totally ignorant airhead.. OAN is airing his 2 hour fraud report RIGHT NOW & go watch it to GET INFORMED of the FACTS.. you uninformed, unintelligent, indoctrinated typical leftist. The replies and comments are hilarious. Lindell is a tool of the cabal. I guess some of you also still trust the “plan” right? Qanonsense made fools of many people. If you do your research you will find that Qanon was another successful psyop. Wake up people.
The election was stolen. SCOTUS refused to hear cases of election frauds. The US military gave up its right and duty to save our Republic and constitution from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. Yes, we now live in a communist country that gives its allegiance to Communist China. They afraid of the people waking up and becoming aware of the slavery they want to bring on the planet.

In the early 60s, the Russian premier took off his shoe in the United Nations, and used it to beat on the desk. He boldly told the US leaders that he will beat us from within. The Soviet Union is dead, but Communism is beginning to beat us from within. They have been slowly implementing communism within the USA, all the way back to the early 1900’s, to the point where it is now dominant and it’s propaganda is the controlling message.

They are afraid of that most dangerous thing
THE TRUTH. @Annkhait THE TRUTH is a danger to their deep dark evil cult. @kmacbean123
But keep pushing for the truth to come out. We are nearly home and dry. The Light is brighter and the vibration rises day by day.

If the left ultimately win, the country that you and I love so much today will be gone forever. I want you to read the list below and imagine what the United States would be like if all of these things were eradicated. The following is  A List Of 100 Things Liberals Hate About America — Charisma News
Leftists want to take all firearms away from the people. Leftists support killing unborn children and those that are born. Leftists have no respect for the sanctity of human life. Leftists have become the tyrants founding fathers warned us about.

‘They’ are afraid of THE TRUTH! They can’t handle THE TRUTH!
They want us all to be good, little, obedient Sheeple and not ‘stray’ from their chosen path! WrongThink, WrongSpeak, WrongText, WrongViewing, WRONGVIEWPOINT! It was all predicted by George Orwell over 70 years ago.
It doesn’t seem like they are afraid, more like they are suppressing the truth because it doesn’t suit them.

This is sophisticated communism. What an illusion of freedom we have!
I cannot get a whopper at McDonald’s, must be sophisticated communism. Or maybe a private company in a free market, ya know, the opposite of communism. Freedom allows a company to remove the totally fabricated rants of a coked up moron that so full of crap even OAN knows it. Yet when it comes to a judge they claim the opposite. Ha! If you’re willing to get conned don’t be upset at the others who knew better. Yes it is a communist planet thanks to the illuminati’s who have been planning this since 1776. They want us under their domination/their dictatorship — they do not want us to be free-thinking *individual* citizens.
Well, Biden is literally owned by the CCP. He has a PLA handler with him at all times, as I’m sure you’ve noticed.

One way to prove the Election was fair is to examine the Ballot Boxes. End of Story. Democrats will not allow this examination. This now raises major flags for me. In addition, for the first time in history, ballot counters got tired and had to rest. Counting stopped . WTF! They are afraid of the truth because it sets you free. The CCP is blackmailing the Dems. Welcome to The New CCP!! Along with some Republican’s too.
Ds have been running non stop wrap up smear operation for 4 years. Conservatives need to get wise to this & not play into their hands. Stay unified. Simply ignore these attacks. Ignore the media hype machine. That’s the way to defeat it.

Is the COVID cure worse than the disease? (msn.com)

Understanding the New Strains of COVID-19 (msn.com)

Dr. Fauci Just Said These 2 Things Can Stop COVID (msn.com)

How the media is misreporting COVID-19’s death toll in America (nypost.com)

L.A. Coronavirus Update: Officials Warn That Super Bowl Parties Can Become “Super-Spreader” Events (msn.com)

We can’t let stupid wins… Being aware of what’s going on in the world is not a conspiracy theory or paranoia. It’s doing your research and paying attention while debunking bs propaganda. We aren’t falling for the lies anymore. About Communist China, but now it’s Communist America and we aren’t going to be able to stop it unfortunately. Because the truth is painful. Evil doesn’t like to be exposed. God is moving and what is coming is going to be the second biggest miracle ever after the crucifixion. Praise God before it happens, trust in him and keep your hopes up. All for his Glory!!! Hallelujah!!! Have Faith!
The implantation of the New World Order to which they are subjecting us throughout the West is horrible. It is the social-communist dictatorship dressed in false democracy. It’s their Matrix….they want you to continue taking the blue pill. You’re correct, this is how it is in China. If you’re so excited for the rapture to come, I’m sure @koolaid  would be happy to send you some free samples:

WATCH! Mike Lindell’s Documentary ‘Absolute Proof’ Released 24/7 All Weekend Long RIGHT HERE! (thedcpatriot.com)

Here it is! Mike Lindell of My Pillow’s documentary titled Absolute Proof dealing with the 2020 Elections. Watch it and Please Share it. (rumble.com)

‘Worst swindle ever perpetrated against free people’: John Hayward takes Dems APART in EPIC thread for equating dissent to sedition – twitchy.com

Home | Simon parkes

Why are Liberals so Hateful? – Bing video
If the left ultimately win, the country that you and I love so much today will be gone forever. I want you to read the list below and imagine what the United States would be like if all of these things were eradicated. The following is  A List Of 100 Things Liberals Hate About America — Charisma News

Pastor John Hagee on Twitter: “Spiritual health is the key to all health: mental, emotional and physical. You can’t be at war with God, the Architect of the human body, and be healthy.” / Twitter

Let’s do this.
Spiritual health is the key to all health: mental, emotional and physical. You can’t be at war with God, the Architect of the human body, and be healthy. You can be psychologically and physically healthy without God. In fact, the contradictions of the Bible make it a cauldron for mental imbalance. Whatever happened to all your “blood moon” talk? The eclipses came and went in 2014-15 and nothing happened… then you just stopped mentioning it. What does the Bible say to do about prophets whose predictions don’t come true?

Sin isn’t real. I don’t worry about offending someone that can’t demonstrate his own existence. Honesty and truth can and will defeat every snake-oil salesmen and their impotent “gods.” Stop giving these deceitful “preachers and prophets” or their institutions money! It’s a provable grift going on since our beginning. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God… HEBREWS 10:31

Numbers 31:7–40 Judges 18:1–28 Hosea 13:4, 9, 16 Judges 11:30–39 Jeremiah 13:15–26 Numbers 25:6–13 Psalm 137:8–9 Leviticus 26:27–29 Isaiah 3:16–17 Isaiah 13:9–16
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, EVEN AS THY SOUL PROSPERETH. 3 John 1:2 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Colossians”3:23 (Emphasis mine).

Call me old fashioned, but I was raised to serve my wife. cook her meals, do her laundry, massage her after work, always clean the house. That’s exactly the husband I am gonna be. If she cheated on me I lacked something she needed and wanted & that’s on me.

Glory be to God!! God is first always! Accurate, Correct, Love, Faith, Hope…Word!!!
Life is beautiful! But it becomes a struggle for some (The poor and average) and regret for others (The rich but unfulfilled), when the people involved DON’T know their PURPOSE in life. Do you know your purpose in life? Stop existing! Get this book:
Purpose by Victor Otobo, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

Kind of hard to be at war with someone that doesn’t exist!

For someone who doesn’t believe in God You sure are trying to dismiss him. I’m pretty sure deep down you know there is a God and you know he loves you. Only you know how well you sleep at night. I’m praying for you because life is so much better when you know him. Life sucks when you base your well-being on a person that isn’t real. God has not demonstrated being able to do anything. I live for my own purposes, not some ancient ignorant books.

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Studying God’s word brings such delight 🙂
Also, we hope you and family are doing very well in these very trying times. We’re respectfully reaching out to ask you to visit our page. We try to help make Morale High, for potential Suicidal American Veterans, who may feel like giving up.

Watch This: How to make Morale High for Suicidal Veterans with #PTSD. This Channel & Video is Dedicated to them. – YouTube
You don’t have to know a person to show some empathy towards them, to show up for them. It’s easy to turn a blind eye, to keep scrolling, to not reach out or act like you’re too important. Life humbles us all at some point, so extend a hand when you can. All one can do for a stranger IS show empathy, leave a kind note or a sign of support. An offer to listen is generous. Yet how many times do people react to another’s weak moments in an inappropriate manner? Best to offer support, kindness and await an acceptance. Everyone hits rock bottom at one point…be nice. Be kind.

“Freedom is the American Dream”…. Be a Pitbull on appreciating Freedom and Opportunity. When we allow it to be taken away from us, people will miss it, and want it back. By then it may be too late.

Cities Hit Hardest by Extreme Poverty in Every State – 24/7 Wall St.

Italicize are cities with Republican Mayors!!! 

Top  61 Poverty Stricken Cities Detroit  36.4%   Cleveland   34,6%   Dayton Ohio  32.7%  Hartford Conn 31.7%  Laredo  Tx  30.6%  Syracuse  30.5%  Buffalo  30.3%    Macon Ga.  28.6%  Fresno 28.4%  Providence, RI  28%  Newark  NJ  27.8%  Trenton  27.3%  Cincinnati   27,2%   Birmingham  27.1%  Fresno  26.9% Louisville 26.9% Memphis  26.8% Milwaukee  26.6%   Knoxville  26.5%  Toledo  25.6%  Greensboro Md.  25.4%    Baton Rouge La   25.2%   Philadelphia PA. 24.9%   New Orleans  24.6%  Richmond  Va.  24.5%  Miami  24.3%  St Louis   24.2%    Hialeah  FL.  23.7%  San Bernardino  23.7%   Tallahassee  23.6%  Tucson   23.4%   Winston-Salem,  23.3%   Mobile  22.4%   Columbia SC  22.3%   Jackson Miss 21.9%  Baltimore  21.8%  Memphis  21.7% Eugene Ore 21.7%  Atlanta   21.6%  Pittsburgh  21.4%  Norfolk  21.0%  Chicago 20.6%  Houston  20.6%   Charleston WV – I  20.6%  Dallas 20.5%  Stockton 20.5% Columbus OH 20.4%  Glendale Ar  20.3%  El Paso 20.3%  Boston 20.2% Indianapolis   20.1%  Tampa  20.0%    Minneapolis/StPaul  19.9%   Norfolk 19.7%   Tulsa  19.7%   Dover Del  19.7%    Phoenix   19.4%   Bakersfield 19.2%   Greensboro N.C. 19.2%   Los Angeles  19.1%  Flagstaff 19.1%     ————————————————————————————————————————————————————   Middle  56 Poverty Stricken Cities New York City  18.9%   Lubbock tx  18.8%  Glendale  18.6% San Antonio -I  18.6%  Lexington-Fayette  18.6%   Sarasota  18.6%   Greensboro NC  18.5%   Jersey City  18.3%  Sacramento  18.3%  Spokane 18.3%  Orlando – N 18.2%    Long Beach 18.1%  Madison Wisc,  17.9%  Tulsa  17.9%  Little Rock  17.8%   Salt lake 17.8% Santa Ana  Cali 17.7% Albuquerque  17.6%  Oakland 17.6%  Pensacola, 17.5%   Fort Wayne  17.3%   Des Moines  17.2%  Nashville  17.2%   Topeka  17.2% Fort Worth  16.9% Durham  NC  16.8% Oklahoma City 16.8%   Frankfort, Kent. 16.8%  Kansas City  16.5% Wichita  16.2%  Orlando 16.1%    Portland, ME – N  16.0% Jacksonville  15.9% Modesto  15.9% Tacoma Wash  15.9%  Corpus Christi 15.8%  Las Vegas 15.8%   Arlington  15.7%  Twin Falls Idaho 15.7%  Riverside – N 15.6%   Helena  15.6%   Mesa   15.5%  Anaheim  15.2%  Garland, Texas  15.2%   Portland Ore  14.9%   St. Petersburg  14.9%    Charleston SC  14.6%  Austin  14.5%  N. Las Vegas 14.5%  Reno – N  14.4%   Santa Fe  NM 14,4%  Omaha 14.3%  San Angelo  Tx  14.3%     Lincoln Neb 14.2%  Boise 14.0%  Charlotte  NC   14.0%       

 Twin Falls, Idaho Politics & Voting (bestplaces.net)———————————————————————————————————————————————————– Bottom 35   Fontana Cali, – N  13.9% Pierre SD 13.9% Denver 13.8%  SanDiego  13.8%  Raleigh NC 13.8%  Boise- N 13.5%   Irving TX  13.5% Irvine Cali  13.3%  Santa Ana  13.3%   Colorado Springs 12.6%  Aurora  12.0%  Columbus Ind  11.9%  Seattle  11.8%  San Francisco  11.7%  Cedar Rapids 11.4%  Montpelier, – I VT 11.4%  Honolulu 11.3%   Concord, NH 11.3%  Fargo ND 11.1% Sioux Falls SD 11.1% Chula Vista 10.8% Cheyenne – N 10.7%  El Rancho NM 10.3%   Meridian Idaho 9.8%  Anchorage – N  9.2%    San Jose  9.1%   Chesapeake Va. 9.0%   Bismarck 8.7%   Chandler Ariz. 8.5%   Henderson  8.5%   Scottsdale Ariz – I  8.2% Virginia Beach  7.6%   Plano TX  6.8%    Gilbert Ari. 5.9% Fremont, Cali.  – N  4.8%
Gilbert Arizona

Kentucky has a Poverty Rate of 32.6%.

The problem with our culture is we’re obsessed with political correctness and not integrity. Nothing in life will ever be the same for it is now the “New Norm” for this life to be as is….No Unity, Divided On BOTH SIDES…..SAD. Makes our culture A Cluster F*#%!

List of the 100 largest cities ranked by Poverty Rate (indexmundi.com)

Here are the 10 most liberal places in Arizona for 2019:

  1. Nogales (Photos)
  2. Page (Photos)
  3. Flagstaff (Photos)
  4. Sahuarita (Photos)
  5. South Tucson (Photos)
  6. Tucson (Photos)
  7. Oro Valley (Photos)
  8. Marana (Photos)
  9. San Luis (Photos)
  10. Yuma (Photos)

If you’re wondering, Kingman is the most conservative city in Arizona of all those we measured.

And to be clear, we didn’t form this list based on our own biases — we relied on the cold hard data. For more on how we ran the numbers, keep on reading. Then we’ll take a closer look at each of our top 10 most liberal cities in Arizona. MercyMe – Say I Won’t (Official Music Video) – YouTube

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