Power of Positivity

The Real Meaning of 42. In Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s… | by Ryan S Kinsgrove | Medium

It’s honestly embarrassing to think who is running our country at the moment.
America used to be a safe place, now other countries are just laughing at us.
Socialism never works, and it’s always just a bridge to Communism.

Part of looking inside yourself is acknowledging that you are guilty of playing the victim at times when you were a huge part of the problem.. A slow, years long, creep into socialism is worse than a quick takeover. It creates a large base of dependency over time. People realize it was a mistake just before the starvation and panic set in. It also allows a rebranding of socialism as any socially beneficial spending.

I just had a multi-tweet debate about this very topic today.
Ashli Babbitt was never a threat to the officer who murdered her. The officer knew that the law would protect him and the narrative would support his decision to take her life. He killed her for sport. I’d like to know why his identity has not been released. The public deserves to know. That said, I think we know why. Shameful. Something so dastardly about only seeing the hand of the shooter. One of the videos shows a cop kneeling next to Ashli after she was shot. He looks up at the door and gives a thumbs up. To who? Why?

If she had been a Black-Biden-Voter then the nation would be burning down; but since it was just a White-Woman no one blinks an eye… I believe you are right!
The video speaks for itself, no one in that area had a gun or any kind of a weapon, the FBI even reported no guns or weapons or confiscated. My opinion could he be a hitman for the government? To be able to just aim and shoot with no hesitation?

I love how the narrative that the person that shot Ashli was a Capitol Police Officer. It could have been anyone including a Representative. It has never been shown who shot her so stop with the lie. Well said! We need to be demanding the officer’s identity who murdered Ashli.

I read David Bailey capitol police, but not sure.
Look him up to see who he is.
Babbit was unarmed and behind a door.. protesting. Meanwhile a known criminal trying to evade a warrant gets into a physical struggle with some cops- gets shot during that struggle and the officer is charged with manslaughter.
And where is the outrage about her death and the demands to defund police??

She was *actually* a totally innocent bystander!
Plus how many cops or security officers were standing right behind her?
If she was a threat wouldn’t they have done something?

It looks like the police escorted her up there than backed away cause they knew what was coming . https://t.co/bcxC5kc5iN” / Twitter

Caught in the heat of the moment, he probably just made a very bad decision – it’s not unlike the female officer who thought she’d pulled out her taser – the problem lies in insufficient training and the politicizing of such an event for political gain. History proves that murder is quite acceptable to those in power. I literally think Nancy wanted more unarmed Trump supporters murdered but couldn’t get anyone else to do it . I believe Pelosi is the one behind the call to stand down, which if that call had not been given things wouldn’t have gotten so out of hand and Ashli might still be alive.

You got it. How can he be cleared? Out of the hundreds of officers present only one fired a gun, one time, killing one person.

Do you believe there is one ultimate truth?

Just trying to get by and not forget to laugh. Life is hard enough, don’t be a jerk, make someone smile, be kind & wear a mask!

What is truth in the first place and are we the ones who are in the position to decide it with our unreliable faculties regarding the world perception and assessment? I believe there is one ultimate truth that in its turn contains many other ultimate truths. One of them is to take care of nature and all animals, like me, I feel very strongly for the fate of the wild horses. Another is, be kind to each other! Only good comes out of that! No, I don’t think so. Most of us interpret things our way and our cognitive biases, attitudes impact those interpretations. To evolution there’s no good or bad, it’s all zero sum game.
We tend to sort things into binary dichotomies – it’s very human to divide into black and white, good and bad, true and false, cheap and expensive.

In reality everything is much more complex and multidimensional.

Quantifiably? Yes. Scientifically? Yes. Philosophically? No.
Some ideas can’t be measured, so we create our own meaning or inherit it.

I believe that there is a true path. It may look a bit different for each individual but the main principles remain the same. Be true to yourself and follow life.

Much of what humans consider to be “truth” is simply perspective. There are things we “know” to be true scientifically but any good scientist will tell that it’s true with what we know right now. No. I think there are things beyond our capacity to model, conceptualize and imagine that are at the fundamental level of things… All of this except the “No.” Just because
I can’t conceptualize it doesn’t mean there’s not a truth out there; in fact,
I’m certain there are many truths even at the human level I’m clueless about,
I think, like getting to the far reaches of things, just like classical physics reaches its limit
at the quantum line… we’ll find truth is quite possibly an inadequate concept… Truth is actuality. That’s the first definition of truth. Precisely because our perspective of actuality,
of “everything that is the case,” is limited, I don’t think we can pick a particular word and predict it to be any more inadequate than, say, “quantum.” …the definition of truth as formulated by human consciousness/capacity…

But is our mental span sufficient to really dig down into the (possibly) many latent layers
of existence and does “truth” still hold up in these… realms?
Yeah but all of this is words. Quantum, physics, truth, consciousness, mental, and, but, many: All of this is subject to the same caveat. All I’m saying is, if I know my understanding is going to be limited, I know I don’t have the wit to limit. So I don’t. My issue is that humans impose mental symbols on external entities… just think of the boy who is sure his crush likes him back the exact same way, only to find out they don’t! If we generally have trouble at this level, imagine… This is my point. You’re assuming a negative because you know we don’t understand. I’m assuming I don’t know because I know we don’t understand. That’s all. Like I said, I agreed with everything except “No.”
Well, one ultimate truth can be seen to have been assumed to have been the case for quite some time… Ex: Religion/Single math theory of everything…

Power of Positivity
“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything” – Mark Twain
I am not convinced there is a ultimate singularity that everything boils down to… See: Godel
I see your Godel and raise you a Gadamer. Everything you say supports living at a high degree of uncertainty, knowing we may be wrong. Why is my embracing this concept wholeheartedly a problem?

Gadamer seems lost in anthropocentrism. A single truth is very anthropocentric…
I have a number of issues with “human-centered ideas” being imposed on external reality. Well, I no longer have the pride to be able to say, “This word has meaning at this level, but not that one.” And a position could be made that “There is no single truth” is a single truth. It becomes incoherent at that point, which is why we can’t make calls sans knowledge. You sound as if some of your ideas don’t happen a human way, and others do. I’m pretty sure all our ideas are human.

At this point we’re repeating ourselves.
You don’t like the concept, I think it may/may not exist. I do want to be clear
I am not limiting truth to a theory of everything or religion, I’m just talking about actuality: everything that is the case. This may be the friction. I’m not a proponent of anything anthropocentric, and I tend to lean towards seeing such things as misleading or invalid.
 Anthropocentric ideas have been misleading humans as long as they have questioned things.
And it’s getting worse… Best truth is an advice that leads sentient beings out of all suffering, for good. Since Buddha’s teachings on ‚emptiness‘ fulfil this our biggest wish, this is Ultimate Truth. It is the scientific method guiding us on our spiritual path to the state of #NoMoreLearning.

We all die. That’s the ultimate truth. Act accordingly.


We live in the most dystopian version of hell I have ever imagined.

I can’t emphasize this enough.
Please research the Spanish flu and read The Invisible Rainbow.

Dystopian version – Bing  is the opposite of utopia: a state in which the conditions of human life are extremely bad as from deprivation or oppression or terror (or all three). A dystopian society is characterized by human misery in the form of squalor, oppression, disease, overcrowding, environmental destruction, or war.

Truth/facts/Reality exists irrespective of our capability to see/feel/understand it. Yes, there
is only one correct version of it. There are many truths and some are true in relation to the same thing at the same time. But there are also quite clearly falsehoods, which is why this is epistemological pluralism and not mere relativism. (Simplifying Charles Taylor).
I’ve seen a lot of people in this say that truth is all subjective and there are lots of different value systems.

But we’re consistently comparing different value systems to determine which is better and which is more true. So how can we do that if there’s not one ultimate truth?
How can reason come from within us? To accept something as reasonable or true is to accept that there is a greater truth to which the individual thing is connected with and outside of us. If not then there is no foundation or law on which anything can be built. I believe in one objective truth where every truth or thing we determine has merit either points to or away from that truth.
I don’t know, but we’ll keep looking for it. Truth is unique. However, its perception of humans is various. Having different perceptions does not mean there are multiple truths.

There are multiple realities (human perception). When realities coincide, they become facts (the manifestation of truth in the material world.) It’s tempting to believe that, but the evidence suggests otherwise. Even if there’s one ultimate truth, it will be undifferentiated truth, a truth that’ll give rise to multiple truths … Truth is like an onion. You peel away all the layers and what do you have left? The truth would be the Platonic ideals. All we can experience in reality is shades of the truth, colored by our senses and experiences.
Truth is a very flexible commodity and much of it is based on personal beliefs and values. These are used to interpret behavior and even facts – so no. For many people my truth is their lie and vice versa. Love, it is the only thing you can take with you and remain in the living. We may not know or understand it or even have the capacity for it all but there can only be one truth, that’s the nature of truth itself.

Some things just *are* true: physics, for example. Some things are true but have a spectrum of acceptable perspective Some things are a matter of opinion. Problem is some things that just *are* true have been usurped by opinions.
Even in physics- or especially in physics- perception of the observer can be everything and affect outcome. We’ve learned that truth is relative. There are many paths to the top of the mountain; however, the top of the mountain is static. Yes! Hidden away, in a yet to be discovered cave somewhere, there is writ, carved into stone, in huge letters The Great Secret which says “I’m Making This Up As I Go Along!” I’m with Obi Wan, the truths we cling to often depend on our point of view.

If there is one ultimate truth, it would almost certainly be that it is humanly unknowable what that truth, if any, is. Of course there is, but we’ll have to evolve into a different being to understand and accept it! I believe there are many truths, there is more than one side. But can you compare those truths? We do it frequently which means we have to have some sort of standard or ultimate truth to compare different truths to. If not, we’d have no way of growth or progress because everything is dependent on how you feel in the moment.

Love is the ultimate truth. There are many paths to finding that truth. For example, In the daylight you see a green can. Is it true that the can is green? Our eye nerve tells yes. Let’s wait for the night and eye nerves will tell us the can is black. So is it true that the can is indeed green? The answer is it depends on lighting and our eye nerves. Of course, truth by definition is not subjective…There may be an ultimate truth, but there is not and cannot be any absolute knowledge of it.

Everything we call truth is a function of our human capacity to understand and interpret.

Why is the meaning of life 42 ,

The very concept of Truth is an illusion…chrooth, 
If there is no ultimate truth—there is no truth at all. Ultimately in most situations: it’s what happened. Not really. Facts are facts and truth Is perception. A fact can be true, but a truth doesn’t have to be fact. And that’s the truth. Truth, unlike facts, is individual in nature. The one ultimate truth is there is no ultimate truth … the truth IS that there will never be an ultimate truth 😛 God is the truth. He is the one constant in this changing world, and we can always rely on Him to be perfect in His promises. John 14:6

There is only one ultimate truth. Everyone who says otherwise is wrong.
Truth is not a cafeteria menu. You can’t have multiple truths. There is no “my truth” or “your truth”. There is only the truth, and it’s usually the most ignored and hated … The Simulation seems to create the rules as we move along… Source, we are source beings. There are as many dimensions as there are vibrations. We are the leading edge of all that is; so yes, you are, the ultimate, truth… Truth to what?

So Grateful For the Earth Angels!
Two hearts
I cherish them but sadly they don’t cherish me.. There are people we meet in life that make everything seem magical. Even the ones who come into our lives as ‘ lessons’. so many trials & tribulations, and so the overflowing blessing.
Heart suit
Cherish them.

Let go of the past to make room for what is to come.
When you finally let go of the past, something better comes along. This sounds nice to most but when you know nothing could be better, you just know.
Not all things or people are expendable nor replaceable. We tend to make up these perfect little sayings that can actually steer others the wrong way.
They don’t really help the world… If we are all followers of Christ should we not be helping each other also not just the ones we know?

Focus on the present, cause it won’t wait for you to get over the past.
If you don’t leave your past it will destroy your future.

Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away.

But how do we let go of our past… Can’t receive with a full hand.
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