Who do you believe is really running the country?

Spirituality is not a ‘one size fits all’… nothing in life is ‘one size fits all’ and that’s the trap society has had us fall into…

What’s best for you… may be the opposite of what’s best for me… and that’s okay… We were each given intuition & gut-feelings in order to DISCERN FOR OURSELVES… my intuition & gut-feelings were not created for you… you have your own… we each have our own for a reason… no one knows what is truly best for you… besides you!

Weather Events are now due to injustice . .
Thinking face
Face with tears of joy “Climate Change” will now be used in a similar fashion as “Infrastructure” in the Biden Administration . . It will be an All Encompassing Vehicle~muddying original claims and causes ~for more overreach and power.

It’s a Bye Bye Rashida, Maxine, Pelosi, Biden, Kamala, AOC, etc. for me!

“The Great Reset”

We do not expect diverse countries to share the same cultures, traditions or even systems of government, but we do expect all nations to uphold these two core sovereign duties, respect the interests of their own people and the rights of every other sovereign nation.” pic.twitter.com/0HtEQMLLxH

I honestly have no idea, what mess this will end up. But whoever it is, they are really screwing it up. The Dems probably want to federalize the police so they can enforce their political demands. I see where this is going.

Gestapo [ɡəˈstäpō] the German secret police under Nazi rule. It ruthlessly suppressed opposition to the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe, and sent Jews and others to concentration camps. From 1936 it was headed by Heinrich Himmler.

Lets Get Them All! Gates Birx Fauci Soros all of them | SGT Report   Fauci & Soros photo – Bing images


So Look behind the curtains…. The Pawns of Satan (The Antichrist, Corporations, Central bankers ALL ARE Psychopaths …… liberal democrats holding up cue cards….. for Biden….Obama and many other Clinton advisors ….the shadow government that fought Trump every step of the way. Committee of crazies led by Obama. Well, it’s Obama’s third management. and as we see it is terrible at the national level is chaotic the situation and in international politics without agenda. Soros BigTech, Deep State, Digital Aristocracy.

Well Harris doesn’t know to run the country and we know Biden is not, Obama could be, he did say he would love to have a puppet as a front man and he would run from behind… The Media, along with the Conglomerate masters, and the never-ending, always expanding Federal government, which the New Left fantasizes of. Can you say, Totalitarianism?

Smiling face with horns Harris! but the others are watching his every stumble with so many conservatives asleep. I’m astonished… If you mean, who’s really in charge? Dunno. Our POTUS stepped away, but I believe he’s not gone for long. How he comes back, no clue, but WH dark at 11 every night; no WH roof snipers. Why? Joe ain’t there. WE DON’T KNOW !! Isn’t that really the most terrifying fact, ever in our nation’s history. We also do not know how disastrous this will turn out.
Anything the fraudulent administration does will be null and void. It only exists to wake up the useful idiots and the useful sleepers. The great awakening from dark to light. No more than 10 people – mostly un elected Nominally cabinet members are running the country but they are carrying out other peoples orders …Backbenchers are irrelevant unless they get together and do something…Obama is not the shrewd wily puppet master people think.

He had “presentation” and decent speaking skills but he is no counterpart to someone like Dick Cheney. He was more of a shiny object with popular appeal.
“Because Liz Cheney Was A Primary Culprit Of Spreading Fake News On Russian Bounties To Undermine Trump” Obama is not the one pulling the strings of the Biden administration….Valerie Jarrett, Obama and Susan Rice ..in that order… IDK, but they are running it right into the ground. Praying that the best is yet to come…. Return question. Whom do you think is the most evil with total contempt for what is righteous.
Obama wanted Kamala Harris and Susan Rice both of them lawyers and wanted the destruction of the United States of North America. So it would be Susan Rice, Obama’s former staff with Obama’s guidance. BO’s prints are all over this mess. His hate for Americans is very real. Global Elitist George Soros, Bill Gates, Koch Brothers etc. Obama and his evil pack of demons. Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Liz Warren, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Mazie Hirono, Amy KlobucharMitt Romney Mitch McConnellLisa Murkowski & Susan Collins and even the rest of the swamp at The State Level are running the country right now.
They are the ones ” orchestrating” this classic revolutionist tactic. Both Marxists and trained in agitation ( as you are seeing) both communist sympathizers. Globalist funded. Every day will be more bottom up pressure paid for and supported by the top down pressure. Leaving the law abiding confused and begging for relief. That relief will be an iron fist totalitarian lockdown. And then it’s over.

Big tech – Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, etc. Without them, we’d have a supermajority of patriots who wouldn’t stand for this crap. Someone we can’t see, using the politicians in DC as puppets…. Valerie Jarrett, John Podesta and The Cabal of EVIL. The monsters protecting the Obiden crime family….Who knows anymore. I’m done with it all. It’s a bunch of bs. People losing their livelihoods over politics. Obama is directing Biden. Not sure if anyone is actually running the country. (Chaos and anarchy are prevalent) Unfucqqingbelieveable to me.
Now if you ask who is “ruining” our country, I can name zillions!!

Not for much longer, though. The Fall of the Cabal!!!
President Trump and the military will be in complete control of America.

Appreciates all Infestations & Infests all Patriots.
Why did Maxine Waters incite violence and encourage riots? She has interfered with the Derek Chauvin trial and that is a crime. She needs to be impeached…
Left believes that without a strong armed centralized federal government people will go crazy and chaos will rain. So they go crazy and cause chaos in order to prove their own point. These are lunatics. Sinisters (leftists) do subscribe to massive authoritarian governments. That’s communism. Because the end justifies the means, staging violence wholesale is critical in achieving that end. It seems a fierce light switch of violence was turned on with the inauguration of Biden.

God has turned them over to their hearts desire, sin & the devil. They have lost their minds. Insanity is what Satan produces. Reign, chaos will reign. Not only lunatics —DANGEROUS lunatics!! Soros Exposed Plotting to Nationalize American Police – The New American   
Conquer life’s financial issues and save your life.
We were very lucky to have had Trump at the helm because look at what happened in the Blue States. Trump’s economy was already very strong going into the pandemic (which Powell acknowledged put us in great place now) and for Operation Warp Speed. Canada is what “normal” would have looked like here if not for Trump. When a government loses the consent of the governed, it’s time to change it completely. It cannot be walked back and can’t be trusted to reform itself.

Meanwhile Canadian government employees are still pulling down a paycheck while private citizens cannot. Not sure why our northern border is closed when the southern border is WIDE OPEN FOR ALL TO COME IN. Even though the sign on the SD freeway says southern border crossings CLOSED. It’s amazing how many Americans don’t realize that most Canadians love a progressive tyrannical government…Which is what happens when you’re not allowed to speak against it you’ll eventually just comply,

I understand IF you were in Montreal. But don’t paint the whole country with a broad stroke. We are not like that out West here. We are far from being broken.Flag of Canada
And yet Canadians, filled with fear, accept it like it’s gospel. Non stop Covid-19 fear mongering in the news. Can’t bear it. That’s exactly what the globalists want to do with these countries, so they can prop up China as their new prized toy + have global ctrl. It’s sad and disturbing that so many bureaucrats and other govt leaders are aiding in this planned destruction of these once great nations.

The Commonwealth certainly propelled countries to despair. Being dependent on a dysfunctional domineering government can be nice until the music stops. I am also a Canadian expat in America. I hate it when someone visits a single American city and thinks they know all about America. Like America, Canada is huge, diverse, and cannot be judged from a tiny snapshot of one city. MTL isn’t Canada… I’m old enough to remember all the people who said they were going to move to Canada because someone they didn’t like got elected president.

Unfortunately we’ve gone full left-wing and the experiment is a slow-motion train wreck.
But we’re doing it so you don’t have to. Learn from our mistakes, and don’t ever let it happen again. There is a cure for that, but Canadians appear to be incapable of throwing EVERY politician out of office. Suffering in silence just gets you MORE SUFFERING! Don’t like the 4 political Parties? Start a new one, the “Liberty Party”. Take back your liberty!

God help our Northern neighbors. Their leadership screwed this up from day 1 and now they go full tyrant. The people suffer, as usual.

I’m trying to find people willing to ask govt leaders to implement EARLY TREATMENT of C19+ patients. This paper from AMJMed outlines it and
Texas Dr.’s used it with great success. https://amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(20)30673-2/fulltext… Please help if you can — This can save lives Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection – The American Journal of Medicine (amjmed.com)

Trump Adviser Slams Fauci After He Takes Credit For COVID Vaccine — FAUCI HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE VACCINE! DR. Fauci is a LIAR!

SECOND STUDY This Time From CDC WEBSITE Confirms Stanford Study on Face Masks Being Harmful – Cause Serious Side Effects (thegatewaypundit.com)

Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine recipient in Nevada undergoes 3 brain surgeries following jab: report | USA TODAY SUN

Young, healthy adults will be deliberately reinfected with COVID-19 to boost vaccine development (msn.com)

Trump Adviser Slams Fauci After He Takes Credit For COVID Vaccine – The Political Insider

Dr Clare Craig  (@ClareCraigPath) / Twitter
Wind blowing face
SnowflakeLiVe LiFe EvErYdAy to the FuLLesT, LAUGH out LOUD, and LoVe the UnLoVAbLe
Wind blowing face Snowflake
Here’s a Leftist fan of John Lennon’s song “Imagine”, responding to my original Christian interpretation of the song. I must turn this into a positive, teachable moment. She wants me to “die”, I love her in return. #Jesus
The Beatles were involved in a lot of strange things.
I Don’t Imagine ~song by Scott Kernaghan (rumble.com)
“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”
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