Stupid Personified

Jen Psaki Defends Rising Prices: ‘Good Thing’ Because it Means
‘More People are Buying Goods’

Tell me you don’t understand basic economics without telling me you don’t understand basic economics.You’ll tell me how communism is good and why it is a good thing.. Oh..  She’s right! A global pandemic shut us down & everyone complained. Now that the pandemic is under some control, we’re back to working again, in school again, people are buying stuff again.
It happens, it’s worldwide, stop complaining. Face with rolling eyes

The slide began the first day of Biden’s residency, signing all those exec orders given to him by his handlers. Since then it’s been a punishing success.  You’re talking about demand/shortages. Inflation in the US is directly tied to the value of the dollar. It is tied DIRECTLY to global supply chain shortages. Impacting shipping, energy, chips, steel, etc.

Someone doesn’t understand how world reserve currencies work.
The entire Global economy is hooked into America. It’s part of American hegemony. If we catch a cold the rest of the world starts sneezing as well.   
Not quite worldwide, but it’s because the entrenched elite using the pandemic as an excuse to pay themselves and their friends trillions from public treasuries was not solely a US phenomenon.   

In Ireland, they we have their highest inflation since 2008 but yes keep thinking ye are the only ones affected. No one is denying it’s not worldwide. The problem is most governments treated the COVID-19 problem using the same prescription. Shut everything down and send out endless amounts of cash. Now we are surprised to find productivity has dropped and millions of jobs go unfilled?

Completely irrelevant. America’s prices are due to extremely poor policies, creating a welfare state, and forcing mandates ruining job numbers. But that’s not an excuse for not understanding it.. or the damage it can do.  “In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it.” ~Orwell


This simply isn’t true; the US inflation rate is far higher than that of Europe’s largest economies, as well as the average of all the developed nations belonging to the OECD. But even if it was true, it wouldn’t make Psaki’s statement any less ignorant.

She does, she is there for the people living in a false reality to cope with the insanity. She is like their security blanket and when reality hits them it’s going to be pure insanity. We ain’t seen nothing yet.  

I’ve said this multiple times, but it is very concerning that Jen Psaki does not understand simple economics.  I mean if we’re talking simple economics, inflation is a normal and healthy thing for an economy to go through. Granted at a lower level than we’ve seen (still to be determined if it remains when supply chains normalize). Would you rather have deflation?

Ron Klain is the defacto President

She’s never had a job that wasn’t tied to democratic politics. She’s an economic illiterate. Jen’s not an intellectual powerhouse, she’s just mean and snarky.

I mean if we’re talking simple economics, inflation is a normal and healthy thing for an economy to go through. Granted at a lower level than we’ve seen (still to be determined if it remains when supply chains normalize). Would you rather have deflation?  

Clearly someone failed Economics and doesn’t understand basic supply and demand. If you double the amount of dollars in circulation, what should happen to the cost of everything? Are we so stupid that we put up with BS like this as a country? This answer is absurd. Jake should have perp walked her off set for being such an idiot. I know better but one can hope. Things will get much worse and half the country will try to convince the other half we’re okay.

Demand is artificially high because Biden gave everyone $1400 checks, a monthly child tax credit payment, rent free living, subsidized Obamacare, and until recently $1000 per week unemployment. Of course demand is out of whack. It’s a choice made by this administration.  White House goes on the record that they believe inflation is good. When people can’t afford to pay all their bills after buying groceries and gas, remember the White House believes this is a “good thing”.

Gasoline prices are 42.1%; propane, kerosene, and firewood are up 27.6%; used cars are 24.4%; bacon is 19.3%; other meat is 12.6%.Our supply chain issues and shipping delays are unprecedented. Great progress Jen!

The people occupying the White House don’t have the collective knowledge to run a profitable lemonade stand let alone the entire country.  

This is how dumb they trust the American public to be.  

She meant “good thing” she isn’t on a low fixed income and it’s a “good thing” the most of the suckers voting for her are guaranteed votes.  It’s sad…these people aren’t smart, but somehow they’re managing to convince a good percentage of people that what’s happening is good for them.

Woman facepalming

Doesn’t anyone else hate how spokes-weasels like Psaki speak so authoritatively about everything- almost like she was in the room and her opinions sought- when really she is just handed a piece of paper and told to defend it? They’re actually taking credit for lower unemployment than at the height of lockdowns they created. They truly do think America is stupid. She is even dumber than Biden and that’s saying a lot.

BullllllllllllPile of pooEconomy 101 Scarcity drives up prices…try reading the economics page! This is why the barges are not unloading. Jen Psaki’s job is to say things that keep people thinking this Regime is trying to run the country instead of trying to break it while they break it. Inflation hurts the working and middle class the most. Psaki knows nothing about that since she has more than most.

Reminds me of Bernie saying communist bread lines were a good thing!

Man facepalming

It’s like they assume everyone knows nothing about the economy This admin wants to bankrupt our nation!

Pouting facePouting facePouting face

Sounds about right. In the grocery business, we’re worried about bottled water and paper shorts again, got cut 90% of our water ordered today. What happens when people panic like always when they can’t wipe their ass?

“So a year ago, people were in their homes…Gas prices were low because nobody was driving.” I’m sorry, gas prices were low because the USA was energy independent. #EmptyShelvesJoe#EmptyShelvesBiden

Yes, yes, that’s exactly what it means. You raise the price and more people are buying. Businesses have had this wrong the entire time. Instead of a 30% off it should be a 30% above price limited time offer. Why have they not thought of it this entire time?!!?!

The fact that she believes we are falling for that is frankly hilarious.  If she truly believes this, she’s dumber than a sack of ball-peen hammers and should not be in the position she’s holding. This is what happens when people in power have never worked in the private sector. Actually, government handouts are driving demand not employment. The “low” unemployment numbers don’t count underemployed or those that have given up looking for work. Wait until mandate unemployment kicks in – worst is yet to come.
If she doesn’t believe this, she’s lying to the American public and should not be in the position she’s holding.  yeah that’s not what it means. it should concern a lot of people that this administration cant understand basically an intro to econ class question… literally first day shit. yes it is healthy, but not run away from inflation.

There is no inflation. @PressSec :    Ok there is a bit of inflation but it’s transitory.
Ok there is inflation, a lot. But we can fix it. Inflation is actually good.

Rising prices have multiple causes: Supply shortage, increased demand, increased money supply. We have a supply shortage and we have increased money supply. @PressSec says it is in demand?
Dunning–Kruger effect – Wikipedia

Remember when they bragged about hot dogs going down .16 cents? Guess that was our cue that we should have started stocking up.  
That isn’t how it works at all. People always buy gasoline. Rising gas prices doesn’t mean “oh good, people are buying gas.”
 That woman is the feces of when shame devours too much stupidity.

Socialism: Up is down.

Hot is cold. East is west. Etc.

with this spectacularly unqualified and inept administration.  
Every single Republican ad: “Joe Biden’s White House said that your increased grocery and energy costs are a good thing.

Seeing comments like the ones below saddens me so that so many people are willing to follow others off the cliff without even a single question about what they are following.

Sadly, it is those who fell away. The following incredible prophecies from the Bible show that we are in the end times. 73+ years in. The end of the end times, to be exact.
The generation that sees Israel restored will see all the prophecies fulfilled and the return of Jesus Christ. End Times Miracles (

What are they so desperate to put in us? An ID! ID2020 | Digital Identity Alliance Replying to @GMSRepublic and @Frances40996115Excellent! My thinking too. The vax is a killer, a unique DNA based ID, and tracking / control. How does he “force all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bound to receive a mark …” and “cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.” It’s in the vax! Schwab / Gates “everyone in the world ID implanted by 2024.” DNA-based programming of quantum dot valency, self-assembly and luminescence Beast tech.
Messenger RNA, a groundbreaking biotechnology, has immense potential beyond fighting infectious disease.

This is how it works. mRNA: The groundbreaking technology that may change the course of medicine ( Gates’ Quantum Dot Digital Tattoo Implant to Track COVID-19 Vaccine Compliance | Saved MagazineTrust Stamp – Bill Gates Funded Program That Will Create Your Digital Identity Based On Your Vaccination History – James Fetzer


The smoking gun! What is in the vaccines that they so desperately want in every man, woman, and child in the world? “ID2020 Alliance cooperation with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)”
Some of the Bigger Signs and Wonders Since 9/11 | End Times Miracles (


Isaiah 66:8 Who’s heard this? Can a country be BORN in a day? Yet NO SOONER is Zion in LABOR than she BIRTHS her CHILDREN The Israeli War of Independence Began 15th May 1948 Ended 10th March 1949 = 9 months, the length of a pregnancy 1949 + 80 = 2029
But No One Knows The Day? | Guide To The Bible (

Thank you very much. I was just looking at your site this morning. I’ve also just been speaking with Nick Vanderlaan on one of his YouTube pages. Small world.
It is however our currency that’s driving it all. Our idiot politicians are screwing the entire world up.  Gas, groceries, nearly all retail prices have gone sky high. Yet, out of touch with reality, delusional Dems all across the land think the biden regime is doing just wonderful.

Their thinking makes no sense at all.   It’s getting so damn pathetic with these gas prices and Biden doesn’t give a shit either because he was happy to have fired all the people that were working on getting oil for us. That asshole & the assholes he hired need to fuck off!!! The whole world is fucked because of The petrodollar . . Trump mends Obama’s world.

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