Preventing Cancer is Key to Success

    With  the  blog post  for May  and  April  being  cancer treatment  and survivorship.  This website isn’t about telling doctors how to treat cancer patients.  It’s  a  website  that  searches  for answers  and  is  indicative  of   prevention and  what we should know  to prevent cancer  from occurring    to us  and  reducing your risk.  With  the  number of  new cancer patients expected to more than double  from  1.36 million  in  2000  to  almost  3.0 million  in 2050  it could be a devastating problem.

    Between 1970  and  2012 despite conflicting reports of cancer rates decreasing  with improvements  in cancer prevention,  early detection         and  treatment.  With  the number of  cancer patients  also steadfastly increasing this could cause a problem for a broken health care system. However  in 1970,  the United States population  was 203,302,031 with            a total mortality rate of  330,972  or  162.8 per 100,000  or  907  deaths   daily that trend increases each year.

    While 20 years later 1990,  the United States population increased              to 248,709,873 with a total mortality of  505,322 or 203.2 per 100,000       and 1384 deaths per day the problem escalated. Until NOW instead of decreasing like some would have you believe the numbers climb. Just         last  year  when  we  seen  the United  States  population  increased  to  313,933,954 on July 4th. The mortality rate of cancer went to 577,190           or 215.1 per 100,000 and 1581 deaths daily.

    Recombinant bovine growth hormone  (rBGH) which is a synthetic             (man- made)  hormone approved  by the FDA  in 1993,  however,  is not permitted  in the more stringent areas of  the  world  (European Union, Canada and some other countries.) Bovine Growth Hormone, which is      also known  as bovine somatotropin  (BST)  is the natural  form of  this hormone in cattle.

   Also Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH)  or recombinant                bovine  somatropin  (rBST)  refers  to  a  hormone  made  in  a  lab  using genetic technology.  Concerns  about health issues  have  focused  on two main issues persist. First cows treated with rGHB tend to develope more udder infections (mastitis.)  So  does  the  antibotics  given  cows  lead  to more antibotic – resistant bacteria.

    Secondly does drinking milk  from rBGH treated cows increase blood levels  of  growth hormone IGF-1,  a hormone  that  normally  helps  some types of cancer cells grow.  Some studies indicate  that  IGF-1 levels at the high end of  the normal range can influence  the developement  of  certain tumors.  With some studies suggesting adults who drink milk have about 10%  higher levels  of  IGF-1 in their blood levels than those drinking little    or no milk.

    However,  this same  finding  has also been reported  in  people whom drink  soymilk  which in my opinion is false.  Suggesting that the increase     in IGF-1 may not be specific to cow’s milk, and may be caused  by  protein,  minerals, or some other factors in milk unrelated to rBGH. There has been no direct comparsion of  IGF-1 levels  in  people who drink ordinary cow’s milk versus milk stimulated by rBGH.

     When  you  consider  rBGH  in  our  Standard American  Western Diet combined with sugar,  sugar substitutes which can be addictive. Than add processed  foods with ingredients you can’t pronounce and  fluoride in our water supply the onslaught is on.  In this balancing act of  prevention. You best  take  out  some  of  the bad  and  add good to it ( vegetables and  fruits2 to 3  grams  of  fish oil5,000 iu  of  vitamin D3a  great  multi – vitamincurcumin  or  turmeric,  with inulin  (fibre.)  and anti oxidants  which are cornerstones in your diet. This might be an insurance policy of  policies to overcome the odds of  getting cancer in the  first place.

    One of  the main keys  for preventing cancer  was discovered wayback       in  1931,  when  Noble laureate Dr. Otto Warburg;  work became one of  the most effective treatments for cancer. What he discovered was healthy cells burns  oxygen  for  energy.  His main discovery  wayback than was cancer cells  produces  energy  by  fermenting  sugar  in  an  acidic environment ~ low in oxygen to survive.

   Cancer  only survives  when  oxygen is reduced  and  the body becomes more acidic  and  sugar is  present to  feed  the cancer.  Therefore,  in 1994 while watching his wife sufferthe  debilitating  ravages  of  chemotherapy and cancer itself.  Bill Henderson researched  and  discovered  the  5 steps     of  Curing Cancer with  1. increasing oxygen levels   2. reduce sugar levels     3. lower acidicity levels  4. boost the immune system   5. eliminate toxins.     

    While  being  one  of  the leading guru’s  of  Integrative Medicine in the  United States at  The University of  Ariona.  Dr. Andrew Weil  has a belief   there  are  many  elements  of  fruits  and  vegetables  protecting  us  from  the  harmful effects  of  inflammation.  What  he  showcases  is  the  many  aspects  of  inappropriate inflammation being  the root  cause  of  serious diseases killing and disable people prematurely (cardiovascular disease, Alzheimers and cancer begin as inflammatory prophecies.)  

   Speaking about the alternative  from the book  Outsmart Your Cancer  written by Tanya Harter Pierce comes this intriquing information  from    the 1930’s. Dr. James V. Sheridan, Detroit Institute of  Cancer Research developed  a  formula called  Entelev,  which  in  1984  another  company begin making a similiar product named Cancell; which wasn’t approved    for use in the United States.

   However,  mixtures  similiar  to Cancell  such  as  Cantron & Protocel        are  available  as dietary supplements.  Protocel being a relatively equal inexpensive counter part appears  to  be great  for disabling the energy – producing mechanism of  the trophoblast. Which is a cell line that many believe is the basis  for cancer. So is it a cure for cancer?  A False Hope or      a good preventive protocol for cancer — you do the research – you be the judge!!!

    Additionally,  Protocel  has compounds  that helps  the body dispose         of  dead  or  necrotic tumor tissue.  This  is  critical  because  one  can die  from toxic poisoning from necrotic or dead cancer tissue (however, with   any treatment both conventional or alternative — one should always do there own research  and  weigh the optionsafter getting a second  and sometimes third opinion.)

  The Importance  of  Adequate Vitamin D3  Levels

How Vitamin D Converts to Works In Your Body

The  Jane  Plant  Story

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