MY Cancer in a Nutshell

When I chat with cancer patients within my own and other cancer groups on Facebook.  I always marvel at their self-confidence they have acquired through that life – or – death experience.  For Lisa Burns was no difference:

Lisa Burns
November 17 at 2:21pm

I was diagnosed in May 2012 with stage 2 IDC, Triple Negative breast cancer. I had the genetic testing being my mom is the only other woman in the family to ever had it before me, it turned out it wasn’t genetic. So in July, I had a masectomy that turned into a full radical masectomy meaning they scrapped me down to my ribs and took all 40 lymph nodes on that side even tho only the main one was cancerous.

I had a wound vac on for about a month then i had chemo, cytoxin and taxatere for          4 months finishing in Dec 2012. 14 months later it returned in my hilar lymph node in    the small “v” shape  between my upper  and  lower lobe of the right lung but outside it.     So another biopsy and chemo again, this time taxol,  this was before I knew about the benefits of juicing and alternative methods. So this was May 2014 and I had chemo for        2 months and was gone.

May 2016 so almost 2 years later it returned but this time in my brain!!  And 2 tumors        were found on my left side,  I was falling, headaches, driving over curbs on the right side   of my car so i went to my GP and said i need a scan something is wrong!! Got the call that afternoon about the tumors. 2 days later I was at Regions hospital getting fitted for a face mask for targeted radiation. I had 3 one hour session the first week of June.

 That’s when i get serious about juicing and taking supplements. In August they did a   MRI and found the back tumor which was originally 2×2 cm was almost gone and  front tumor which was 3×2 cm was down to half its size!! I had another scan Nov 9th and both are practically gone!! They told me I lost 25 lbs since June so a total of 125 since original diagnosis.

 I juice carrots, celery, a whole apple, ginger, turmeric and black pepper daily, YUCK but    I force myself to drink it. I take alot of vitamin C, potassium, COQ 10, vitamin D all in high doses through having my blood tested. With 3 school kids its usually the cheaper ones like Spring Valley and Nature’s MADE or whatever is on sale.

Ken’s Comment:  I myself used Spring Valley 1000mg MilkThistle from Walmart 2 summers ago for a congested liver. After chatting with John the Kmart Pharmacist with his duo degree in Naturals and said that brand get results!!!!  🙂

And each week:  I juice a whole watermelon as i was left having kidney stones from all      the chemo and even had surgery once to remove one that was 3/4 the size of my kidney.  Was told this year I have another smaller one and since the watermelon juice,  my GFR     is in normal range  and so is the creatin.

This in large part is due to talking to Ken  and learning about the benefits of juicing and supplements. So they told me 2 days ago I am beating cancer for the 3rd time in 4 years!!

Several foods boost glutathione levels. For example, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower all contain cyanohydroxybutene which increases glutathione levels. Avocados, peaches, and watermelon are also reported to raise glutathione levels.

The glutathione diet list of foods and supplements along with requirements to benefit from them.
Watermelon’s red pulpy flesh contains the “mother of all antioxidants,” glutathione, which is known to help strengthen the immune system.…/
Eating foods, not supplements that boost your Glutathione levels is the best way to go. Here are some of the Best foods to boost your glutathione levels.
Another comment in this chat came from:
Geri Ann Wow!! You are an amazing warrior and have survived so much! Keep on with all your super foods and juicing. I reversed my aggressive breast cancer this way! I am also a big  fan of  watermelon and will eat a whole one every week!!  Some other super whole food cancer fighters I have recently included are black seed oil, moringa powder, ashwaganda powder, dulse seaweed, turkey tail mushroom powder, dried and cooked ginger. It has become a way of life for me now and I have never felt or looked better! I have so much more energy and vitality! I put most of my supps in my smoothie.                 💖👌🌞🌟

  Also last winter:  I had 3 heart surgeries to place 4 stents in my heart but just found out     my aortic valve is mildly not working correctly so I hope they repair it soon (through the groin again) and not wait to replace it as that would mean open heart surgery.  So I know   if I CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU!!!! Nothing is impossible and you have to BELIEVE!!!  I do this for my 3 younger children and my oldest daughter who are an inspiration to me daily.
Love Lisa 💝 ❤✨❤✨❤💝

 Why is Glutathione critical to health and even life?

Why is Glutathione critical to health and even life?

Aging Diseases and Glutathione
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