Chronic Pain

Let us cut the crap for a minute.
Then I want you to think about how lucky we are.
To have this empowering knowledge and experience.

When I was diagnosed with Severe Zero Positive Rheumatoid Arthritis, ( I know, such a fancy word), I was devastated. Who wouldn`t be, being told by someone you trust that your life as a mobile active young woman is over.
That you are now so called chronic, very sick, for always, and will have to be medicated, living in pain, get crippled and need more and more aids to get through your day.
Believe me, not fun. SHIT is was scary.
I felt I was in Twilight Zone.
My world crashed. My vision died. My enthusiasm went below zero.
Until I woke up.
Until I realized that NO ONE, not a single soul could tell me what my life would be.
I had to take CHARGE!
I started the most fun, crazy, educational, empowering, painful, humbling, scary and so much more journey of a lifetime.
I went from HELL through the darkest nights, to a life filled with wonder and power, health and vitality.

I did not believe in chronic. I never will. It is natural to be healthy. I had been healthy once, and I would be it again. I knew it. Even after being heavily medicated for several years, hanging on for my dear life, I knew something was fundamentally wrong with this philosophy of thinking. Masking symptoms. Poisoning my body, when it was crying for help.

Our so-called health system is based on chemicals and surgery, on poisons, taking out what is not working, and repairing by instruments. Always looking at the symptom, finding remedy by suppressing the symptoms, not true healing. A good surgeon is a true blessing, and the Emergency rooms save lives every single minute of the day. There is a place for all trauma and acute life-saving procedures, but the suppressing of symptoms we can do without. When you or anyone is labeled chronic, trouble is ahead. The body is in the need of healing, and the truth is now going to be hidden and buried.

Always looking for the magic pill, keeps us in the dark. It keeps us away from true health. We are sick because we stopped listening to our bodies, and fell for the marketed easy-fix-pill.

We need not wonder why we are sick, but rather spend our time and energy looking towards health and vitality. It is right under our noses, as it always was. We were never meant to be sick, it is not natural. When we are hurt, and we know that accidents do happen, we can still do our very best to live in harmony with nature and the Creation.

We need to look towards restoring our health, not the masking of symptoms. We are standing in line, holding out our hands for a pill. The pill that locks you in its prison, wanting and needing more. What we do not know can hurt us big time. The Health Food field has continued down this road of fixing symptoms, by producing isolates in form of chemically made vitamins and minerals. The body does not do isolates. Nature is perfect, and there are no isolates in nature. Our minds are affecting our ability to think, one might say, or our ability to reason. Health has become the largest industry in the world, and sadly Mr. Money is the captain of the ship. The ship is sinking, and we are all watching it go under.

We are sick because we gave away our authority,
We are sick because we forgot that we were sovereign beings,
We are sick because we lost our quest for true health,
We are sick because we accepted the labels of dis-ease,
We are sick from not daring to step out of the norm, and
we are sick because we lost our faith in God and nature.

As we have been misled and misguided, confusion and lack of self-love has also become a great obstacle to overcome when it comes to true health. By that I mean that not loving ourselves is why we are not treating ourselves with the best care that there is. This lack of self-love is what allows us to keep hurting and punishing ourselves. We need to realize that we are all worth it. We are all worth having healthy, amazing lives. It’s natural to be healthy, and happiness is a choice. You are worth it, every single bit of it. Every day, walking towards the life that you desire, you will realize that you are worthy. You just need to know that you want it, to start walking. And you just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other to get there. That is how we accomplish anything. One day at the time. One step, one bite, one thought and one spoken word at a time.

There was never anything wrong with who we were, or the way that we were meant to live. We became too smart, too greedy and too caught up in our minds to see where we were heading. Now we see, and now we know.

When we know better, we can do better!

I took charge and went after my own health. I published two books, to make sure as many as possible will benefit from my experience and knowledge. “From HELL to Inspired”, and “Know the Truth and Get Healthy”, are both on Amazon, in Barnes and Nobles, and everywhere books are sold.
You can also get your free chapter by visiting my website. You will find both books at the top of the page.
You can sign up for my newsletter to make sure you are in the loop for my latest tips on how to get healthy, recipes and inspiration.
I believe in you!

Preview Hilde Larsen & Dr. Morse Discuss

Hilde’s New Book “From HELL to Inspired”

Hilde Larsen & Dr. Morse Discuss Hilde’s New Book “From HELL to Inspired”
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Nikki Meysenburg's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, eyeglasses and closeupHello again…. this is Nikki Meysenburg and I am going to speak about something that I know a lot about, Chronic Pain and the supposed “medications” that are supposed to help. If you read my last blog I wrote then you know about my medical conditions.  For those of you who are not acquainted with me then these are what I have been diagnosed within the past and most of the information has been obtained from!!!

Spinal stenosis is an abnormal narrowing (stenosis) of the spinal canal that may occur in any of  the regions of the spine.  This narrowing causes a restriction in the spinal canal, resulting in a neurological deficit.  Symptoms include pain,  numbness,  paraesthesia, and loss of motor control.  The location of these stenosis determines  which area of the body is affected.[1]  With spinal stenosis,  the spinal canal is narrowed at the vertebral canal, which is a foramen between the vertebrae,  and  the spinal cord (in the cervical or thoracic spine) or nerve roots (in the lumbar spine) pass through.[2] There are several types of these spinal stenosis, with lumbar stenosis and cervical stenosis being the most frequent. While lumbar spinal stenosis is more common,  the cervical spinal stenosis is more dangerous because it involves compression of the spinal cord,  whereas,  theses lumbar spinal stenosis involves compression of the cauda equina.

Fibromyalgia(FM or FMS) characterized by chronic widespread pain and allodynia   (a heightened and painful response to pressure).[1] While its exact cause is unknown but is believed to involve psychological, genetic, neurobiological and environmental factors.[2][3][4]  Fibromyalgia symptoms…. aren’t restricted to just pain,  which also leads to the use of the alternative term fibromyalgia syndrome for the condition.  Other symptoms including debilitating  fatigue,  sleep  disturbance,  and  joint  stiffness.  With  some  patients[5]  also reporting  difficulty with swallowing,[6]  bowel and bladder abnormalities,[7] numbness and tingling,[8]  and  cognitive dysfunction.[9]  While Fibromyalgia  is  frequently  comorbid with psychiatric conditions  such as depressionanxiety and  also  stress-related disorders such as  posttraumatic stress disorder.[10][11]   Therefore,  not  all  fibromyalgia  patients  will  also  experience these  associated symptoms.  There is evidence that environmental factors and certain genes increase the risk of developing fibromyalgia. While these same genes are also associated with other functional somatic syndromes and major depressive disorder.[14] 

Greater trochanteric pain syndrome,  (GTPS), also known as trochanteric bursitis, is inflammation of the trochanteric bursa, a part of the hip.  This bursa is at       the top, outer side of the femur, between the insertion of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles into the greater trochanter of the femur and the femoral shaft. It has the function, in common with other bursae, of working as a shock absorber and as a lubricant for the movement of the muscles adjacent to it.

Occasionally, this bursa can become inflamed and clinically painful and tender. This condition can be a manifestation    of an injury (often resulting from a twisting motion or from overuse),  but sometimes arises for no obviously definable cause.  The symptoms are pain in the hip region upon walking, and tenderness over the upper part of the femur, which may result in the inability to lie in comfort on the affected side.
More often the lateral hip pain is caused by disease of the gluteal tendons that secondarily inflames the bursa. This is most common in middle-aged women,  and is associated with a chronic and debilitating pain which does not respond      to conservative treatment.  Other causes of trochanteric bursitis include uneven leg length,  iliotibial band syndrome,    and weakness of the hip abductor muscles.[1]
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome can remain incorrectly diagnosed for years, because it shares the same pattern of pain with many other musculoskeletal conditions. Thus people with this condition may be labeled malingerers, or may undergo many ineffective treatments due to misdiagnosis.
Sciatica,  (/sˈætɪkə/sciatic neuritissciatic neuralgia,[1] or lumbar radiculopathy[2][3]) is a set of symptoms.  Including pain caused by general compression,  or irritation of one of five spinal nerve roots of each sciatic nerve—or by compression or irritation of the left or right or both sciatic nerves. The symptoms include lower back pain, buttock pain, and pain, numbness or weakness in various parts of the leg and foot.  With other symptoms include a “pins and needles” sensation, or tingling and difficulty moving or controlling the leg.  Typically, these symptoms only manifest on one side  of the body. The pain may radiate below the knee, but does not always.
Sciatica is a relatively common form of low back and leg pain, but the true meaning of the term is often misunderstood. Sciatica is a set of symptoms rather than a diagnosis for what is irritating the root of the nerve to cause the pain. Treatment for sciatica or sciatic symptoms often differs, depending on underlying causes and pain levels. Causes include compression of the sciatic nerve roots by a herniated (torn) or protruding disc in the lower back.
Herniated discs and bulging discs,  spinal disc herniation  (in Latin  prolapsus disci intervertebralis, commonly called a slipped disc[1] although this is not medically correct) is a medical condition.  Affecting the spine in which a tear in the outer, fibrous ring (annulus fibrosus) of an intervertebral disc ( discus intervertebralis)  allows the soft, central portion (nucleus pulposus) to bulge out beyond the damaged outer rings. Disc herniation is usually due to age related degeneration of the annulus fibrosus,  although trauma,  liftinginjuries,  or straining have been implicated. Tears are almost always postero-lateral in nature owing to the presence of the posterior longitudinal ligament in the spinal canal.[2] This tear in the disc ring may result in the release of inflammatory chemical mediators, which may directly cause severe pain, even in the absence of nerve root compression.
I have had spinal fusion of C3, C4,& C5, I have had radio-frequency neuropathy, trigger point therapy, cortisone shots, epidural steroid injections,  medicated to the point of becoming a zombie.  I have had MRI’s,  Myleograms,  CT Scans, Radioactive Isotopes injected to check out the bones, colonoscopies from both ends, many shots of highly potent pain killers, have had so many different tests and procedures.  This has been ongoing for 12+ years 24/7/365.  With these medications that I was prescribed to take are as follows:

Oxycontin: is the brand name for a timed-release formula of oxycodone, a narcotic analgesic (medication that reduces pain). It’s used to relieve pain from injuries, arthritis, cancer, and other conditions. Oxycodone, a morphine-like drug, is found along with non-narcotic analgesics in a number of prescription drugs, such as Percodan (oxycodone and aspirin) and Percocet (oxycodone and acetaminophen).

OxyContin contains between 10 and 80 milligrams of oxycodone in a timed-release formula that allows up to 12 hours of relief from chronic pain. What distinguished OxyContin from other analgesics was its long-acting formula, a blessing for patients who typically need round-the-clock relief.

“If you have pain that’s there all the time, four hours goes by very quickly,” says cancer specialist Mary A. Simmonds, MD. “If you’re not watching the clock, the pain comes back. People tend not to take their pills on time. The pain builds back up, so you’re starting over. It’s not very good management of pain.”

Common side effects include constipationfatigue, dizzinessnauseavomiting, dry mouth, anxiety, itching, and sweating.[14] Less common side effects (experienced by less than 5% of patients) include loss of appetite, nervousness, abdominal paindiarrheaurine retentiondyspnea, and hiccups.[2]
In high doses, overdoses, or in patients not tolerant to opiates, oxycodone can cause shallow breathing, bradycardia, cold-clammy skin, apneahypotensionmiosis,circulatory collapserespiratory arrest, and death.
Neurontin: is a medication used to help manage certain epileptic seizures and relieve pain in some painful conditions. Common Neurontin side effects are dizziness and drowsiness. Some people may also experience weight gain and unsteadiness.
Gabritil: Tiagabine is approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an adjunctive treatment for partial seizures in ages 12 and up. It may also be prescribed off-label by physicians knowledgeable about the field to treat anxiety disorders and neuropathic pain (including fibromyalgia). For anxiety and neuropathic pain, tiagabine is used primarily to augment other treatments. Tiagabine may be used alongside SSRIsSNRIs or benzodiazepines for anxiety, or antidepressantsgabapentinanticonvulsantsor opiates for neuropathic pain
Side Effects: Tiagabine’s most common side effects include confusion, difficulty speaking clearly/stuttering, mild sedation, and in doses over 8 mg, a tingling sensation (paresthesia) in the body’s extremities, particularly the hands and fingers. Tiagabine may induce seizures in those without epilepsy, especially if they are taking another drug which lowers the seizure threshold.[1]
Tiagabine overdose can produce neurologic symptoms such as lethargy, seizures (multiple), status epilepticus, seizure (single), coma, confusion, agitation, tremors, dizziness, dystonias/abnormal posturing, and hallucinations. Other symptoms of tiagabine overdose include respiratory depression, tachycardia, hypertension, and hypotension. Overdose may be fatal especially if the victim presents with severe respiratory depression and/or fails to respond to verbal and physical stimuli. Emergency medical services should be sought immediately for any overdose.
Flexeril: Cyclobenzaprine, brand names AmrixFlexeril and Fexmid, is a muscle relaxant medication used to relieve skeletal muscle spasms and associated pain in acutemusculoskeletal conditions.[3] It is the best-studied drug for this application,[4] it has also been used off-label for fibromyalgia treatment.[5] A new bedtime formulation of cyclobenzaprine is under development for the management of fibromyalgia syndrome.
Side Effects: Meta-analysis studies have found significantly increased rates of drowsiness (38% of patients), dry mouth (24%), dizziness (10%), and adverse events of any kind in patients taking cyclobenzaprine versus placebo.[8] Drowsiness and dry mouth appear to intensify with increasing dose.[13]
The sedative effects of cyclobenzaprine are likely due to its antagonistic effect on histamineserotonin, and muscarinic receptors. Agitation is a common side effect observed especially in the elderly. In general, the NCQA recommends avoiding the use of cyclobenzaprine in the elderly because of the potential for more severe side effects.[14] There is one case report of overdose causing rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown).[15] Treatment protocols and support should follow the same as for any structurally related tricyclic, such as tricyclic antidepressants.
Lortab: Hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opioid derived from codeine. Hydrocodone is used orally as a narcotic analgesic and antitussive (cough medicine), often in combination with paracetamol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen
Side Effects:  Common side effects of hydrocodone are nauseavomitingconstipationdrowsinessdizzinesslightheadedness, fuzzy thinking, anxiety, abnormally happy or sad mood, dry throat, difficulty urinatingrashitching, and narrowing of the pupils. Serious side effects include slowed or irregular breathing and chest tightness.[7]
Several cases of progressive bilateral hearing loss unresponsive to steroid therapy have been described as an infrequent adverse reaction to hydrocodone/acetaminophene abuse. This adverse effect has been considered due to the ototoxicity of hydrocodone.[8][9] Recently, researchers suggested that acetaminophen is the primary agent responsible for the ototoxicity.
Ambien: Zolpidem (brand names AmbienAmbien CRIntermezzoStilnoxStilnoctSublinoxHypnogen and Zolsana) is a prescription medication used for the treatment of insomnia and some brain disorders.[2] It is a short-acting nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic of the imidazopyridine class[3] that potentiates GABA, an inhibitoryneurotransmitter, by binding to GABAA receptors at the same location as benzodiazepines.[4] It works quickly, usually within 15 minutes, and has a short half-life of two to three hours.
Side Effects: Side effects may include:
·         Headaches
·         Nausea
·         Vomiting
·         Dizziness
·         Anterograde amnesia
·         Hallucinations, through all physical senses, of varying intensity
·         Delusions[citation needed]
·         Altered thought patterns
·         Ataxia or poor motor coordination, difficulty maintaining balance[17]
·         Euphoria and/or dysphoria
·         Increased appetite
·         Increased or decreased libido
·         Impaired judgment and reasoning
·         Uninhibited extroversion in social or interpersonal settings
·         Increased impulsivity
·         When stopped, rebound insomnia may occur.
Paxil: Paroxetine (also known by the trade name Paxil among others) is an antidepressant drug of the SSRI type. Paroxetine is used to treat major depression,obsessive-compulsive disorderpanic disordersocial anxietyposttraumatic stress disordergeneralized anxiety disorder and vasomotor symptoms (e.g. hot flashesand night sweats) associated with menopause[5][6] in adult outpatients
Side Effects: too many to list … List of adverse effects of paroxetine
I also had Lidocaine patches, pain patches, you name it I tried it, acupuncture, chiropractic, physical therapy, did water therapy, massage therapy, had decompression therapy.
So when I tell you that I know about pain and the medications they use, I mean it. Now let us think about this for a moment. Have you read the side effects? Basically what I have done for the past 12 years is pay someone to POISON ME. Yes, I did say poison me. My system has been basically under war for the past 12 years. To date nothing they have done to me or prescribed to me has worked. So I went on my own search, did research, tried different things and have found relief by using a plant that has been used in medicines for eons or at least since mankind has been around. I suffer none of the side effects that the “prescribed” medication caused me. I am happy, relatively pain free and getting healthy again. The other thing I found when researching is the amount of chemicals, pesticides, and GMO’s that are in our food.                                                                                                    –dhcOWA&bvm=bv.63587204,d.aWM
These are just a few of the sites you can go to find out more about these foods. I now eat healthy and organic. I use an oil that I make myself to help alleviate the pain and I try to find something to make my soul sing. It is not an easy task to do especially when you are in pain, however if you go to this site: they have a tutorial on how to make the medicine.   These are my two favorites:
4. Chiropractic manipulation. Although mainstream medicine has traditionally regarded spinal manipulation with suspicion, it’s becoming a more accepted treatment.    “I think chiropractic treatment works reasonably well for lower back pain,” Oaklander    tells WebMD. “Studies have shown  it’s comparable to other approaches.” However with experience NOT All Chiropractors are created equally,  I highly recommend the rapid technique taught at Logan College in St.Louis.  I highly recommend calling them for a referral of one of their graduates practicing nearest you.
7. Medicinal Oil. Setting aside the controversy, marijuana has been shown to have medicinal properties and can help with some types of chronic pain.There’s strong evidence that marijuana has a modest effect on certain types of nerve pain — particularly pain caused by MS and HIV, says Steven P. Cohen, MD, associate professor in the division of pain medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore. Since it also relieves nausea, marijuana can help people who are suffering side effects from chemotherapy.However, marijuana does have risks. For some people, Cohen says, those risks can be serious, including addiction and psychosis. Because of the dangers and the obvious potential for abuse, experts generally only turn to marijuana when all other treatments have failed.

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