The Devine Proportion

Any objective observation  we make must include a discussion of  proportion  for it’s the rule of proportion…. in the examination of nature  that causes us to observe an organized universe and a universe in chaos,  rational and irrational numbers, harmony and discord, truth and falsity. These descriptions are merely proportional effects of the opposition that is inherent in all things.

We see harmony expressed by the emotions,  feelings,  and characteristics present within ourselves. This harmony is then viewed within nature as the Divine Proportion. The Divine Proportion ascribed to our collective state of observation has been expressed, “For of three magnitudes, if the greatest (AB)  is to the mean (CB)  as the mean (CB)  is to the least (AC), they therefore all shall be one.”

This proportion corresponds to the mental vibrations that are within us and dictate our sense of pleasure and pain,  beauty and ugliness,  love and hate et cetera. The result is we are held captive by these memories  fixed by both body  and mind.  Therefore,  the Divine Proportion presents itself  in the very physical nature of Creation.  It is seen as the beauty and organization within the cosmos. It is the harmony and glue that holds the unity of the universe.

 In an age of Global Socialism where Americans may have  false hope they will  be  better off  with  The New World Order  or under Agenda 21.  A book   I read back  in the late 1990’s  in which Tom Brokaw detailed The Greatest Generation. This generation united, not only, by responsibility  for oneself and  common purpose,  but also,  common values — religion,  duty,  honor,  economy,  courage,  service,  love of  country  and  family.

  Therefore, within the pages of this book and on page 203 Brokaw details Luis Armijo while stating,  “in New York (1939) the site of  the World Fair” which included; a dazzling exhibit demonstrating the possibilities of  mass travel by highway & through the air. General Motors, General Electric and Westinghouse demonstrated travel, electric power and communication.”

    Which  was great  foresight  in 1940  with  only  54 percent of  the homes    in America having complete plumbing, private baths and  flush toilets with the rest of  the population gaining water from true cisterns. Economist also estimated back then homes had only 1,000 square  feet of living space (with that number increasing in the last  fifty years.)

    What the greatest generation  also accomplished  was pulled themselves out of  the deepest despair. While establishing “new terms”  like inflationary and  unemployment rates while using common sense.  These numbers where never  fudged by a government official to gain votes. But where tried n’ true, so the Americans had a barometer to go by and weren’t  filled by Temporary positions.

   Within Solitarius  when  you  reframe cancer,  you began to see illness as more of  a challenge than a threat.  The challenges of  this illness also means understanding the disease versus not knowing. In a real sense, the challenge and message of cancer, is an opportunity  for personal growth. Could cancer be a message signaling you to make changes in your life.

   Many  survivors  view  cancer  as  a call  for personal reformation.  As the wise patients uses  the  experience of  cancer as  a turning point.  In much the same way as the Greatest Generation ridded themselves of  a negative aspect of  their lives  to make  a life better  for their children.  A cancer patient needs to replace ineffective methods, while substituting healthier lifestyle, exercise more all the while nurturing relationships and pursue spiritual growth.

   Many patients who sincerely explore the message of  illness often discover  a link between their physical,  emotional,  even their spiritual well being and the onset of  their illness.  Many cancer patients…. are keenly aware of  their uncontrollable misfortunes  and urges  that presented themselves  before the cancer. With a reaction of internal conflict, disappointment, and unresolved grief  from a death of a love one, divorce or loss of  a job.

   Financial setbacks are obvious candidates  for a life adjustor or ongoing stressors.  It’s  about carrying the right attitude with you  and the ability to express your emotions or you may enter into  depressed state. Did you give yourself  time to mourn the loss and did you put your needs ahead of others without responding to the circumstances that triggered the stress.

   Norman Cousins,  in his 1981 book “Anatomy of  an Illness stated, “that laughter is like internal  jogging…. as  he emphasized  laughter as the best medicine.”  Since that time… science having confirmed  even something as  simple as a laugh  or smile carries with it  a positive biochemical response.   A negative perception of the treatment can stand in the way of your body’s ability to respond  favorably.

   Your mind is key: go out and kick cancers ass with a smile on your face. Also by employing  a type of  visualization athletes  have successfully used   in training.  In your minds eye:  see the cancer shrinking, also  feel all your  strength returning at the end of  your imaginary treatment. You  feel  good about your chances and will enjoy the gift of  renewed health, its  faith and greater well being that will have you soaring again.

  Therefore, if  you do this visualization exercise with optimism  frequently throughout the course of  your treatments. The evidence suggest your body, mind  and spirit will respond to the actual treatment with maximum output and minimal side effects.  Also when you become “a cancer survivor”  in the end, you will embrace a better you with a more spiritual perspective as you  repeatedly will speak of  seeing life differently.

    Cancer survivors  always  grasp  the high value of  “living the moment,”   as they undergo a spiritual renewal that is quite deep. This transformation is not a religious issue, as much as actively cultivating an inner peace, its a serenity, a quiet confidence with a more grateful  and  joyful way of  living. Cancer gives patients  a chance to re-evaluate a wide variety of  life choices especially the support network.

     This is helpful because much of the work of getting well again depends and takes place within the patients social support network.  In a very real sense, survivors have come to realize that GOD has worked a miracle. And   its  this  miracle  that  they  are suppose  to relay to others.  So much so like the Greatest Generation that made life better for themselves and the others around themselves through the next generation.

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