Synopsis On Cancer

  Cancer is an individual disease: what works  for one individual may not work  for someone else. While talking to others many similarities in belief    a bound.  In a world of  shrinkage  in  health care insurance  and a broken system with many cancer patients  being their own witch doctor.  Its such sadness,  but its the truth.  With my wish…. global leaders would get their act together  and  hit  the  problem  from  the  front end  and  not keep rear ending people that need the treatment most.

  With office expense, tuition  for doctors sky rocketing out of  control  for  start ups  making it impossible  for  family practices. Our  fearless leaders should subsidize doctors  for tuition  and office expenses,  maybe the times would  take care of  themselves.  We  should  start spending our tax money more wisely  with Foreign Aid  spent  here in the United States.  Not on the  Advertisement  to sell Obamacare,  which some estimates state could be in the  area of  750 Million  and  800 Million USD  on a computer system that still has its glitches  ( it’s Financial Armageddon.)

   With some of the self administrating secrets that seemingly working for many being cannabis oil.  While people…. enter into  this  with uncertainly. Cannabis Oil  has a lot of  controversy,  however,  a lot of  research  is made   available  through the internet. With some cancer patients  succeeding and   others losing on an individual basis… some win while others lose. It maybe important to detox: getting the dead cancer cells out.

   That said,  some of  my greatest  finds over the last eight years: one must keep  track of  pH balance,  sugar  and protein levels.  While regarding your copper and estrogen as enemies and ten other factors as equally impressive:

    1. A Macrobiotic Diet:  combine elements of  Buddhism while  finding the yin – yang harmony. With the principles based on simplicity and avoidance of   “toxins”  that  come  from  eating  dairy products, meats  and  oily  foods. The standard macrobiotic diet today consist of  50 to 60 percent organically grown whole grains,  20 to 25% organically grown vegetables and  fruit at a 5 to 1 ratio  and  5 to 10% soups  made  with  vegetables,  seaweed, grain and beans with  fermented soy products.

   2.  Juicing with beta carotene and usage of  Aloe Vera Juice: some people will argue carrots are rich in sugar  and shouldn’t be used. However, others use carrots juice with impressive results and some use green juicing as well. Beta carotene regulates the growth of cells,  keeps membrane lining in your nose,  respiratory tract healthy and controls the production of  protein.  All carotenoids possess antioxidant abilities.

      Aloe Vera Juice:  scientific research shows strong immunotherapy and anti tumor properties  for Aloe Vera polysaccharides.  That  means  the  aloe gel helps boost immune system function while destroying the cancer tumors. One study published on International Imuuno Pharmacology (1995) showed  Aloe Vera polysaccharides  exhibited potent macrophages.  While activating activities including producing increased volumes of  nitric oxide (which has anti tumor potential.)

    3. Mushroom complex: many websites discuss using mushrooms to treat cancer. Studies have also looked at whether mushroom complex can prevent cancer, stop the growth of  cancer cells, reduce cancer treatment side effects or  help  people  with advanced cancer  to live longer.  In 2000,  a report also published  at the University of  Strathclyde in the U.K.,  reported  the extract appeared to reduce side effects of both chemotherapy and radiation (which included nausea and hair loss.)

    4. Coconut Oil: Mary Newport M.D., director of  the Neonatology unit at Spring Hill Regional Hospital  in Florida;  is a  firm believer in the power of coconut oil for the treatment of neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and  Parkinson’s disease. Which  she  should  know…. because her husband suffered with Alzheimer’s  for  five years. Before she discovered coconut oil and with the aid of this miraculous oil he has made a remarkable recovery. While other claims state it helps diabetics,  cancer, liver & kidney  function, vitamin and mineral absorption, metabolism, digestive problems, immune function and weight loss.

     5. Cell Food:  A normal healthy cell burns oxygen  and glucose  (sugar)     for energy and releases carbon dioxide. While an unhealthy cell also burns sugar, releasing lactic acid and carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide. These  cells  function  anaerobically —  with  no oxygen  present  cancer  and viral infections etc.,  flourish in this environment  (little or no oxygen and a low  pH  balance.)  Anaerobic cells,  must work harder than aerobic cells to  produce energy  from the glucose they metabolize.

    6.  Drink Alkaline Water:  it keeps your blood alkaline which makes any disease difficult to prosper. Ionized water works on cancer in 3 major ways:  1. Because it is a good antioxidant it neutralized  free radicals making many oxygen molecules available…. slowing cancer growth or killing cancer cells.  2. Unlike hydrogen peroxide:  which  adds  oxygen  molecules, ionized water  adds electrons that has distinct advantage because it removes free radicals.   3. In addition, ionized water removes toxic waste products from the body.

     7.  Flor Essence  by Flora:  Flor essence (Essiac tea) are said to detoxify  the body and strengthening the immune system. While down grading pain, improving quality of  life and may reduce tumor size and prolonging life of cancer patients with various types of  cancer.  The individual herbs with in  Essiac Tea or Flor essence Formulas have been shown to contain molecules  have anticancer,  anti-inflammatory, antioxidant  or immuno stimulatory  activity.

   8. Take 400 IUs of  vitamin D:  In  the 1960’s  vitamin C  held promise as a remedy  from common colds  to curing cancer.  However,  present day belief vitamin D  is rapidly becoming known  as the vital vitamin. Vitamin D levels influence cancer development  based  upon its  role  helping regulate various cellular  functions  (it discourages cell proliferation, encourages natural cell death and differentiation, hinders the growth of  new blood vessels that  feed tumors and supports immune function while reducing inflammation.) I have known people  to take 2,000 to 3,000 IUs  and upwards of  10,000 IUs  to get their levels up with doctor supervision.

    9.  High Doses  Liposomal Vitamin C with bioflavonoids: various studies   on  the internet exhibits the importance of  vitamin C,  on prevention,  in the treatment of cancer. Putting vitamin C, or any of the water soluble nutrients in Liposomes can reportedly deliver as much as 90 percent absorption of the nutrient  into  the cells of  our bodies.  For reference:  intravenous vitamin C reportedly  gives about 20% absorption into cells.  So it bears repeating that Liposomal vitamin C works better than high doses of intravenous vitamin C at delivering vitamin C inside cell membranes and far better than tablets.

    10.  Systemic Enzyme SupportWobenzym  assist  the  body’s  various regulatory  and communication systems,  specifically the immune system.   A balanced immune system  working  in harmony achieves  overall health. Enzymes play a critical role in the body and are involved in an astounding number of  metabolic processes. Scientist suspect that 15,000 enzymes are  at  work in our bodies on a daily basis.

   Enzymes are involved in a variety of  bodily  functions including growing, breathing, digesting, producing energy, conducting nerve impulses, clotting blood,  recovering  after exercise  or balancing  the complex processes of  the  immune system.  Always take any and all supplement under the supervision of a medical professional atoned to nutritional based science. I would like at this time to thank Angel,Lene, Meredyth, Nikki and Pamela for contributing  this blog post.

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