Diseases Associated With Inflammation

   With 177 words  ending with the suffix “itis” meaning inflammation  one can see it’s a huge problem in our society. With Crohn’s Disease and Cancer and a host of  other diseases being correlated to chronic inflammation it’s a big money maker in our country.  Chronic pain such as pancreatitis should always be treated  with a synergy effect…. allowing one supplement to take care of  another issue  in this vicious cycle of  events.

   First and  foremost important in any program is making sure your body    is in an alkaline state. With one of  the easiest manner in accomplishing this is knowing lemon…. raises the alkalizing effect of  water.  So even when you drink standard tap water you have alkaline water. Seemingly  foods such as lemon,  limes  and  even  the tomato are acidic  in their basis state,  however, when they’re metabolized have an alkalising effect in the cells of  the body.

   This blog post being a possible supplement program to help those people deal with their pain. With  medicine  doesn’t  seem  to help  and  has doctors baffled. Maca Root grows in the mountains of  Peru. Often at high atltitudes of   7,000  to 11,ooo  feet.  Which  makes  it  the highest growing plant  in  the world. Peruvian Maca has been generalized a tonic effect in the biochemical  functioning of  the human body.

   Chief  amongst these effects  is the enhancement of  the endocrine system. The endocrine system includes all of  the glands  and hormones they secret, that exist in the body  and control such conditions.  Such as digestion, brain functions, nervous system physiology and energy levels. Also the hormonal  regulation is responsible  for all the physiological attributes that enable the myriad sensation of  a vibrant life.

    Maca Root has also been called an adaptogen,  which means that it also increases the body’s ability to defend itself against all physical  and mental weakening,  henceforth potential illnesses.  It is believed  it achieves this by supporting adrenal and pituitary gland health,  both of  which underlie the proper function of  the endocrine system. 

   Those  using  Maca Root  derive  a variety of  benefits  in accordance with their individual needs. Finding that it significantly boost stamina, increased energy, and the feeling of general well being. In fact, recently Maca Root has been used  as  an  excellent alternative  to anabolic steroids amongst athletes seeking hypertrophy.

    Still another pain remedy one might consider,  is taking 600 mg of  (ALA) Alpha Lipoic Acid  daily.  Also in a randomized placebo — controlled study in Russia  and Israel showed  that 600 mg of  ALA daily  can  also  greatly  ease the systems of  neuropathy or diabetic polyneuropathy. With another non — prescription  approach  being  “Benofotiamine,”  as  we  learned  about  from Dr. Charles Beauchamp MD, Ph.D.

    Taming Chronic pain with turmeric,  studies have shown this table spice  to be actually  3 times more effective at easing pain than aspirin,  ibuprofen or naxproxen.  Plus also relieves chronic pain  for 50 percent of  those people struggling with Fibromyalgia according to Cornell Rearchers,  even though I  feel one must also  feed their nutrition what is needed.

    Also when Danish researchers asked  achy  people to  jazz up  their  diets with the spice ginger,  it eased muscle  and  joint,  swelling  and stiffness  for  up  to   63 percent  within two months. As well experts credit ginger’s potent compound called  gingerols,  which prevents the production of  pain trigger hormones  and it doesn’t take much either.  Add  1 teaspoon of  dried  ginger or 2 teaspoons of  chopped ginger to meals daily.

    Grape Seed Extract:  flooding your system with antioxidants helps when   it comes to pain.  And grapes or chemical within grapes, (OPCs) oligomeric proanthocyandin complexes,  having been touted as a powerful antioxidant. Studies have  found  that  those  taking  grape seed extract  did substantially increase levels of  antioxidants in their blood.

    Antioxidants  are substances that destroy  free radicals —  those harmful compounds in the body that damage DNA (genetic material) and even cause cell death.  Free radicals  are believed to contribute to aging, as  well  as  the development of  a number of  health problems,  including  heart disease and   cancer. Vitamin E,  flavonoids, linoleic acid and OPCs are highly condensed in grape seeds.

   Black Seed Oil  has  2 volatile oils “nigellone” and “thymoquinone” which   was discovered in the herb in 1985. Black Seed provides rich supplies of  the polyunsaturated  fatty acid that helps regulate metabolism, carrying toxins to the skin  for elimination.  A deficiency in polyunsaturated  fatty acids can  lead to wide number of health concerns including nervous system disorders.

    The Canon of  Medicine, a standard medieval text, referred to black seed as the seed that stimulates the body’s own energy  and helps recovery  from  fatigue.  The ancient Egyptians  knew  and  used the black seed describing it as a panacea (cure all  for problems  and disease.)  My wonder if  they knew all the way back then,  maybe  we  should  try  this  combination working in synergy…. to  see  what  the benefits  will be as a cure all  that ends all pain.   Thank  You  Stacey  Hartwell – Fields  for  your  contribution  into  this  blog  post   🙂

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