Attitudinal Healing

Lifelines To Cancer Survival!!!

Hello Ken:

    It was February 2003  ( Six months into my diagnosis )  and  I was at MD Anderson Cancer Center, sicker than a dog and frightened out of my mind. This was my 6th center I had visited in a month and a half.  I was exhausted,  short of breath and running out of hope.

   Looking back, I still remember a phone call from my mentor, Dr. Jerry Jampolsky, in the…. midst of  my turmoil,  he said  ” Mark,  as long as you are still breathing,  I want you to remember God’s purpose for you. Start reaching out to people he said.  Pick up the phone and start calling other patients and acquaintences whom are in a similar position. They need you.”

   That phone call was a game-changer for me. It got my mind off myself.                               I have followed his advice since and it has made all the difference.

   Dr. Jerry Jampolsky is a renowned child psychiatrist, author, and the founder of Attitudinal Healing.  His wife Dr. Diane Cirincione is the head of Attitudinal Healing International.  After decades of  building AH. centers  all over the world,  today-they are still at it, writing, traveling and spreading hope wherever they go. Their message of love and self healing has helped countless cancer patients like myself, stay alive.  I am deeply grateful for their love, grace and selflessness over the years.

In his second book ” Teach Only Love ” he states:

   I believe that there is another way of looking at life that makes it possible for us to  walk through this world in love, peace, and without fear.  This other way requires no external battles, but only that we heal ourselves. It is a process that I call “attitudinal healing’ because it is an internal and primarily mental process.

    The mind can be retrained. Within this fact lies our freedom. No matter how often     we have misused it, the mind can be utilized in a way that is so positive that at  first it      is beyond anything we can imagine.

  This process of attitudinal healing has been a critical lifeline in my survival. Moreover,  I have talked with many of Dr. Jampolsky’s patients who were given no hope of survival. ( they are my teachers.)  I was impressed that many of them, including myself, were still alive using these concepts.  We are all testimonies … to the concept nothing is impossible, if we give ourselves and our lives over to God.


Mark Roby 🙂

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