Ozone Therapy Benefits

Image result for ozonated water cancer

Thanks to the work of Dr. Otto Warburg, the link between oxygen and cancer is clear. In fact, an underlying cause of cancer is low cellular oxygenation levels.  Low levels of oxygen in the body damages respiration enzymes, which then obstructs the cell’s ability to produce energy.

In 1931 Dr. Warburg won his first Nobel Prize for proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells. He stated in an article titled The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer that “the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.”

How Does Ozone Treats Cancer….

alternative treatment for cancer

Cancer cells derive their energy by fermenting sugar without using Oxygen. Cancer cells are deficient in antioxidant enzyme system like other lower life forms and are unable to fight the Ozone onslaught. On the other hand normal, healthy cells can protect themselves from Ozone by their rich Anti-Oxidant Defense System. Ozone Therapy should be offered to ALL cancer patients.   Ozone prevents cells from fermenting sugars and thus prevents cancer.

It reduces the side effects associated with chemotherapy and radiation to a very large extent. Reduces pain in cancer.

  • It helps in reducing tumor size.
  • It gives feeling of well being and rejuvenation. The zest for life is returned.
  • It helps in controlling troublesome symptoms in certain inoperable cancers.     Example, fits in meningioma


Besides cancer treatment, ozone therapy also works for many other diseases.

How does it affect only the unhealthy cells?

Anti-cancer benefits: Medical ozone is such a wonder for treatment of cancer in that    it doesn’t harm healthy cells but it oxidizes and destroys unhealthy cells including cancer cells, viruses, bacteria, fungal cells and other unwanted cells.

Ozone (O3) is broken down in the blood to a single oxygen and hydrogen peroxide by normal cells in the tissues of the body by enzymes such as catalase. Malignant cells lack these enzymes  and ozone oxidizes  the  outer layer of their cells  and  causes tumor cell destruction (lysis).  This  has  been  demonstrated  in  the prestigious Journal of Science,  Vol. 209, Aug 22, 1980. in a paper entitled “Ozone Selectively Inhibits Growth of Human Cancer Cells.”   Human lung, breast and uterine cancer cell growth was inhibited more than 90 per cent at non-toxic ozone doses.

alternative treatment for cancer

Healthy cells require oxygen to work ~ every cell is an oxygen burning machine.    Cancer cells cannot process oxygen properly,  and  starts  consuming sugar  for  energy instead.  Unhealthy cells  also  contain errant enzymes  that  will not protect them from   being oxidized. Unhealthy cells, including cancer cells are virtually defenseless to ozone. Ozone is highly effective against pathogens that thrive in low oxygen environments.

Cancer cells cannot process oxygen properly and start consuming sugar for energy instead. This is why cancer patients should avoid sugar and processed carbohydrates.

Oxygen is a cancer killer and ozone is a safe and effective way to get an abundance of oxygen to the cancer cells. Ozone diffused in the blood becomes a free radical, oxidizing wastes to facilitate their removal. In most forms of cancer there are very few cancer cells in the blood so ozone does not work primarily for blood born cancer cells but rather saturates the tissues to work in the cells of the body to treat cancer.

Check out other benefits of Ozone Therapy. 

  Ozone is one chemical form or “allotrop” of Oxygen. Molecular Oxygen consists of two atoms of Oxygen (O + O) forming one di-atomic molecule of Oxygen (O2). Ozone consists of three atoms of Oxygen, which form the tri-atomic molecule of Ozone (O3). While it is true that Ozone can be toxic,  it is also just as true that Ozone is essential for life on earth.  The high altitude Ozone layer, scientifically called the Ozonosphere, actually protects us from the toxic effects of cancer causing high energy ultraviolet light from the sun.
  In modern society this layer is being seriously depleted due to environmental air pollution, with resultant increase in the incidence of   skin cancers, cataracts, lung diseases and immune deficiency-dysregulation diseases. Interestingly, it is because the Ozonosphere is being depleted that we are seeing more Ozone show up in air pollution closer to the ground.
  The higher energy Ultraviolet sunlight passing through the now defective high altitude Ozonosphere causes atmospheric oxygen to   react with man-made nitric oxides from fossil fuels and this leads to the production of toxic levels of Ozone in the air we breathe. Thus,  the amount of Ozone in our air is actually a measure of the overall degree of other pollutants, but not really a cause of pollution in itself.
    Like anything used in medicine, Ozone has both beneficial and potential toxic effects. The common question about Ozone toxicity usually has to do with inhaling excessive Ozone gas. Ozone gas is NEVER used for inhalation in medical therapy! In fact, very specific and strict avoidance of any inhalation of Ozone is practiced when Medical Ozone/Oxygen therapy is used.
   In reality, when Ozone is used medically it is actually administered as a gas mixture of Ozone and Oxygen. Ozone concentrations     used  in the medical mixture  are delivered in the microgram  (Homeopathic  or thousandths of a milligram)  range,  depending on the specific clinical effect desired. Thereby, the toxicity of modern Medical Ozone therapy is usually limited to minor irritation or pain at the injection site (see below).

  Medical Ozone/Oxygen gas mixture can be applied directly to the target infected tissue using a protective covering. In addition, it can be carefully mixed with a specific amount of blood previously withdrawn from the body and then re-infused (German method), injected intramuscularly or dissolved in a dextrose-in-water carrier solution and infused by intravenous feeding (Russian method).

   Using either a moderate volume of the patient’s own blood  (100  to  250 cc’s  or               3 to 8 ounces)  or an intravenous feeding      of an Ozone/Oxygen infused carrier solution of dextrose-in-sterile water is referred     to as “Major Auto-Hemotherapy.” Intramuscular injection of 2 to 10 cc’s of the patient’s own blood mixed with Ozone/Oxygen is referred to a “Minor Auto-Hemotherapy.”
   Medical Ozone/Oxygen therapy can also be administered by rectal insufflation or as a topical ointment in olive oil.  Each of these specific methods has it’s own proper clinical application, benefits, drawbacks and cost. The specific method of administration chosen      for any particular patient is based on the particular condition being treated, desired effects and other unique, individual factors.

                                                         HOW DOES IT WORK?

Medical Ozone directly stimulates oxidative metabolism within cells and organelles inside the cells. In addition, it directly increases the production of energy by increasing cellular ATP production by up to 40%. It also directly enhances anti-oxidant defenses, stimulates oxidative decarboxylation, improves blood lipid (cholesterol) levels, increases blood oxygen levels, improves tissue oxygen extraction, oxygen utilization and enhances oxidative detoxification of biological and chemical pollutants. Clinically Medical Ozone/Oxygen therapy has also been shown to:
  1) improve cytokine production by immune cells;
  2) disinfect and sterilize infected wounds and gangrene;
  3) improved tissue oxygenation due to the increase in 2, 3 DPG (diphosphglycerate) in red cells shifting the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve in favor of releasing the oxygen to the tissues;
  4) improve cancer immune surveillance and help with cancer (adjuvant) therapy;
  5) improve bone density in osteoporosis;
  6) stimulate cellular immune function;
  7) modulate excessive humoral (antibody) activity in rheumatic and inflammatory diseases;
    8) kill the HIV and other viruses;
    9) provide important ant-inflammatory activity;
 10) improve wound healing.

The safety of Medical Ozone has been studied extensively in the past ninety years by       the Germans, Russians and other European Ozone Societies. With proper training and credentials and used in appropriate conditions,  the  modern  use  of Ozone therapy is extremely safe. In the past when the gas was directly administered into a vein or artery rare cases of gas embolism or “air bubble embolus” occurred and was related to stroke, heart attack and other acute vascular accidents.
Since this method has been abandoned over the past 30 years safety of properly prepared Medical Ozone therapy has been limited to occasional temporary local vein and/or tissue irritation, reduction of blood B-vitamin levels (20%) and red blood cell hemolysis if too large a concentration is applied to extra-corporeal (outside-the-body) blood Ozonation (German method). Dr. Edwards of Bio Health Center was trained in Germany and is certified in all methods of Ozone administration, as well as being a member of the International Ozone Association (IOA).
Despite his original German training and due to the greater simplicity, ease of administration, safety and avoidance of direct exposure to blood, the Russian method        of intravenous Ozone Therapy administration  is  used  exclusively  for all major auto-hemotherapy applications at Bio Health Center. Direct application of Ozone/Oxygen gas mixtures to infected and/or poorly healing wounds, dermal application of Ozoned Olive Oil and intramuscular minor auto-hemotherapy are also regularly used on an individualized basis. Ozone is one of the major forms of Bio Oxidation therapy used by at Bio Health Center.

The expense of any medical therapy usually depends more on the type of illness being treated than on the method of therapy being used. More complicated illnesses usually require more intensive and prolonged therapy than do less ill patients. In addition, in today’s legally regulated medical care system more testing is required to maintain quality and legal standards of care than in the past. In fact, much of today’s high medical costs are directly related to mandated quality and legal standards of care rather than to the actual treatment itself. Due to this, if you have specific questions or concerns about cost please discuss these with the practitioners before consenting to undergo therapy. It is the policy of Bio Health Center to discuss ALL costs of therapy before treatment with any patient who wishes such information. A listing of charges for most services, including most types of Ozone therapy, can also be obtained from the office staff, but these may not pertain to any specific patient due to individuation of patient treatment.
This really depends on the specific terms of the insurance (legal) contract. Generally, insurance companies will NOT pay for medical care which they decide to classify as not usual and customary. In addition, all managed care is just that, financially managed    to lower insurer costs! In such circumstances you must look in you “benefits” package to determine what procedures and which physicians are covered. Due to our concern over the ethics of such arrangements, Dr. Edwards and Bio Health Center do NOT participate in any managed care organizations. It should therefore be assumed  Medical Ozone Therapy will NOT be covered by private insurance or managed care programs. Check with your insurer, health benefits manager or agent for the specifics of your particular coverage plan. Medicare™ and other public entitlement programs DO NOT cover Medical Ozone therapy.
One member of our Facebook Group having success through her own research’….  Saundra Alma is applying it with Gerson Therapy as her cancer base foundation. http://www.scribd.com/doc/294107469/My-Cancer-Curing-Protocol !!!
 Saundra Rene Alma's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, closeup


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