Facts about Jesus Christ

The Timeline: Jesus on the Cross – Search (bing.com)

The introduction to the debate on the question Jesus: Man, Myth or Messiah? was sponsored by the Apologetics Research Society (ARS) as part of its 2009 International Christian Evidence Conference. Houston Baptist University was also the venue for this cordial but spirited debate.

. Douglas Jacoby argued in the affirmative. The Historical Jesus and the Christ of Faith
are one and the same. Self-styled Christian atheist Robert Price claimed that the New Testament picture of Jesus is legendary, paralleled by myths in other ancient religions.
An irony of the debate is that Douglas Jacoby received his Masters in Theological Studies in New Testament from (liberal) Harvard Divinity School, while Robert Price received his Masters in Theological Studies in New Testament from (conservative) Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Both speakers have doctorates from Drew University. You will find the exchange both engaging and enlightening. It will build your faith in the reliability of the Bible and in Jesus Christ. For additional debates, books, audio and video instruction, visit our website. Apologetics Research Society (ARS) – Search (bing.com)
 Prayer With DR. DOUGLAS JACOBY  is an international Christian speaker and writer, and has lectured in nearly 90 nations. Among his books are Genesis, Science and History, Shining like Stars, The Quiver, and Jesus and Islam. He is principal instructor in the Athens Institute of Ministry.
His interests include cosmology, biology, world religions, and ancient languages.
Dr. Jacoby holds degrees from Duke, Harvard, and Drew.
His websites are douglasjacoby.com and jacobypremium.com.

✌Jesus is one of the most influential and controversial figures in human history. He is revered by billions of Christians as the Son of God and the Savior of the world, but he is also questioned by many others who doubt his divinity and his historical existence. Who was Jesus, really? What do we know about his life, his teachings, and his death? And what does his name mean?
The name Jesus is derived from the Greek Iēsous, which is a rendering of the Hebrew name Yehoshua or Yeshua. This name was not uncommon in Judea at the time of Jesus’ birth, and it means “God (Yahweh) is salvation” or “God saves”. The name is linked to the verb meaning “to deliver; to rescue” and the noun “salvation”. This etymology is deeply rooted in the Semitic languages, where the root y-š-ʕ signifies “to deliver; to rescue”.

The term “salvation” has a rich history as well. It originated around 1200, and it initially held a Christian connotation, signifying “the saving of the soul, deliverance from the power of sin and admission to eternal bliss’ ‘. It was derived from the Old French ‘salvaciun’ and directly from Late Latin ‘salvationem’, a Church Latin translation of Greek ‘soteria’, a noun of action from the past-participle stem of ‘salvare’, meaning “to save”.

Jesus, also referred to as Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, and many other names and titles, was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. He is the central figure
of Christianity, the world’s largest religion.
Most Christians believe Jesus to be the incarnation of God the Son and
the awaited Jewish messiah, the Christ that is prophesied in the Hebrew Bible.

Accounts of Jesus’ life are contained in the Gospels, especially the four canonical Gospels in the New Testament. Jesus was a Galilean Jew who was circumcised, was baptized by John the Baptist, began his own ministry, and was often referred to as “rabbi”.
Jesus often debated with fellow Jews on how to best follow God, engaged in healings, taught in parables, and gathered followers.
He was arrested in Jerusalem and tried by the Jewish authorities, turned over to the Roman government, and crucified on the order of Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect of Judea.  After his death, his followers believed he rose from the dead, and the community they formed eventually became the early Christian Church.

Christian theology includes the beliefs that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, was born of a virgin named Mary, performed miracles, founded the Christian Church, died by crucifixion as a sacrifice to achieve atonement for sin, rose from the dead, and ascended into Heaven, from where he will return. Commonly, Christians believe Jesus enables people to be reconciled to God. Medically, what was it like for Jesus to be Crucified? (youtube.com)

Who Was Jesus? – TIME

Jesus Christ is the most influential person in history, according to Time Magazine.
He is the founder of Christianity, one of the world’s major religions, and the source
of hope and faith for billions of people.

But who was he as a historical figure?
What do we know about his life from sources other than the Bible?
Here are some facts about Jesus Christ based on historical evidence.  

Jesus Christ Is No. 1 In Top 10 Most Significant Figures In Human History,
According to New Ranking Based on Wikipedia (christianpost.com)

The roots of the Easter story: Where did Christian beliefs about Jesus’
resurrection come from. (religionnews.com)

Jesus began his public ministry around 28 CE, when he was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. He then gathered 12 disciples and traveled around Galilee and Judea, preaching about the kingdom of God and performing miracles.

Jesus used parables, which are stories with moral lessons, to teach. Some of his
well-known parables include the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, and the Sower. Additionally, he instructed his disciples to love God and to love their neighbors as themselves.

Jesus was considered a prophet and a messiah by some Jews, who expected him to
restore the fortunes of Israel. He was also considered a threat by the religious authorities,
who accused him of blasphemy and plotted to kill him.

Jesus celebrated his last supper with his disciples on Passover, around 30 CE. He then went to the Garden of Gethsemane, where he was betrayed by Judas Iscariot and arrested by Roman soldiers. He was tried by the Jewish Sanhedrin and the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, who sentenced him to death by crucifixion.

Jesus died on a cross outside Jerusalem and was buried in a tomb donated by Joseph of Arimathea. Three days later, he rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples and other witnesses. He then ascended to heaven and promised to return one day.

Jesus was mentioned by Jewish and Roman historians who lived in the first and second centuries CE, such as Josephus and Tacitus. They confirmed some of the details of his life and death as recorded in the Gospels. They also showed that he had an impact on his society and that his followers were persecuted by some emperors.

Jesus is regarded by most Christians as the incarnation of God and the savior of humanity. However, this is a matter of faith that depends on one’s interpretation of the Bible and other religious traditions.

As E.P. Sanders, a scholar of early Christianity, wrote:
“This book is about what we can know of the historical figure of Jesus.
It is not about what we can know of Christ, which is a matter of faith.”

Jesus was born in Bethlehem around 6-4 BCE to a virgin named Mary.
He grew up in Nazareth, a village in Galilee, where he worked as a carpenter.

Jesus was a common name in his time, equivalent to John Doe. His full name was
Jesus’ son of Joseph, or Jesus of Nazareth. His name means “God rescues” in Hebrew.

Jesus was about 5 foot 5 inches tall, which was the average height for men in his time.
He had brown eyes, black hair, and olive-brown skin. He kept his hair and beard short
to avoid lice.

Behold, He comes Montage Art, Peace Painting, 7 Prince, Revelation 1 ...
Some tell you that Jesus had blue eyes and was fairly dark complected.
~Akiane Kramarik – Search Videos (bing.com)

Heaven is for Real Movie 2014 – YouTube is a faith-based family drama inspired by a Nebraska Pastor Tood Burpo’s best-selling book about his 4 years old son (Colton Burpo) – Search Videos (bing.com) who had visited heaven and describes his journey. His family was facing a financial difficulty and the young Burpo used by God. God is good all the time.

Devout Christians: What Is Christianity? Part 1 of 4.

Devout Christians: What Is Christianity? Part 2 of 4.
Devout Christians: What Is Christianity? Part 3 of 4.
Devout Christians: What Is Christianity? Part 4 of 4.

Devout Christians: An Analysis of the Sons of God – Part 1 of 3. – ThyBlackMan
The Ultimate Guide to What’s a Devout Christian – Discover the Hidden Truths
Something Happen There: The Holy Land Rick Steves – Search (bing.com)
Christianity explained in 60 seconds: ideas that changed the world (msn.com)
Crucifixion: The Process and the Monstrous Logic Behind It (youtube.com)
Are religious people happier? The science is pretty clear (msn.com)
Why does Easter change dates, but Christmas doesn’t? (msn.com)
What Is Good Friday, and Why Do We Celebrate It? (msn.com)
The Powerful Meanings of 1111 Angel Number (msn.com)
18 Things the Bible Says About Angels (msn.com)
17 Ways Jesus Showed Us How to Live (msn.com)
10 Things The Bible Says About Jesus (msn.com)
Is purgatory mentioned in the Bible? (msn.com)

[1] The Bible Says Jesus Was Real. What Other Proof Exists?
[2] 30 Historical Facts About Jesus Christ
[3] 35 Amazing Jesus Christ Facts
[4] Jesus

5 Ways Jesus Proved He’s the Messiah – Billy Graham …

What Does It Mean That Jesus Is the Messiah? – iBelieve.com


How Does Matthew Prove That Jesus Is the Messiah? – Bible …


Why Is Jesus Called the Messiah? – Topical Studies – Bible …


What Proof Do You Have That Jesus is the Messiah?


Most Atheist States in United States – Search (bing.com)
And which States have the most problems today. BLUE!!

Related video:  Rev. Franklin Graham: ‘The only hope is God and His son Jesus Christ’ (FOX News) – Search Videos (bing.com)

Relevant articles:
– Jesus – Wikipedia 
– Jesus (name) – Wikipedia 
– salvation | Etymology of salvation by etymonline
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Sinclair Lewis Said,

Sinclair Lewis said,
“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
It Can’t Happen Here is the only one of Sinclair Lewis’s later novels to match the power of Main Street, Babbitt, and Arrowsmith.
A cautionary tale about the fragility of democracy, it is an alarming, eerily timeless look at how fascism could take hold in America. Written during the Great Depression, when the country was largely oblivious to Hitler’s aggression, it juxtaposes sharp political satire with the chillingly realistic rise of a president who becomes a dictator to save the nation from welfare cheats, sex, crime, and a liberal press.
Called “a message to thinking Americans” by the Springfield Republican when it was published in 1935, “It Can’t Happen Here” is a shockingly prescient novel that remains
as fresh and contemporary as today’s news.

Summary and Study Guide


It Can’t Happen Here, a political novel by Sinclair Lewis first published in 1935, details the rise, consolidation, and partial collapse of an American fascist dictatorship. The book is told primarily from the perspective of Doremus Jessup, an owner-editor of a small-town Vermont newspaper and self-described middle-class liberal intellectual. Jessup is 60 years old at the start of the novel.  

Jessup begins as a cynical but detached observer of politics but over the course of the novel becomes an active member of the resistance, paying heavy personal costs. The book describes how easy it would be for a charismatic, populist politician to rise to power during times of economic crisis and implement totalitarian rule in America, in contrast to many characters in the novel who argue that totalitarianism can’t happen in America.
Lewis argues for a politically-engaged and informed population that can resist the empty promises of demagogues, as well as for establishment political and economic elites to be aware of how they might be creating the conditions that allow totalitarianism to flourish.

Capitol Police Erect Fence Ahead of The State of The Union.

(Sounds familiar under Biden.)
Real Story of January 6 – Search Videos (bing.com)
After his inauguration, Windrip moves rapidly to consolidate his power.
He makes his private militia, the Minute Men, an official part of the US Army and ends
the power of Congress and the Supreme Court, making himself the unchecked leader of the country. “Temporary” martial law is declared and resistance is violently put down by the Minute Men.
Windrip also implements labor camps for the unemployed, and suspected dissidents are rounded up and sent to concentration camps. Women, African Americans, and Jews have their rights suppressed, and Sarason constructs a massive propaganda apparatus that takes over newspapers and schools. Jessup initially despairs to Windrip’s election.

However, after he hears a story of a rabbi and a professor being murdered by a Windrip cabinet member, he takes action. He writes an anti-Windrip editorial, which leads to his arrest by his old handyman, Shad Ledue, who now leads the local Minute Men.
During the trial, Jessup’s son-in-law interrupts, and he is summarily executed. Jessup’s paper is forced to print regime propaganda, and Minutemen raid his home several times looking for banned books. Jessup’s best friend, Buck Titus, warns him that he is likely to be arrested and sent to a concentration camp at any moment and arranges for the family’s escape to Canada. However, they are unable to cross the border and are forced to turn back.

After several of his friends are sent to Trianon, the local concentration camp, Jessup quits at the paper and forms a cell of the New Underground, a Canada-based resistance group led by Walt Trowbridge. Jessup, his lover Lorinda Pike, Buck Titus, and his daughters Mary and Sissy all become members of the cell, which publishes news critical of the regime and assists refugees fleeing to Canada. However, Jessup’s work is eventually discovered and he is sent to Trianon, where he is regularly beaten and tortured.

While Jessup is imprisoned, his cell continues to operate, albeit in a diminished capacity. His daughter, Mary, whose husband was killed defending Jessup, joins the Women’s Flying Corps and eventually kills the judge responsible by crashing her plane into his. Jessup’s youngest daughter, Sissy, seduces Shad Ledue and gathers information about him, which she uses to have him sent to Trianon. Ledue is then burned to death by the other prisoners.

At the same time, the regime begins to buckle under the pressure of supporting the ever-growing Army and MM, as well as due to economic mismanagement and graft. By early 1939, Windrip has become increasingly paranoid and power-hungry, and rebellions have begun in in the Midwest. Sarason becoming frustrated with Windrip, takes power in a bloodless coup.

However, his weak and ostentatious rule quickly loses support, and he is in turn deposed by Colonel Haik, the leader of the Minute Men. Haik’s rule is even harsher than Windrip’s or Sarason’s, and in a last-ditch effort to reinvigorate patriotism, he declares war on Mexico, which instead provokes wide-ranging revolt against the regime. The rebels seize territory in the Midwest but then settle into a stalemate caused by the collapse of the education system.

Lorinda and Sissy arrange for Jessup’s escape from Trianon; he flees to Canada,
where he continues his work. However, Jessup becomes frustrated living in exile,
and desires to return to America as a spy. After Haik’s coup, his request is granted.
The novel ends sometime in the early 1940s, with Jessup undercover and running
a New Underground cell in regime-controlled Minnesota.

The novel is broken into three sections, with Chapters 1-12 introducing the primary characters and describing the conditions that allow Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip to rise to become president. Chapters 13-18 describe the rapid consolidation of Windrip’s regime and the erosion of democratic norms. Chapters 19-38 cover the resistance struggle against the regime, focusing on Jessup, his family, and his friends.

The book begins in 1936, as Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip campaigns for the Democratic nomination, running on a populist platform that promises to restore American prosperity and glory while portraying himself as an anti-politician and avatar of the common man. While Windrip is a charismatic and popular politician, the intellect behind his campaign
is his secretary, Lee Sarason. Doremus Jessup, a newspaper owner-editor in Fort Beulah, Vermont, covers the rise of Windrip and fears that Windrip will implement totalitarian rule if elected. However, he does little and is frequently told by others that such a thing would be impossible. Windrip wins the Democratic nomination and easily defeats his Republican opponent, Walt Trowbridge.

Misattributed (About this rating?)
Internet memes purporting to quote a statement by 20th-century novelist Sinclair Lewis about fascism coming to America have circulated more or less continuously since the mid-2000s, even though there is no evidence he ever penned or uttered this statement: “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” 


This example was posted to Facebook on March 12, 2024:
Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951) produced such 20th-century classics as “Main Street,”
“Elmer Gantry,” “Dodsworth,” and “Babbit,” also literally wrote the book on the fascist takeover of America. The premise of “It Can’t Happen Here,” published at a time (1935) when authoritarian regimes were flexing their muscles all across Europe and Americans had great difficulty imagining a Hitler or Mussolini coming to power in the Land of the Free, was that it can happen here.

It Can’t Happen Here – Wikipedia

It Can’t Happen Here (gutenberg.net.au)
In the novel, Lewis painted a vivid counterfactual portrait of a United States of America sliding into dictatorship, one that is still cited as a cautionary tale to this day. As The Paris Review noted on Nov. 16, 2016:
Sinclair Lewis’s 1935 novel, It Can’t Happen Here, is sold out everywhere online. If you’re wondering why, here’s the synopsis: “The main character, Buzz Windrip, appeals to voters with a mix of crass language and nativist ideology. Once elected, he solidifies his power by energizing his base against immigrants, people on welfare, and the liberal press.”
However, nothing resembling the statement “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross” appeared in that book, or indeed in anything else Lewis wrote during his lifetime.
And although it sounds like a sentiment Lewis would have agreed with, according to the website of the Sinclair Lewis Society there is no evidence he said it: 

Here’s our most asked question:
Q: Did Sinclair Lewis say,

“When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross”?
A: This quote sounds like something Sinclair Lewis might have said or written, but we’ve never been able to find this exact quote. Here are passages from two novels Lewis wrote that are similar to the quote attributed to him.
From It Can’t Happen Here: “But he saw too that in America the struggle was befogged by the fact that the worst Fascists were they who disowned the word ‘Fascism’ and preached enslavement to Capitalism under the style of Constitutional and Traditional Native American Liberty.”

From Gideon Planish: “I just wish people wouldn’t quote Lincoln or the Bible, or hang out the flag or the cross, to cover up something that belongs more to the bankbook and the three golden balls.”
There was also a play called Strangers in the late 1970s which had a similar quote, but no one, including one of Lewis’s biographers, Richard Lingeman, has ever been able to locate the original citation.
The same quote has been erroneously attributed to Louisiana governor and U.S. senator Huey Long (1893-1935), who, ironically, was said by some to be a real-life model for Lewis’s fascist leader in “It Can’t Happen Here.” A similar quote (probably spurious as well) attributed to Huey Long after his death was, “When fascism comes to America,
it will be called anti-fascism.”

Though we have found passages by other authors that share certain words, phrases, and sentiments in common with the quote attributed to Lewis, we have not found an exact match anywhere. We came across this bit, for example, in coverage of a speech by one James Waterman Wise Jr. in the Feb. 5, 1936, edition of The Christian Century:
James Waterman Wise, Jr., in a recent address here before the liberal John Reed club said that Hearst and Coughlin are the two chief exponents of fascism in America. If fascism comes, he added, it will not be identified with any “shirt” movement, nor with an “insignia,” but it will probably be “wrapped up in the American flag and heralded as a plea for liberty and preservation of the constitution.”

And this observation appeared in John Thomas Flynn’s “As We Go Marching,” published in 1944: But when fascism comes it will not be in the form of an anti-American movement or pro-Hitler bund, practicing disloyalty. Nor will it come in the form of a crusade against war.
It will appear rather in the luminous robes of flaming patriotism; it will take some genuinely indigenous shape and color, and it will spread only because its leaders, who are not yet visible, will know how to locate the great springs of public opinion and desire and the streams of thought that flow from them and will know how to attract to their banners leaders who can command the support of the controlling minorities in American public life. The danger lies not so much in the would-be Fuhrers who may arise, but in the presence in our midst of certainly deeply running currents of hope and appetite and opinion. The war upon fascism must be begun there.

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Close, Kerry.   “Sinclair Lewis Novel ‘It Can’t Happen Here’ Sells Out Online.”    
Time.   16 November 2016.
Flynn, John Thomas.   As We Go Marching.    Auburn, AL:  
 Ludwig Von Mises Institute, 1944.    ISBN 9781610164979.
Lewis, Sinclair.   It Can’t Happen Here.    New York: Doubleday, 1935.
Harris, Malcom.   “It Really Can Happen Here: The Novel That Foreshadowed
Donald Trump’s Authoritarian Appeal.    Salon.   29 September 2015.
The Christian Century, Volume 53.   “Speakers Draw a Dark Picture of the Future.”    Chicago: Christian Century Company, 1936
The Sinclair Lewis Society.   “Here’s Our Most Asked Question.”    2012.

What Colin Powell said about Barack Obama and Islamophobia : NPR

Free Mason Rule Over the United States – Search (bing.com)

Obama is a Marxist Muslim Dictator – Search (bing.com)

Amazon.com : Trump 2024 Flag 3x5 FT Outdoor Flag. Donald Trump Flag for ...
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Triple Negative Breast Cancer

7 Takeaways From a Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivor (national breastcancer.org)

 Time is more important than we realize.  
Within all my experiences of the last 10 years on social media and having a Facebook group. Those that seek alternative treatments the natural way for TNBC usually don’t respond well and for any aggressive type of cancer. I always tell cancer patients to know what you’re up against by first getting your cancer graded and tested.

Many on social media trying to become rich with agenda’s have tried to make me look bad. But they usually end up coming and going. Whereas I have never made my first dollar on this free access ~ non-profit blog spreading awareness of the knowledge that I share from learning through other experiences and help guiding them through the path that I have traveled through those years. (Learning No Two Cancers Are the Same).

Though 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime, nothing about the experience feels normal. While every individual and every cancer is unique, we can all agree that breast cancer has a lasting impact on patients, survivors, and their loved ones. 
Shannon provides a candid glimpse into her journey with dense breast tissue and a triple negative breast cancer diagnosis.
She faced breast cancer shortly after turning 40, with the support of her husband and community, while caring for her two young daughters. Shannon is the Head Drill Team Director at Highland Park High School in Dallas, Texas.

I thought I knew a little bit about breast cancer, so I didn’t worry too much when
I felt a small lump in the shower. I’d had a mammogram within the past two years, and
I’d had benign issues prior to that. So I watched the lump for a few weeks—a few weeks
longer than I should have. 
The doctor at my first visit told me that I had an 80% chance of the lump being
absolutely nothing, but we’d just check it out to be sure. The radiologist at my follow-up mammogram was concerned. But later that week, the doctor who biopsied me said the areas of concern looked benign to her. Lab results proved otherwise, and a day or two later, I got the dreaded phone call.

I want to share the following information not to frighten anyone,
but to empower you with the knowledge I wish I’d had: 
1. Most people who are diagnosed with breast cancer do not have a strong family history
of it. They also often do not carry any genetic disposition for it (BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations). I didn’t have either of these. 
2. Dense breast tissue is very common, but it shouldn’t be dismissed. 
My oncologist said that looking at the breast tissue of someone with dense breasts is like reading the mammogram through fog. If you’ve been told your breast tissue is dense, do more regular breast self-exams to know your body and strongly consider following up 3D mammograms with ultrasound, if you have the means.
3. There are many types of breast cancer. Hormone-positive breast cancers are usually the ones you hear about. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. This means that the growth of malignant (cancerous) cells was not promoted by estrogen, progesterone, or the protein HER-2. Doctors don’t really know why you get this aggressive type of breast cancer yet, but if you are around my age or younger, please hear this—although triple negative is a rare type of breast cancer, this is more likely to also affect younger people,
African Americans, Hispanics, and those with a BRCA1 gene mutation.

Shannon before her mastectomy

4. Triple negative breast cancer is aggressive. Unfortunately, it often grows fast, even in the time between annual mammograms. While I may have had cancer cells in my body for some time, it is likely they would have only been detectable on a mammogram for a few months. Had I waited another month or two before beginning treatment, I could have been looking at significantly advanced disease. Don’t watch or wait on lumps for months at a time. Insist on screenings.
By the way, I wasn’t doing a self-exam in the shower when I found my lump. I rarely did self-exams. It was a very unexpected “coincidence” that occurred while soaping up my underarm. Some days, the lump felt like a little piece of gravel. Other days, it seemed more pliable like a soft pea. It didn’t feel like I thought cancer would. 
5. Treatment for breast cancer varies based on the typestage, and growth rate. Some require lumpectomy only. Some require lumpectomy or mastectomy with radiation. Others get all that, plus lots of chemotherapy and sometimes immunotherapy. Triple negative breast cancer is different than most—patients aren’t able to receive hormonal therapy, which can help prevent recurrence from happening. We treat our cancer with chemotherapy before and often after, as well, in order to reduce the chance of any errant cells surviving the treatment or taking up residence in other parts of our body. Bottom line: You could have two friends with breast cancer, but they might have vastly different treatments and prognoses. 
6. Breast cancer in men is rare, but not as rare as we’d like to think. Men need to monitor their bodies and breast tissue as well—maybe even more so without the benefit of recommended mammograms. 
7. Nurses and doctors are exceptional, and they save lives on a daily basis. Cancer patients LOVE their doctors and nurses in a way I never understood before my own diagnosis. I’d do anything for mine. 
I had my last reconstruction surgery on July 9, 2021, so I finally feel as if I’ve “finished” my breast cancer treatment. While I will be monitored closely for years, and I will likely panic over every new twinge for the foreseeable future, I can’t believe that I finally get to say that it is hopefully over.

Shannon with her husband and two daughters
Celebrities that Survived Triple Negative Breast Cancer – Search Videos (bing.com)

I recall sitting in my car one day asking God to give my journey purpose. If this was to be my story, let it radically change my life and let me somehow use it for good. I had several survivors (friends and friends-of-friends I’d never met) who led me through this experience like only someone who’s “been there” can, and I’ll never forget it. 
I found that the trauma isn’t in the treatment, although the treatment can be rough. 
The trauma, honestly, is the diagnosis. The word “cancer.” It’s coming face-to-face with the reality of your mortality. 
If I flash back to Friday, February 15, 2019, the day of my diagnosis, these are
the things I wish I’d known before the phone began to ring. And even further back, I wish I’d understood the value of regular self-exams for a woman of my age, breast density, and health history. Stop now and set the reminder alarm on your phone. Do your breast self-exams and then do your part by sharing the information with your friends.
Publish Date: September 30, 2020

January 26, 2024 at 5:53 pm

I am dealing with my 2nd recurrence of TNBC (within 4 and 1/2) .
This time my oncologist sent my tumor to CARIS – Search (bing.com)
– to check my DNA against 22,000 genes to see what chemo will work for me. It will be ready in 10 days. I highly recommend this testing. She also tested if I was PDL1 positive or negative and Thank God I am negative. Surgery set for the beginning of March and also my port to be placed. And since I have had radiation in the same area, I cannot have radiation again. So, I have to get proton therapy. There aren’t many proton therapy centers in the US. Bonus: MistleToe Injections ~ Believe Big – Search Videos (bing.com)

And I started on Mistletoe injection therapy last week. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
MistleToe Injections John Hopkins Kimmel cancer Center – Search (bing.com)

July 16, 2023, at 8:00 pm

Lumpectomy and 3 nodes. I will be starting radiation soon.
I am 65 years old and have just finished chemo. I had surgery about 3 weeks ago.
Triple-negative breast cancer seems to be entering a phase where it is easier to treat. I was amazed at how well Keytruda worked for me. I was in a study that paired Keytruda with radiation at the beginning of treatment. The tumor shrank significantly in size in the first two weeks. There was actually a noticeable hollow in the side of my breast. Scans and labs from surgery are now seeing no signs of malignancy and I am ecstatic! Not done yet, but thrilled nonetheless! Now I just need good strategies for how to keep it from coming back!

Doris Boruta
June 27, 2023 at 4:23 am

God bless all you strong women and keep your spirits up. Do all you can to make whatever choice you must if you can do a clinical trial try it. I’m 71. I read all your stories and I’m also at the beginning with chemo,a very small tumor with a grade 3 aggressive cancer.
I have to trust my doctors, we can’t go back, yet to what life was before but we sure can make every day count good or bad. We are not alone or if we are we still can master enough God given strength to fight,eat what you can in chemo, try to walk to stay strong and lf your married and you have a loving husband well that’s great but it’d be your fight, don’t be as independent as you can. I’m a widow strong on my own with two grown children who will help me during chemo but I don’t plan to make their life so complicated by my illness….I’m strong I will have some help but the more I do that I can do on my own is what I’m aiming for I don’t want people looking at me like my life is over, feeling sad or sorry for me…everyone is different but I have found the less people know about your illness the better off except your care team and one good friend. That’s my choice. I wish you ladies God’s speed, don’t be too scared because that changes your happiness…” 
 “Let’s roll… be strong… adapt & overcome… God bless us. all. ” 

June 26, 2023 at 9:59 pm

Just diagnosed at 63. Have only my husband for support at 72 and limited use of his arms due to a botched neck surgery. I am strongly considering no treatment and I know that means death. I have heard too many people who have gone through chemo surgery and radiation only to have recurrence of TNBC within a year or two then die. I also cannot find real descriptions of the chemo side effects and what you are able physically do other than generalizations. Can you direct me where I can learn more? My oncologist kind of brushed me off when I said I was considering no treatment.

National Breast Cancer Foundation
June 27, 2023 at 3:04 pm

Hi Mary, thank you for sharing how you’re doing currently and your very real
concerns in regard to treatment options. There are a few common chemo side effects you can read about here. Full side effects can vary by individual.
Here are a few blogs that share different perspectives:
– What Helps During Chemo?
– “I Am Still Beautiful:” Paris’s Journey with MS and Breast Cancer; She shares how different radiation was from chemotherapy.
– Why I Never Dreaded Chemo
There are many resources available. Support groups can provide a community of survivors and those currently in treatment. For other breast cancer resources that can help, click here. We hope this helps! For any other questions you have, reach out to help@nbcf.org.

November 7, 2021 at 6:38 pm

Diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer on August 11, 2021. Three clinical breast exams this year without palpable lump. Routine screening mammograms picked up new calcification prompting core biopsy. Biopsy revealed cancer. Family history positive- both grandmothers, one survived three bouts of breast cancer. Genetics negative for all known cancer genes. Currently undergoing neoadjuvant AC treatment 4 rounds to be followed by 12 rounds of Taxol, surgery and radiation. It is a long road. Faith is getting me through it.
I continue to work full time through this journey as I am the household support.

Rachael Jacobs
July 27, 2021 at 12:46 am

I was diagnosed with TNBC in 2018 July. Finished treatment has now been in NED since Jan 2019. It hasn’t been an easy ride and coping with the new norm after treatment has been challenging. I wish all those going through treatment all the best.

July 16, 2021 at 1:48 am

I am so glad I came across this. My sister was recently diagnosed – she just turned 45 on the 4th. She noticed a lump in February. She called her doctor… she had a mammogram a few months earlier and he told her it was just a cyst. She did continue to question and finally biopsies were ordered last month. The last three weeks we have been on emotional rollercoasters. Her oncologist told her she thought she saw an additional spot on her MRI. She does her PET scan tomorrow and starts chemo Monday. Please keep her in your prayers. I know God has this.

Leanne Judson
June 27, 2021 at 8:01 am

I’d love to be involved.
I have a diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer and although I have remained positive from the first day and have responded really well to Chemotherapy I am now feeling like I’m not going to survive. I have a double mastectomy in a week’s time and then radiotherapy but I have just received the news that I have the BRCA 1 mutation and for some reason it has completely sent me into an emotional wreck.
I know every case is individual but all I want to know is can you survive this and live to be old or is it literally just waiting for that first 3,5 or 7 years? And then anything after that is a bonus? For the first time in 6 months I actually feel like what’s the point of going through all of this if I’m not going to survive.
I almost feel like you’re given Chemotherapy, an operation, radiotherapy and drugs etc just to kind of say that you’ve had everything available to you but really there’s very little point or reason to it because you’re going to die from Cancer anyway whether it’s in a year or a bit longer. I just feel its a death sentence either way.
I hate to put such a negative slant on this situation as I’m usually a very positive person but this is the way I’ve been left feeling.
I have struggled to find any support network specifically for TNBC in the UK.
Thank you so much Leanne

December 1, 2023 at 11:06 pm

You’re not alone, you will survive, just be strong & keep fighting
I also have TNBC but I believe it’s a test from God
He will help us, he will support us and he is The Merciful
Have faith girl  🥰

National Breast Cancer Foundation
June 30, 2021 at 9:31 pm

Leanne, thank you for being so open to reach out and share what you’re going through. You’re not alone. Our team is going to reach out to you via email.

Kathy Adcock
May 10, 2021 at 8:50 pm

Thank you for sharing your story. I did the same when I was diagnosed and asked God to show me once I was done with my journey who I could help. My daughter has already made a comment about how strong my faith is so if my journey brings those I love and others to God, I’m ready.

Lynn Taylor Proctor  
March 13, 2021 at 2:46 am

I am just starting this journey.
Was diagnosed February 16 (2021). I will turn 61 on March 25. I had a Superport insertion yesterday. Chemo to start 3/19. 4-6 rounds then will be a radical mastectomy. DNA shows no markers but my mom (91 and a 15 year survivor), her sister (died about 1994 as it had metastasized to all organs) and their mom (died at age 43 of a “brain tumor” late 1940s)
all had it. So strange.
I am reading everything and anything I can find online to be prepared.
My body has fallen apart in the last several years as I have serious arthritis. Bilateral knee replacements, bilateral shoulder replacements. And in the last 4 years, achilles tendon replacement, cervical fusion, 2 lumbar fusions. I now have Flatback Syndrome which I will always have. I thought I was actually on the downhill side, able to take a breath or two……Wrong!   
I am as ready as possible to fight. I have 2 beautiful daughters, a beautiful daughter-in-law and an amazing 3 year old grand-daughter as well as a super supportive husband, mother and brothers and an angel of a best friend (since I was 2 years old) to fight for and with.
I plan to garden again and keep chickens and goats.
My dogs and cats are by my side.
My amazing husband is always right here.
I am ready.  Lynn Taylor Proctor – Facebook

Lara Gregg
March 15, 2021 at 10:42 pm

Lynn, thank you for your transparency. It’s truly touching. My mom was just diagnosed today. I’m so scared for her. She’s 59. She discovered the lump in November 2020 when it was grape sized. She had an examination scheduled to look into it, however, in December, she got COVID and was hospitalized and sedated on the ventilator for one month.
At that time, her husband of 40 years, my father, suddenly passed away.
I had to tell my mother the love of her life was gone via Zoom. It was horrific. She came home to recover and was prescribed oxygen as she relearned general motor skills. Amidst her other many post Covid appointments, she insisted she get her follow-up mammogram. That appointment was 2 weeks ago.
Since then, we’ve been on a hell of a ride. We’re awaiting an appointment with an oncology team to discuss a treatment plan. I’m so anxious and scared for her. We’re trying to remain faithful.
Your post about fighting really encouraged me. Although my dad is gone, me, my 2 sisters, 3 nieces, grandma and host of cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends are going to fight with her. I did NOT go through all of that to be beaten by TNBC! Sending you love and prayers.  

Mary Davies
February 15, 2021 at 7:33 pm

Please read about vegan diets.
Also, the effect of the amino acid methionine on breast cancer. – Search (bing.com)
I have read it could be helpful to eliminate it as much as possible from your mom’s diet.

Wisdom From a Seventeen-Year-Old Survivor – Stories of Hope – National Breast Cancer Foundation

4 things the world’s longest-living people—residents of ‘Blue Zones’ like Okinawa and Sardinia—do to stay healthy and happy (msn.com)

3 ‘supercentenarians’ on living to 110 or older and their advice for a ‘healthy and purposeful life’ (msn.com)

“Blue zones” have captivated health and longevity experts. But are they real or statistical grift? (msn.com)

The No. 1 key to a happier, longer life—’that younger people don’t’ know, according to the oldest and ‘wisest’ Americans (msn.com)

9 ways to live to 100 and have fun while doing it, according to longevity experts (msn.com)

Want to live to 100? Here’s the No. 1 predictor of whether you’ll make it. (msn.com)

Want To Live Longer? Follow This Advice from People In ‘Blue Zones’ (msn.com)

The Longest Living People In the World All Abide by the ‘Power 9’ Rule (msn.com)

Longevity Lessons: Why Include Blue Zones on Your Bucket List (msn.com)

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Tara Coyote’s Healing Journey

If you want to know what it’s like for us cancer thrivers. I wrote these so others understand the reality we face. Please read this. It’s a raw and real share.

It is a deep dive.
It is not easy.
These monthly shots that knock me down
Down into Inanna’s cave I go.
To face my monsters, fears & worries
To transmute the darkness into light
✨ 👹 ✨

Sometimes I wake up screaming, the nightmares can be intense.
Sometimes I’m happy to just rest.
The emotional content that was pushed aside during the rest of
the month comes flaring its loud presence of what I cannot deny.
This time: more layers of heartbreak around the recent breakup 💔
The raw, open heart lies exposed to heal from the inside out
It can also be hard, as I miss out on family gatherings and events,
but this is part of it and I’m so grateful to be alive.
So I accept this.
It’s a part of the price to pay, on the cancer healing path.
This is waking up to back breaking pain that thankfully passes after some hours.
The hot flashes
The ‘I must get up to feed the horses’ & pushing myself to do what I can
Don’t make me walk to the gate, it’s simply too far for me.
I share this as I know y’all think I’m so buoyant, bubbly and inspiring.
And yes I can be
But this is hard work, that requires me to reach into my deepest strength
One must walk alone at times to find their way
And this is the case with these drugs.
This is raw and real
The good part of it is that I get a shit ton done as the force of gravity is so strong.
I’m leveled out on my bed or sofa, editing videos, writing, etc.
And the rest is great too, despite the physical discomfort, as I’m usually going nonstop‼️
I share this as MANY of US CANCER THRIVERS go through this every month, but IT IS NOT SPOKEN ABOUT,
so I am here to share‼️
Please listen so you can understand the path we’re on
It requires incredible strength, especially to stay positive in the face of one’s constant mortality. I speak for all of us. ❤️‍🔥🙌🏽❤️‍🔥

And, as I know I’ll get asked, I get monthly shots of Faslodex (hormone blocking shots) & every 3 months I receive Xgeva (for my bones). Some people are not affected so sensitively as I am, but some of us are. I tend to be on the highly sensitive side of the spectrum with most medicines‼️
And to add: I think this is why I’m so drawn to mermaiding. After so much death, loss and cancer treatment, being a 🧜‍♀️ brings out the joy and play which I so desperately need to balance it out!

🎉 The new book ‘Kaimana the Hawaiian Mermaid’ is out! 🔱
I gotta say, in all honesty, writing & self-publishing a book is hard work. It takes great dedication, focus & stubborn stamina to do ALL the steps necessary to birth a book baby. It is no small feat. It is necessary to have a motivating factor. 👊🏽
What was my drive to publish this ocean conservation book?
In short, my love of the ocean and her creatures. In the last year, swimming in the ocean with a mermaid tail has been the incredibly healing after the tragic death of my parents.
In the process of swimming with turtles, fish and recently whales, stingrays and sharks (incredible!! 🐋🤍 🦈) I’ve fallen deeper in love with the ocean and the benevolent joy she selflessly gives.
In January, when a rare and mysterious sperm whale washed up on the coast of Kaua’i, Hawaii choked by garbage debris in its stomach, I knew I had to tell the story. 🐳
Note: This photo is taken near Lydgate Beach right where the whale washed up!!!
This whale that was killed by human ignorance does not have a voice, so I will speak for him/her, thank you very much‼️

These magnificent creatures hold peaceful wisdom beyond what our reptilian human brain can comprehend. While we fight and kill one another with unnecessary wars, the animals look on in wonder asking themselves who the primitive creatures truly are⁉️ 
Do they unnecessarily kill one another? NO‼️

I am concerned.
Without becoming too dismal (but you all know the reality upon Earth now), the oceans and our sacred planet dearly need our attention. If we do not wake up and create dramatic change NOW, my possible future grandchildren will be inheriting a hell of a future.
The innocent beings deserve much more than this.
I decided to use my platform and the fact that I have an audience to speak for whales,
coral reefs and marine life.
We stare at the ocean in wonder,
yet do not understand the verdant life that lives miles under the surface.
I’ve been swimming often in her waters and I’m here to say that life under
the water is enchanted & magical. 🐬
Just because we can’t see what lives under the surface of the water
doesn’t mean it deserves to live anymore then we do. 🐙

In this colorful new kid’s book collaboration with Nica Quinn, I’m proud to say that~
I created a resource guide sharing about the whales (their songs, migration & current dangers they face), the importance of a healthy coral reef & information about %las*tic (yes, I’m coding this word to work around the algorithm that wants to suppress posts that speak about p*l*tion).
I want the world to know that YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
And future generations depend on YOU for this.
In the words of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

What are you waiting for⁉️

So, hey, check out this gorgeous new kid’s book‼️ 
Also, check out the newsletter I wrote last night pouring my heart into sharing why I wrote the book, which besides what I shared above has to do with my incredible environmental activist parents. This book in many ways is a tribute to them.


🔱 Go forth ~ Live large ~ Be brave 🔱

And cultivate joy in between the cracks of it all

Love y’all

🐋 Announcing a new video ‘All About Whales’! I am thrilled to share
this interview with my brother Ted Cheeseman of Happywhale with you! 🎉
It is jam packed full with fascinating facts about whale behavior, songs, migration and why it’s vitally important for them to have a healthy ocean ecosystem for them to survive. 🐋
👉🏽  🐋 Tara Coyote interviews Ted Cheeseman from Happywhale 🐋 👈🏽
I included photos and videos of whales to give the visual perspective of the sheer mysterious beauty of the cetaceans & also beloved family photos. 🐚
We also talk about the impact of growing up with wonderful safari leading parents,
Doug & Gail Cheeseman who inspired countless people with their love of the environment & the safari biz they created 🐘
It is the longest video I’ve created at 47 minutes, but I’ve broken it down
into separate chapters so you can digest it and take in the info you want.
Grab some popcorn & enjoy it! 🍿
Ted is one inspirational guy who is changing the face of how we understand whales around the globe with his organization Happywhale. He developed a tail recognition software that can help track & identify whales around the world. This greatly benefits whale research & to understand these gentle giants. 🐳

Btw, this is a photo of Ted taken with a sperm whale by Scott Davis –
Spectacular photo, isn’t it? 🐋

Tara is an ocean activist, mermaid & author who recently published a new children’s book called ‘Kaimana the Hawaiian Mermaid’. It has a thick ocean conservation section at the end of it sharing about whales, the importance of a healthy coral reef, reducing plastic pollution & so much more! This book is based on a true story of a sperm whale washing up on the coast of Kaua’i, Hawaii in January 2023 choked by plastic and human garbage in its stomach. 📕 Video link: https://youtu.be/OLnX1mBvbjg?si=l2BOwnBnjNzUpiaw ✨🧜‍♀️✨

I hope this video inspires you to learn more about whales & understand their importance on our fragile Earth. Please like, comment on the YouTube video and let us know your thoughts. Mahalo for watching! ✨🙏🏽✨

Grace, Grit & Gratitude: A Cancer Thriver’s Journey from Hospice to Full Recovery
with the Healing Power of Horses Paperback – July 30, 2021 Amazon.com : Tara Coyote
by Tara Coyote (Author), Linda Kohanov (Foreword), & 1 more
4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars    159 ratings

To the outside eye, it looked like Tara Coyote was living the perfect life in the suburbs
with her musician husband, successful Pilates studio and Brady Bunch type family.
What the outside world didn’t see was the pivotal event that turned her life upside down.

Grace, Grit & Gratitude is one woman’s story of a profound bond with horses
that carried her through nine years of pain, trauma, cancer and the challenges of loss.
It is about finding the courage to face one’s shadow in the darkest hour.
Learn how the ancient principles of death and also rebirth from the
Mesopotamian Goddess, Inanna, has saved more than just one life.

Follow one woman’s spiritual journey of pain, perseverance and discovery
with the unexpected power of her horses and ancient teachings as her guide.

A portion of the sale of each book will be donated to The Wild Beauty Foundation, an organization that works to raise awareness for the wild horses of North America. As Tara’s mustang, Comanche has had a profound impact upon her life, she is passionate about supporting this important cause!

Tara Coyote is the founder of Wind Horse Sanctuary, a certified Eponaquest ‘Equine Facilitated Learning’ instructor, life coach, workshop leader, writer and dancer.
You will find her happily scooping horse manure on Kauai, Hawaii! 
#whale #whales #spermwhale @highlight @followers

Love ya’ my cancer thriver tribe! ✨❤️‍🔥✨

Keep going – I see you‼️
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A new study rooted in genetic modeling from experts across the world says that there is substantial evidence 
that we came from a whole bunch of places © Photo by Cathy Scola – Getty Images

A New Study Has Changed the Birthplace of Humanity
Story by Tim Newcomb

New genetic research further shows that humans didn’t derive from a single location. Instead, it likely arose from multiple areas in Africa.
The rise of different population groups may have happened during different time periods.
Africa remains the focal point of the search for the earliest human existence, even if it may not have a single point of origin.

Stop looking for a single pinpoint location for the start of human evolution. A new study rooted in genetic modeling from experts across the world says that there is substantial evidence that we came from a whole bunch of places. Published on May 17 in Nature, the study claims to disprove the idea of just one location serving as the birthplace of humanity.

“Decades of study of human genome variation have suggested a predominantly tree-like model of recent population divergence from a single ancestral population in Africa,” the study says. “It has been difficult to reconcile this finding with the fossil and archaeological records of human occupation across the vast African continent.”
To reach their conclusion, the researchers investigated the genomes of nearly 300 people across a variety of ancestral backgrounds and—even going back a million years—still weren’t able to lock in on just one distinct population set. Instead, their findings suggested that there must be at least two populations, which they dub Stem1 and Stem2.
“We cannot rule out the possibility that more complex models involving additional stems, more complex population structure, or hybrid models including both weak structure and archaic hominin admixture, may better explain the data,” the study says.

As Eleanor Scerri, an evolutionary archaeologist not involved in the study, tells the New York Times, “There is no single birthplace. It really puts a nail in the coffin of that idea.”
The research team—from the University of Wisconsin, University of California, Davis, Baylor College of Medicine, Stellenbosch University in South Africa, and McGill University in Quebec—believes that both the Stem1 and Stem2 populations originated in Africa, but not together. It was hundreds of thousands of years, they say—potentially because of some environmental event around 120,000 years ago—before the populations started mixing and two groups merged to really kick off the start of new people groups based in Africa.
The study used computer modeling to simulate the spread of human DNA across time and throughout Africa. “We could ask what types of models are really plausible for the African continent,” Brenna Henn, of the Genome Center at the University of California, Davis, and study co-author, tells the New York Times.

By comparing DNA from multiple groups of people throughout Africa, and then comparing that DNA to the genomes of people from other ancestry groups, the researchers believe they have found enough solid proof to say that there had to have been a Stem1 and Stem2. The precise locations of the two groups remains unknown, but the distinctly Stem1 or Stem2 DNA seemingly survived and was continuing to influence ancestry as recently as 25,000 years ago.
Much like how researchers believe humans mixed with Neanderthals in Eurasia before the Neanderthal went extinct, the study suggests that an “archaic hominin ghost population” could have further contributed to migration events and helped inform genetic data. In the hopes of eventually gaining an even clearer view of the complexity that is human life, researchers hope to continue to gather more genetic information and run additional simulations. 
Maybe, someday, we’ll be able to pinpoint those populations once and for all.
DNA death predictors: What do they really tell you?

Genetic tests lay odds on killer diseases, and now a “health check”
for your chromosomes spots traits that could reveal your lifespan –
if it really works By Alison Motluk

New Scientist Default Image
Ever wondered how long you have got?
(Image: Shutterstock)

MY PATERNAL grandfather lived until he was 89; his brother outdid him by a decade.
My grandmothers made it to 85 & 93. My parents are both alive and kicking at 73 & 82.
The only people to die young in my family were killed in wars or industrial accidents. Maybe I am just clinging to the rosy bits, but this is the information I choose to employ when predicting my own longevity. I reckon the odds are with me, and I’m not interested in knowing if I’m wrong. My greatest fear about the timing of my death is that it will come many decades after I have exhausted my supply of money.

It seems I am unusual, however.
Apparently, many people are thirsting for a little extra information to help them calculate how long they have left. How else can you explain the burgeoning number of commercial enterprises promising to meet that desire? Already, gene-sequencing companies such as 23andme, deCodeMe and Navigenics can do a quick scan of your risk of developing everything from lung cancer to multiple sclerosis. Now two new firms are offering to tell us how well we are ageing, based on an analysis of structures at the ends of our chromosomes called telomeres.
If these developments continue, a person’s lifespan could become as quantifiable as the shelf life of a carton of milk. So instead of parading around blissfully unaware of how long we have left, we could find out our own use-by dates. For some, this knowledge would be a burden, while others may be glad of the chance to plan their future. But whether you find the prospect of being able to foretell your own death terrifying or enticing, how realistic is it? Are these new tests really a game changer? After all, we have long been able to test for life-threatening factors such as high cholesterol and blood pressure. And while a better understanding of the biology of ageing is bound to tell us even more, surely the date of one’s death will always remain unknowable?  

This brave new age of scientific soothsaying began a few years ago with the invention of home genetics tests that promise to alert you to things that might contribute to your ultimate decline. It couldn’t be simpler. You order the kit online, receive it through the post, collect a cheek-swab sample of DNA while sitting on your own couch and then mail it off for analysis. The news came back by email a few weeks later. In the interests of science, I gave it a go.

You decide. I soon discovered a fundamental problem:
the results are wide open to interpretation, making it easy to reconcile them with the views you already hold. Say you learn that, like me, you are one of those unlucky people whose risk of a heart attack goes up 60 per cent just by drinking a third cup of coffee every day. Bad though that sounds, the chances you will have a coffee-induced heart attack are still very low – and that it will kill you, lower still. Besides, if you scratch around enough, you can probably find something to offset even that small risk – such as your slightly lower-than-average odds of heart attack in general. That’s what I did. And I concluded that my grandparents might still be my best guide to my longevity.

To cut a long story short:
Except for finding out whether you are susceptible to a few single-gene killer diseases, an inventory of genes is not very informative for anyone wanting to know how long they have got. A big list of small risks simply is not going to tell you what your odds are of making it to 95, or even 60. Will something called gastric cardia adenocarcinoma be what takes me out – my risk of getting it is 0.08 percent, compared with an average of 0.07 per cent? Or will it be the more common melanoma, which I am ignoring because my risk is 1.3 per cent, compared with an average of 0.7 per cent?
According to Timothy Caulfield, a bioethicist and lawyer at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, who has been looking into how people react to tests like these, my attitude isn’t uncommon.
“People don’t seem to do much with this risk information,” he says. “They don’t freak out. And they don’t start exercising more, eating better or getting more screening.” This should not surprise us, he adds, since we have never responded much to other more traditional predictive information, such as weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

The Reactive Approach Is the Consequences of the “Do Nothing” 

In fact, our ostrich-like attitude to genetic warning signs may even be quite sensible. 
Eline Slagboom at the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands and her colleagues found that healthy people in their 80s and 90s were no less likely than the rest of us to carry gene variants, or alleles, known to increase the risks of heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol 107, p 18046). “These people from long-lived families have exactly the same numbers of deleterious alleles,” she says. The difference, however, is that they probably possess other genes that keep the dangerous ones at bay. Although none of these have been identified so far, Slagboom and colleagues have discovered four separate areas of the genome that seem to be important. They suspect the critical genes will be unglamorous, controlling aspects of metabolism, inflammation and immunity.

At 23andme, I was tested for a “longevity trait” identified by the company.
Apparently I don’t possess it and have merely typical odds of living to age 95 or 100. Again, I discount this. The trait is based on two studies of small numbers of subjects and controls, with ethnicities and genders that are different from my own. Even if it does correlate with longevity in some people, why should I trust the company, given that
it got a few other traits wrong, including my eye colour and whether my hair tends to curl?

Accuse me of overblown scepticism if you like, but the most evangelical proponents of genetic testing cannot get around the fact that longevity is not simply genetic. It is largely down to myriad environmental factors, including lifestyle, the effects of which cannot be measured directly. At best, the particular genes you carry will only ever explain about 25 percent of your propensity to live a long life, says Slagboom. So can the new telomere-based tests do any better?

“At best, the particular genes you carry will only ever explain about 25 percent of your propensity to live a long life”. Like the plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces, telomeres keep your chromosomes from fraying and getting tangled up with one another.
Every time chromosomes replicate during cell division the telomeres get a bit shorter. This process starts even before you are born and about a third of their length is lost in the first 20 years of life, says Calvin Harley, president and chief scientific officer of Telome Health, based in Menlo Park, California.
As we age, the shortening continues – by about 9 per cent each decade, on average.
It is not clear whether some people have a higher natural rate of loss but we do know that telomeres respond to lifestyle, and that smoking, heavy drinking, obesity and stress can all shorten them a little more quickly. That is bad news because short telomeres are associated with earlier death. One study by Richard Cawthon at the University of Utah, for instance, looked at their lengths in adults over 60. People whose telomeres were shorter than average for their age cohort were 3.18 times more likely to die of heart problems and 8.54 times more likely to die from infectious disease, than those who had longer than average telomeres for their age (The Lancet, vol 361, p 393).

It is easy to see why people trying to divine their own personal expiration date would be interested in knowing how long their telomeres are, and how they compare with other people of the same age. This is exactly the information offered by a Spanish company called Life Length, based in Madrid, which began selling its €500 test a year ago. Telome Health had also planned to offer a telomere test. Back in May, co-founder Elizabeth Blackburn – a Nobel laureate for her discovery of telomerase, the enzyme that stimulates telomere elongation – told New Scientist its test would be available for under $200 by the end of the year. However, Harley now says it will only be used for research purposes for the foreseeable future. He didn’t say why.

How short is too short?
Both tests base their analysis on measurements of the telomeres in a type of white blood cell called leukocytes. “It’s a good surrogate of what’s going on throughout the body,” says Harley. Both will compare the average length of your telomeres with those of your peers, although to begin with that comparison group will be very small.
However, unlike Telome Health, Life Length also provides information about the abundance of critically short telomeres. This difference in approach highlights some key gaps in our understanding of telomeres. Harley says that most studies associating telomere length with health, use measures of average length.
But Life Length scientists argue that the abundance of critically short telomeres – not averages – is what individuals really need to know about.
Once they shrink to a certain point, telomeres can no longer do the job of capping off the chromosomes. Critically short telomeres cause cell death and ultimately senescence, says Maria Blasco, founder of Life Length and head of the Spanish National Cancer Centre in Madrid. However, even she acknowledges that there is a lot we don’t understand yet.

“We need large population studies to find the actual meaning of telomere length,” she says.
Carol Greider at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, who shared the Nobel prize with Blackburn, points out that there is no consensus yet on the best technique for measuring telomeres. In fact, her work on mice found no correlation between telomere length and lifespan (Nucleic Acids Research, vol 28, p 4474) and she argues that little is known about how telomere length affects health and longevity in humans. “There’s a very wide distribution of telomere lengths,” she says, and they can vary a lot for any given age. If you fall below the first percentile, you are clearly at risk for age-related diseases, she adds, but the science hasn’t really established much beyond that. Greider concludes that telomere testing for the general public is premature.

So what about the idea that it can pinpoint your time of death?
Harley plays down the notion, calling it “nonsense”. I had heard that a telomere test might be able to indicate a slim range – say, between ages 70 and 75 – with a 95 percent chance of getting it right. But Harley insists it can only be used as an overall health indicator – a sort of “check engine” light. He likens it to a cholesterol test. I point out that at least with a cholesterol test, you know what you are measuring and so have some idea what to do if you get a bad result.
“If they could say 70 versus 90 with some degree of certainty, I think that would have an impact,” says Caulfield. People may alter their retirement age, spending patterns, travel plans and love lives. Their insurers and employers may make decisions based on this information, too, he adds.
For now, though, finding that you have short telomeres for your age might persuade you
to adopt a healthier lifestyle, at best. I’m not convinced the test is for me. I already know
to eat lots of greens, get lots of exercise and not live in the shadow of an industrial plume.

My grandparents taught me.

New Scientist Default Image

What can make you live longer.

 Women outlive men by an average of five years. Tom Kirkwood at Newcastle University
in the UK suspects it may be because women’s bodies are better at repairing themselves.

People born in autumn or early winter live significantly longer than those born in late spring. British immigrants to Australia show patterns similar to those of Danes and Austrians, and opposite to people who are Australian-born, suggesting the effect
happens during early development.

It is not enough to be nominated; you have to win. A study by Donald Redelmeier of the University of Toronto, Canada, compared all actors and actresses ever nominated for an Oscar. Winners lived on average 3.9 years longer (Annals of Internal Medicine, vol 134,
page 955)

After analyzing 490 sets of skeletal remains, measuring bone length and calculating age
of death from dental erosion, a UK research team concluded that tall people live longer

In search of a longevity pill 
More than a decade ago, Maria Blasco, now head of the Spanish National Cancer Centre
in Madrid, discovered how to extend the lifespan of mice by 40 per cent. The secret?
Telomerase, the enzyme that helps elongate the structures at the end of chromosomes called telomeres. 
Telomerase is a major player in early embryonic development and fetal life, but, even before we are born, it is switched off. (The exception is in germ-line cells, which give rise
to sperm or eggs.) Why the enzyme’s activity is down-regulated is not entirely understood, but it is thought to be an anti-cancer strategy: although telomerase doesn’t cause cancer, once mutations occur, it helps tumours thrive. The mice in Blasco’s experiments, it should be noted, were engineered not to form tumors. 

Nonetheless, there is a huge interest in the potential anti-ageing effects of telomerase and, since January 2007, a small group of people have been experimenting with a nutritional supplement called TA-65, which activates telomerase in human immune cells.
The supplement is derived from the Chinese herb astragalus, and was developed by, among others, Calvin Harley, now president of Telome Health (see main story).
As it happens, Harley is also one of the experimental subjects taking the TA-65. 
Early results are mixed. After a year of supplementation, the average telomere length of the subjects did not increase. However, the percentage of critically short telomeres was significantly reduced (Rejuvenation Research, vol 14, p 45).
Randomized controlled trials are set to follow. 

Topics:  Death  

The polar vortex above the Arctic has been spinning backwards for weeks. Here’s why.
2024 total solar eclipse will happen in April: Why it’s rare and special (msn.com)
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Meet the Atlantic diet:

Female chef wearing apron doing quality check of cilantro standing in studio kitchen © Provided by Fortune

Meet the Atlantic diet: The Mediterranean diet’s neighbor—with an added benefit.
Story by Lindsey Leake
Is the Atlantic Diet the New Mediterranean? (msn.com)
You’re probably familiar with the myriad benefits of the Mediterranean diet: reduced inflammationhealthy brain aging, and more. But the similar Atlantic diet offers its own advantages, according to a new study conducted in Spain.
Researchers at the University of Santiago de Compostela discovered a link between the Atlantic diet and a reduced risk of developing metabolic syndrome—a group of conditions that together heighten your risk of serious health problems such as heart disease.

The findings were published this month in the journal JAMA Network Open
Amid the global obesity epidemic, one nutrition expert who wasn’t involved in
the research tells Fortune the study’s lack of attention to calorie counting is important.
“They showed that just focusing on what you eat, without focusing on how much you eat, can pretty significantly improve your health,” says Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, a cardiologist and director of the Food is Medicine Institute at Tufts University.
“People think, ‘If I change my diet and I don’t lose weight, I’m failing,’ and that’s a mistake. “You can substantially change your health—without changing your weight but by changing your diet—for better and for worse.”

What is metabolic syndrome?
Metabolic syndrome, also called insulin resistance syndrome, is a blanket term for a set of risk factors that collectively increase your chances of developing more precarious medical conditions including stroke, heart disease, and diabetes.

Having at least three of the following constitutes metabolic syndrome:
High blood triglycerides, which can raise “bad” (LDL) cholesterol.
Low “good” (HDL) cholesterol (While Staying Active Builds HDL.)
Abdominal, or central, obesity.
High blood sugar levels.
High blood pressure.

It’s no surprise these well-established indicators would be most sensitive to a healthy diet, Mozaffarian says. 
Whereas drugs have a specific target, “nutrition pretty much affects every pathway in the body,” he says. “It’s the accumulated benefits across all those pathways that make a difference.”
About a third of U.S. adults have metabolic syndrome, which is largely preventable, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
What can you eat on the Atlantic diet?
The study refers to the Atlantic diet as “the traditional dietary pattern in northwestern Spain and Portugal, which is composed of home-cooked local, fresh, and minimally processed seasonal products.”

Researchers note a high intake of these foods as a hallmark of the diet:
Dried fruits
Starches, mainly bread and potatoes

A moderate consumption of meat and wine is highlighted as another differentiation between the Atlantic and Mediterranean diets. The eating styles share a high consumption of:
Olive oil
Whole grains

Atlantic diet vs. Mediterranean diet
Beyond the bounds of the study, however, the Atlantic and Mediterranean diets are virtually the same, says Sander Kersten, Ph.D., director of the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University, who wasn’t affiliated with the research.
“You focus on minimally processed foods, lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, olive oil, and those kinds of things,” Kersten tells Fortune. “[The Atlantic] diet could be slightly higher in meat compared to the Mediterranean diet but, again, there’s no hard data to go by that defines and directly compares these two diets.”
Because the Atlantic Ocean is far bigger than the Mediterranean Sea and abuts several European countries alone, a true Atlantic diet would encompass more variation than the study suggests, Kersten says. 
Previous research has referred to the eating regimen of the northwestern Iberian Peninsula as the Southern European Atlantic Diet. A 2021 review in the journal Minerva Endocrinology called it “more than a diet, it is a lifestyle where exercise, simple cooking techniques, respect for traditions, and pleasure of eating accompanied are constants.”
This eating style is also known as the Galician Atlantic diet; the autonomous community of Galicia is located in northwestern Spain.

The Mediterranean diet has been well-studied, and even recognized by Unesco as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This has led to confusion and frustration among regions and communities whose eating habits are just as nutritious, such as Japan’s Okinawa diet, Mozaffarian says.
“What we have discovered as nutrition scientists is that it’s not the Mediterranean diet,
per se, that’s healthy, but the principles of what constitutes it,” Mozaffarian says. “There’s different cultural ways to get to that same healthy diet, and the principles are here in this paper: minimally processed, fiber-rich, and bioactive-rich plant foods.”

How was the Atlantic diet studied?
This latest research is a secondary analysis of the Galicia Atlantic Diet study, a randomized clinical trial performed from 2014-15 in rural northwestern Spain. Subjects included 518 adults ages 18-85 across 231 families—all of Spanish ethnicity, Caucasian descent, and “moderate socioeconomic and educational levels.” Participants were 60% female, with an average age of 47. People with select conditions including dementia, pregnancy, and alcoholism were excluded.

People in the control group didn’t change their eating habits.
Those in the dietary intervention group not only received regular food baskets but also benefited from a cooking class, written materials, and three nutrition education sessions. The amount of food they consumed was unrestricted. Variables including medication use and physical activity were recorded for both groups.
After six months, people who had adhered to the Atlantic diet showed a 68% reduction
in risk of developing metabolic syndrome compared to those who didn’t alter their diet. People in the dietary intervention group also were 42% less likely to have an additional component of metabolic syndrome than those in the control group. In addition, the dieters showed a reduced risk of abdominal obesity and low “good” cholesterol.
The Atlantic diet didn’t have a significant effect on high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, or high blood triglycerides. And while some participants from each group had metabolic syndrome at the beginning of the study but not the end, the diet wasn’t associated with a reduced risk in disease prevalence.

“What [the study] suggests is that adherence to the Atlantic diet—which is essentially the Mediterranean diet—can help people improve their health,” Kersten says.
“In principle, that’s not a message that is new.”
Citing environmental health as a key component of the study, the researchers also found that the dietary intervention group didn’t have a significantly reduced carbon footprint compared to the control group. Even so, carbon emissions are just one indicator of environmental impact, Kersten notes, opening the door to future study.
“Water use or land use [gives] an idea of how sustainable a diet is, or how well a diet conforms to our sustainability goals that we’ve set forth in the world,” he says.

For more on the Mediterranean diet:
Eating a Mediterranean diet could reduce your risk of dementia and lead to a longer life. Here’s how to get started
A new study on the Mediterranean diet offers the strongest proof yet that it’s associated with healthy brain aging
The 4 best diets for healthy aging that experts say will keep your brain sharp and your body healthy
The 9 best foods for high blood pressure

This story was originally featured on Fortune.com
The Blue Zones are areas of the world where people live longer and healthier lives1 2

The Six Blue Zones are:
Loma Linda California blue zone – Search (bing.com) 
Home to a large community of Seventh Day Adventists, a religious group that typically follows a vegetarian diet Loma Linda, California, is a Blue Zone, which is a term for a region where people live longer than average 1 2 . Loma Linda is home to a large population of Seventh-day Adventists, who follow a healthy lifestyle that includes a semi-vegetarian diet, exercise, avoid alcoholic beverages and promote community involvement 1. Loma Linda is a small, affluent community, located about 65 miles east of Los Angeles 2 .   
Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica – A Magical Destination 
Separated from the mainland by the Tempisque estuary and the Gulf of Nicoya, Nicoya is home to some of the most immaculate and spectacular beaches in Costa Rica including Santa TeresaMalpais and Montezuma. Water sports are huge in the Nicoya Peninsula and many surfers consider it the best place to surf in the world. Eco-tourism is also popular here. Tourists and locals alike flock to the Nicoya Peninsula to explore caves, spot wild birds and visit the Cabo Blanco Reserve. It is estimated that Nicoyans are twice as likely to reach the age of 90 years old than North Americans1 2.
Sardinia Italy Blue Zone – Search (bing.com)  
Sardinia is an Italian island that has one of the world’s largest populations of centenarians and residents thriving over the age of 90 1 2 3 . It is a Blue Zone, a geographical area where people live longer, healthier, and happier lives 345. Sardinia’s Blue Zone is mainly concentrated in the mountainous regions, where the ratio of male to female centenarians is about even, unlike other places where women outnumber men 4 5 . The reasons for Sardinia’s longevity are a combination of lifestyle factors, location isolation, and genetics 5.  

Ikaria Greece blue zone – Search (bing.com) Today, Ikarians are almost entirely free of dementia and some of the chronic diseases that plague Americans; one in three make it to their 90s. A combination of factors explain it, including geography, culture, diet, lifestyle and outlook. They enjoy strong red wine, late-night domino games and a relaxed pace of life that ignores clocks. Clean air, warm breezes and rugged terrain draw them outdoors into an active lifestyle. 1
Ikaria, Greece, is one of the world’s Blue Zones where people live longer than average. Residents nap often, drink herbal tea, and value family. (msn.com)

Okinawa Japan blue zone – Search (bing.com) Okinawa, Japan The islands at the southern end of Japan have historically been known for longevity, once called the land of immortals. Okinawans have less cancer, heart disease and dementia than Americans, and women there live longer than any women on the planet. Perhaps their greatest secret is a strong dedication to friends and family. They maintain a powerful social network called a “moai,” a lifelong circle of friends that supports people well into old age. Okinawans also have a strong sense of purpose in life, a driving force that the Japanese call “ikigai.” 1 2.

Singapore blue zone – Search (bing.com) Singapore is a ‘blue zone’, an area with the longest-living and happiest people 1 2 3 4 and has ‘engineered’ a society that lives to 100 (cnbc.com) through health-conscious policies, culture of activity, and strong community bonds. Singapore’s average life expectancy is 83 years, more than a decade above the global average 5. It joins the existing five blue zones, which are Sardinia, Okinawa, Nicoya, Icaria, and Loma Linda. Singapore ranks among the world’s healthiest, happiest, and longest-lived places on the planet. Here are Six Lessons from Singapore, the World’s Newest Blue Zones Region – Blue Zone

Nutritional deficiencies
People with Alzheimer’s disease tend to be deficient in these 5 nutrients
that ‘help keep brains in top condition at all ages,’ researchers say, 
Levels of five micronutrients are “strikingly lower” in the brains of
those who have Alzheimer’s disease compared with those who don’t.
That’s according to new research published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease by Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine professor C. Kathleen Dorey and a team of researchers.

Scientists analyzed the brains of 31 donors, the average age of which was 75 years.
Most, but not all, had died with Alzheimer’s disease. Compared with unaffected brains, they found that brains of those with the disease had around half the level of the following micronutrients—vitamins and minerals critical to the body’s function, but needed in only small amounts:  MCT OIL AND ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA – Search (bing.com)

• Lycopene: An antioxidant that could help protect cells from damage, lycopene gives some fruits and vegetables—like tomatoes, watermelon, red oranges, pink grapefruits, apricots, and guavas—their red hue. 
• Retinol: A form of Vitamin A that helps the immune system work properly, retinol helps you see in dim lighting and keeps skin healthy. It’s found in foods like cheese, eggs, oily fish, milk, yogurt, and liver. The body can convert beta-carotene into retinol, so indirect sources include yellow, red, and green leafy vegetables like spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, and red peppers, as well as yellow fruits like mangos, papaya, and apricots.
• Lutein: Often referred to as the “eye vitamin,” lutein is thought to protect eye tissue from sun damage. You can find it in foods like egg yolks, spinach, kale, corn, orange peppers, kiwis, grapes, zucchinis, and squash.
• Zeaxanthin: An antioxidant, zeaxanthin is known to protect eye tissues from the sun. It’s found in eggs, oranges, grapes, corn, goji berries, mango, and orange peppers.
• Vitamin E: Also, an antioxidant, Vitamin E keeps free radicals in check, improves immune function, and can prevent clots from forming in the arteries of the heart. It can be found in plant-based oils, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables like sunflower oil, soybean oil, almonds, peanuts, spinach, pumpkin, red bell peppers, asparagus, mangoes, and avocados.

All five micronutrients are antioxidants, substances that may prevent or delay some cell damage. Lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin are also carotenoids, nutrient-rich pigments found in fruits and vegetables. Other large studies have found that the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease was “significantly lower” in those who ate diets rich in carotenoids, or who had high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in their blood or retina, according to Dorey.

Vitamin B12 has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease 12. A deficiency in vitamin B-12 may mimic signs of Alzheimer’s like behavior changes, increased agitation and memory loss 2. Several studies have linked a vitamin B-12 deficiency with symptoms of Alzheimer’s and actual shrinkage of the brain 2. Higher levels of homocysteine can raise the risk of both strokes and dementia, and homocysteine levels can be lowered by increasing the amount of vitamin B12 in the blood 1. However, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that vitamin B12 supplementation can prevent Alzheimer’s disease from developing 3.

Copper and Zinc Deficiency and Alzheimer’s – Search (bing.com)

Multiple studies have also found that those who follow MIND 
(Mediterranean/Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay)—which emphasizes the consumption of antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fish, with very little meat, dairy, and sweets—had a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, better cognitive function prior to death, and fewer signs of Alzheimer’s disease in those who did develop the condition.

Want to Live Longer? Read This. (msn.com)

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FSK Bridge ²

I don’t claim to have all the answers, but sometimes bad things just happen.

But I can say what others think because after all it is

the Land of the Free ~ Home of the Brave… 👀🇺🇲
Sometimes people make major mistakes. Sometimes machinery breaks. Engines fail.
It’s not terribly surprising when every business and industry has been trying to cut
corners due to inflation. But not everything that happens is a planned event. 

You can try to connect dots but it doesn’t mean they’re actually connected in relation to the event. I mean, how many crew members on that ship do you truly believe were “in on it”? 
What percentage of them were just normal people trying their hardest to not collide with the bridge to avoid causing catastrophic damage and kill people? How many are afraid of losing their jobs?
We lose so much credibility when we are quick to jump to conclusions.
And honestly it seems like many people really WANT us to believe everything is planned.
Many people live in anticipation of “The next event” like it’s their favorite reality TV show.

Guys I’m just not on that page.

Dali Had Problem with Propulsion Months Before Crashing Into Baltimore Bridge (businessinsider.com)

DALI Hits FRANCE/IS Scott 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 KEY/CHIRON Baal 🐳/N ti MORT Bridge Whale Tail splash Mary/Moon
YOUTUBE.COM https://youtu.be/PeSop9HMzvQ?si=a79rXF8FnSuxYY_O
DALI Hits FRANCE/IS Scott 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 KEY/CHIRON Baal 🐳/MORT Bridge Whale
Tail splash Mary/Moon

I try to be a watch and wait, listen and observe type of person.
The truth will out, if there’s something that was not handled right.
But I would recommend not demonstrating to everyone who knows you that you’re going to jump to conclusions with hardly any evidence, on day one, as if you were on that ship and saw what happened… and undermine everything else that you say.

Still, it’s disturbing how the ship took such a sharp right turn in order to hit the support structure. (Some angles capture that well, others don’t as much.) I’m withholding judgement until I’m satisfied that this is adequately explained. From some angles, it LOOKS like the ship was TRYING to hit the support structure, IMO …fwiw.

Have you seen the video showing the power (or at least lights) on the ship going off, then back on, then off again? It eventually steers directly toward the support. It’s hard to say. Apparently that particular spot is a major trade route and will cripple the area’s economy. 

It’ll be interesting to see what comes out. 
There are many Instagram accounts commenting on videos of the accident
and they are saying almost identical phrases, similar to the compilation videos we see
of 100 of reporters saying “it’s very dangerous to our democracy” with identical wording. Those Instagram accounts appear to be associated in a way similar to when influencers were paid to promote the jab and were all saying very carefully scripted words.
Based on what several ship employees and military personnel have posted a ship that large would have multiple fail-safes in place in the case of the operator having a heart attack, a hostage situation, mechanical failure, etc. and would also be able to be controlled remotely if necessary so it makes me wonder how it lost enough control to even get close to the support column.

The only thing I want to point out is (and I’m not saying this is the case here) but when everything can be controlled by electricity or 5G or however they want us to be on one system, imagine someone shutting off a switch.

That’s how we can be taken out.

We all should be fighting that. Electric everything.
And my husband was asked to go to California to help UN-decommission a power plant (that’s unheard of). What that means is, they were closing a power plant and then they decided to not close it and get it back up and running. Because *SIKE* (insert Newsom’s face) we can’t actually be all electric with no power plants whether it be coal or nuclear.

And they all know it.
It legit makes me want to leave social media altogether. Over time it’s clear that
I have less and less in common with the people I thought I had a lot in common with.

So you didn’t actually read my post. 
I literally said, in the first sentence of this post, that I don’t claim to have the answers.
I haven’t shamed anyone. I’ve given advice to people to not jump to conclusions because
it undermines everything else, they say. I’m not sure what is “bizarre” about this. I care about the truth, and I don’t want everything associated with the truther community (also like the truth about vaccines) to be compromised because people don’t pause for even a moment to question claims they see being posted on social media.

Amanda Noel
  · Your conspiracy theories are not helping! Yeah yeah I know conspiracy theories don’t exist only facts.While I would tend to agree, the FACT is no one has all the facts yet so yes you are just making theories right now.
As new information has come to light here is what we’ve learned…
1. The crew of the ship issued a mayday warning that they lost power. The ship twice lost power and a fire started as a result of them trying to reverse the ship.
2. Tug boats were too far away to be of assistance.
3. The pilot dropped stern anchors in an attempt to stop the ship and divert its course.
4. The mayday resulted in the bridge being closed to traffic which potentially saved 100s of lives.
5. There are 6/9 individuals still missing.
6. No engineer can build or would build a bridge to survive a couple million tons hurtling into a support structure.

This was a horrific tragedy. It appears that everyone tried to prevent it but it was just too late. Your conspiracy posting isn’t helping anything. This is not some deep state coverup or an attack (most likely from what we know so far). It’s just a horrible accident.
Be careful on social media. The “do your own research” crew often does no research.
My heart and prayers go out to everyone impacted by this event.
Who wrote the National Anthem of the US – Search (bing.com)


Baltimore has a long road ahead.
Okay, so they times this supposed explosion for exactly when the ship hit the bridge support? Got it. That ship weighs over 100,000 tons. That’s TONS.
That’s over 200 million pounds. They wouldn’t need any explosion, the ship hitting it was enough, and all the sections of the bridge were continuously connected, so if one section gets taken out, they all go.

I mean for real. It’s a SUSPENSION bridge. When its base goes, it all goes.
Unlike a truss bridge, where you would lose a section of it. And people don’t seem to understand currents and wind and how even the largest of ships will go at the whim of those when there is no propulsion. 
 I totally agree, however, though the concern that
I have is some of the information that I read, that would indicate there was possibly a cyber-attack on the ship – causing the power to go out and allowing hackers to direct the ship in a different direction.

“Is this possible” actually yes they are. 
But you are right that conclusions should not be jumped to on either side of the fence. Everything should be looked into and entertained until you find the truth. But something this BIG to our economy and infrastructure should not be so easily dismissed as having not been intentional even if it wasn’t intentional. 

If through a thorough investigation they determine it was an accident then so be it.
But no thorough investigation was done in the hours that they declared it an accident.
They said they lost power and control of the ship but have not given any reason as to how that happened. The Ukrainian ship master that was driving the ship may have some explaining to do especially since Ukrainians are praising him for doing so 🤷🏿‍♀️.

I’m not even saying it was him that did it.
I’m just saying questions should be asked.

Ashley Everly
Lisa Anderson are these old cargo ships really engineered in a way that the steering of the ship can be controlled from an external source. Honestly that sounds far-fetched to me. These ships typically require several men getting the engine going. There are some new autonomous container ships, but I don’t think this is one of them.

Lara Logan On The Francis Scott Key Bridge: “It Is A Financial And Economic Attack”.
As soon as I saw this video, I instantly had the “this isn’t right” feeling. I agree that not everything is a conspiracy but there are just too many questions surrounding this. Something just doesn’t sit right with this one.. agree 100%%%! If you watch the video closely, there’s no doubt that there was an explosion at the base of that structure.
And the way the bridge fell, just doesn’t add up. Kind of like the twin towers…. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Part of agenda 21 is to remove all bridges and dams. – Search (bing.com)
But, but, but… it hit the bridge at 1:28am and it was 128 days from Francis Scott Key’s birthday, so the 33rd degree freemasons did it!

False Flag Alert: The Baal of Maryland… – Raven Galarza de Gold | Facebook
Have you heard the saying that millionaires don’t use Astrology, but Billionaires do?
That’s because the high-level players know that the markets even run on Astrology.
(In combination with Numerology & Gematria) https://www.facebook.com/share/v/NYg3VupsAtHrJN4d/?mibextid=w8EBqM

Illuminati will show up at your door dressed like court jesters – Search Videos (bing.com)
Gematria and astronomy/astrology is something that stems from the earliest civilizations.
I find it interesting that what only the royal council of advisors knew of in study is not as mysterious in the present era.

I appreciate the studies of individuals that have taken up the delineations that don’t belong to the royal cult. Astrology has purposefully been given a bad name for a reason – because there’s truth in it. It’s been used by the left-hand royal priests then and now.

Watched a documentary on its use by the Aztec king during an eclipse
the population had no knowledge of. This is One example of many.

I’m not saying there isn’t potential for intentional sabotage here, but you have people saying stupid shit like they rigged the bridge with bombs and comparing this ship taking out a bridge to two planes taking out three buildings. This ship had a mass of over 100,000 tons– over 200 million pounds. The ship’s mass alone is more than enough to take out that bridge. Maybe look into what caused the power outage.

Lisa Anderson
RaDonna J Fox it will be interesting if and when the truth finally comes out. I I want to keep an open mind. And who WANTS to be an act of war? I sure don’t! It’s interesting that people think it’s wrong for us to lean towards the assumption that it was an attack…. when they are leaning towards the assumption that it’s not.

It’s been years since I was in the military but, this does have the signs of possibly being an attack to tear down infrastructure. It’s one of the things that militaries do to tear down the enemy from the inside. by creating significant infrastructure damage without actually coming out and using military equipment. (Creating chaos in the economy and supply line issues…. and potential shortages in food and gas)


The problem with waiting for the truth to come out is it never does. 
Still waiting on 9/11. As free thinkers we can gather all facts, and come to a conclusion on what would actually be the truth. In this case, so far everything that has come out is definitely compatible with the truth compared to what happened.

So as it stands right now, this seems to be a very unfortunate accident. 
Not everything that happens is going to be on purpose or a setup. 

If we get on that type of thinking then we must conclude every car accident, plane crash
or any other disaster is a sinister action on the downfall of society. When the science and
facts don’t make sense with what they are telling us then we must look further.

I agree sooo much… Yes, there are many conspiracies, and at the same time. Yes, there is also a mindset. That is a conspiracy theorist who sees connections in conspiracies that will turn out to be false, and aren’t there… There is a nourishment that they are getting from doing this..I like advice I have heard in these times to remain open and loving, as we observe all of these things… 
As you mentioned, there are many innocents, and every day people involved in all kinds
of phenomena that we observe… It is best to remain in a place of loving and caring, well, wishing, praying, for them, and even taking action and helping people generally when we can and, it makes sense…
And then, the next part of the advice, and I believe you, Ashley, have been somebody who has given this advice too: not conclude…
Just observe, without concluding, until there is no other conclusion to make perhaps…
This is a point of huge power, your energy does not go out to anybody, except for the love,
I mentioned above…
So yes, interesting to observe this, and it has actually happened a lot. This crash is just one example of people leaping into all kinds of conspiracy theories, and seeing bad and evil intentions, pasting them onto innocent people every day.

#EEUU 👇🏻🚨 👉🏻Bridge in USA UU. collapses after a cargo ship collides. 

How could anyone turn this into a political controversy? 
Politics has nothing to do with this. This is a very tragic accident in which many lives were lost. The sickness in our country is tearing us Apart. May God be with us. We’ll never make it with all of this bitterness, and hatred. The civil war is over..  history repeats itself and the civil war is just starting. 
I do believe it’s tragic that lives were lost but look at what it could have been if they
didn’t send a mayday out and shut the bridge down immediately. and they immediately dismissed terrorism without evidence either way. They had 3 minutes and could have dropped anchor. The ship was obviously out of the channel required to make the turn, avoiding the bridge. If you think there isn’t technology to hack into a navigation system, reverse engineered by China, then you should watch War room to get information not censored by corporations.

Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore
🤲🏾 In this video, Facebook you can see cars and trucks moving across #Baltimore’s #fransisscottkeybridge as the ship approaches.
The emergency lights seem to be from a construction crew working midspan.
It looks like the ship loses power twice as it approaches the bridge, you can see the lights go out and then come back on. Smoke is also visible from the ship as it approaches.
The US Coast Guard says it is suspending its search and rescue efforts for the six individuals still missing after the collapse.
“I’d like to announce tonight that based on the length of time that we’ve gone in this search, the extensive search efforts we’ve put into it, the water temperature, that at this point we do not believe that we’re going to find any of these individuals still alive,”
Rear Adm. Shannon Gilreath told reporters at a Tuesday evening news conference.
#Maryland #DMVAdventures Read more here: https://abc7.la/3xloHjC

Video from underneath the Francis Scott Key Bridge after the collapse. Facebook
#FrancisScottKeyBridge #keybridge #maryland #bridges #prayers @followers WBEL-Air TV News

President Biden vows the “federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing” Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key bridge after its collapse on Tuesday morning. Asked whether the shipping company should be held responsible, Biden says: “That could be, but we’re not going to wait for that to happen.”

A timeline of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore shows the
container ship Facebook appearing to lose power two times before hitting the bridge. https://tinyurl.com/yx3h3cwf

Francis Scott Key Bridge Baltimore, Maryland.
It collapsed Tuesday after a cargo ship collided with one of its pillars.
At least 20 people and several vehicles fell into the water.
Rescue crews continue to search for at least 7 missing people.
Authorities see no indication that it was a deliberate or terrorist attack,
but they still do not know the causes of the tragedy.

They could be numerous… shutting down a major port on the east coast, major distraction from current events (Diddy, Nickelodeon, Missing Princess, etc) or simply finding a way to make an insurance claim on already crumbling infrastructure… Do you know what the news said the construction crew was doing? 

#UPDATE: All six workers missing in the aftermath of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore are now presumed dead, with the search for them called off. #9News LATEST: https://nine.social/CAe

I keep watching the moment of the collapse Facebook where you can see them working – just heart wrenching that it can end so quickly! 
💔  Prayers for the 6 workers Family/Friends/Coworkers and the Baltimore Community! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

“Fixing potholes”… I drive that bridge at least twice a day and there were exactly ZERO potholes on that bridge! 
Maybe they were doing some rust repair or something actually needed, but that would possibly make the insurance company question whether that had something to do with the collapse after impact Facebook  ALL of these mishaps in the United States to cause supply chain shortages since Biden has been in office?

Are a Little fishy.
Failed inspection
Had 3 malfunctions.
Was supposed to have tugboat.
Hit the main pier (sideways)
Nobody on ship injured.
And hit the main 9th hub bridge.
The Ohio hub bridge was set on fire also today – Search (bing.com)

. Wake up people!!!!!
The likely people who would benefit from this episode besides the claimants would
also be the Artificial Intelligence (AI) navigation pioneers who have been aggressively trying to market their AI-assisted tools to help ships react and navigate optimally in times of emergency. So we should also include the Chicken and the Egg thing in our thorough investigations.

Why should US federal gov’t & our taxes pay the total expediency cost for rebuilding
of bridge w/o 1st legally submitting domestic/international insurance/liability claims
against all related parties to cargo ship? Accident? Investigation? Don’t they carry all peril coverage to indemnify loss to governmental parties in bridge collapse? Or for the US to be reimbursed thru the courts of proper jurisdiction? Joe B wants us to immediately pick up the tab. OK. Let the US go after Flagship carriers, owner et al.

There is one question – why isn’t the Issuance company (UK Marine Insurer)
or Singapore-based Grace Ocean Pte Ltd (owner of ship) paying for the bridge?
Congress should not put this on US taxpayers! Reconstruction cost is close to
$600 million, according to engineer David MacKenzie

Disaster in Baltimore, USA: cargo ship hits main bridge pillar, causing its collapse.
By: Daniela Posada
➡️ At least seven people are missing in the waters of the Patapsco River.
➡️ The Francis Scott Key Bridge was nearly 3km long and formed part of
the 695 Freeway that surrounds Baltimore.
➡️ The 300-meter-long cargo carrier that crashed into the structure, was headed to Colombo, in SirLanka, and belongs to the shipping company Synergy Marine Group.
➡️ At the moment, authorities are investigating what would have been the exact cause
of the incident.

#Desastre #Baltimore #EEUU #Barco De Carga #Puente #Colapso #RíoPatapsco #Desaparecidos #Autopista695

Shoddy maintenance.
Authorities are wary of many of these shipping companies from other parts of the world. 
Many of these “3rd world flag” companies do not maintain these ships to US standards. It’s all about not spending the money for maintenance, poor standards and negligence.
Facebook Toledo Jeep already said it’s going to affect their production process…It is DEEP


You can literally see on video the ship hitting the bridge supports and the sections collapsing one after another. You can also see the ship lose power twice before hitting it. This would have caused it to lose propulsion and have difficulty steering. Now, could
there have been some intentional sabotage to cause the ship to lose power? 

Sure, but will probably never know. Could it have been caused to hit the bridge support
on purpose to take out a major shipping lane and also a major artery for getting around Baltimore? Absolutely. But these ships are absolutely massive and carry tons and tons of cargo. 

Even traveling ~9mph, that amount of mass can do a lot of damage. 
The bridge trusses are all connected on that particular bridge design, so if one section goes, it’s not hard for other sections to follow. Now, I suppose it could be an AI video, but anyone can still see the ship is actually still there with front end damage and bridge debris all over it. 

So it’s not out of the realm of possibility for a ship of that size and weight to take out a bridge support and bring down connected sections of the bridge. Could there be sabotage involved to cause the ship to hit the bridge? 

Sure. But politicians don’t necessarily always need to cause something to happen to
take advantage of the event in the aftermath. “Never waste a good crisis”. Look for new “infrastructure” bills to “repair our bridges” with a bunch of pork tacked on for Ukraine and Israel. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qZbUXewlQDk&t=1s

The container ship “DALI” hit the Francis Scott Key bridge.
Salvador DALI had a painting called “The Broken Bridge and the Dream.”

May be an image of text that says 'By Dali... Dali The Broken Bridge and the Dream, Dali 1945 From... Visit'
Time to wake up.

Light weight bearing structures are interlinked ~
Balance system failure easily collapses.

Francisco of Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Scott. The bridge was crashed by a container ship on Tuesday (26 March) and several maritime safety experts said the accident was unusual and most likely resulted from a mechanical failure of the ship that also caused the ship to deviate from course and crash into the bridge. The accident also highlights the interlinked and fragile “light load-bearing structures” used by the bridge, which could result in catastrophic collapse in case of a collision.
Civil and structural engineer Carter said parts of Baltimore’s bridge are very fragile.
Carter noted that most large bridges have central bridges, whose main structure is not connected to the rest of the bridge, but Baltimore Bridge structures are interlinked,
“when you take out some of them, the whole system of balance fails.”

Carter also pointed out that the Baltimore Bridge is built as a continuous truss bridge with light load-bearing structures, and that the main container ship size is now double the size of the vessels used for crash tests when the bridge was built. He believes many bridges and ports need risk assessment for similar situations following the accident.

image.png image.png

Facts and truth? Does it not seem strange that the powers that be attacked Trump from the very moment he took office. How they keep throwing things at him constantly to get him out of the race and almost nothing sticks because they are made up.

How the media twists every event to make him look bad. 
Also, how the media covers up everything Biden does until they have no choice. Like Biden should be charged for treason, but saying he is mentally unfit for trial. Yet somehow he is fit for running the country? Trump may not be innocent of some of his wrongdoing, but how people don’t see Biden’s crimes at all or how racist he is is incredible. 

I am more spiritual than religious. 
Our country is going down the tubes without prayer and it’s because of the choices of
your “President” Biden. Not what someone else did years ago. You have been completely blinded. Trump and Kennedy are the only Presidents who said they would take down the deep state and the military-industrial complex. (what each called it). Funny how one was assassinated and the other is publicly attacked… The End!

Expert: This Accident unusual

Continuous truss bridges are simply structures formed by triangulation.
The truss structure is strong, light weight, easy to carry and assemble, and can be seen in large buildings such as bridges, stations, stages, etc.
Correctly designed and built truss will distribute stress throughout the structure, allowing the bridge to safely support its weight, vehicle weight and wind load on the bridge. The cause of major parts of a continuous truss bridge collapse is often due to initial local damage to a structural component, which can trigger a series of failures through a phenomenon known as progressive collapse.
Parry, a former officer of the Royal Navy, told Sky News that the initial judgement was that the container ship was clearly yawning as it crossed the bridge, “Manipulating a vessel of this size through the bridge is usually routine and this accident is not unusual.”
Parry explained that river and sea bridges generally bear a lot of weight and are likely to collapse after being hit by a breakdown of the balance structure. A container ship yaw may result from a loss of power and an accident caused by water intake causing the hull to be tilted.

Anyone watched Obama’s 2023 Netflix movie ‘Leave the World Behind’? 
Interestingly enough the movie depicted a cyber-attack on a large container
ship causing it to lose power and crash. There’s no way this is a coincidence. .🤔
Have you seen the movie “Leave the World Behind.” Bing Videos
https://www.facebook.com/share/r/hAaG dds rCn tGD 9h3/?mibextid=WC7FNe

May be an image of 5 people
So, in the movie “Leave the World Behind” the cargo ship crashed onto a beach…
it was called the White Lion… The Cargo Ship that crashed into the Key Bridge was
headed to Sri Lanka… whose national symbol is a Lion… Leave the World Behind 2023 – Full Movie HD Quality (youtube.com)

Netizens find uncanny similarities between Baltimore bridge collapse and scene from Leave the World Behind – Hindustan Times

Conspiracy theorists link Baltimore bridge to Netflix’s Leave the World Behind – Dexerto

Bridge Collapse Ripples Through Baltimore’s Port Community: ‘How Are We Going to Survive?’ (msn.com)

May be an image of text
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The Observable Universe?

How Big Is the Observable Universe? (msn.com)  
© Provided by Discover Magazine

When I was 9 years old, I had a Deep Fascination with,
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Our universe is about 13.8 billion years old, and the observable bubble of that cosmos has a diameter of about 93 billion light-years across. And we all know the famous maxim from Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity: nothing can travel faster than light.
Taken together, this presents us with a perplexing riddle about the nature of the cosmos itself: How can the universe get so mind-bogglingly big in such a short amount of time? 
What Does “Faster Than Light” Mean?
There are two ways to answer this question. The two ways are perfectly equivalent mathematically, but one or the other might make more sense to you. 

Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity
The first way is to point out that Einstein’s special theory of relativity is a local theory of physics. It tells you that if a rocket were to blast off in front of your face, you will never, ever record its speed as going faster than light.
The very concept of “speed” is only something that you can measure nearby your current position. Special relativity is absolutely silent about the behavior of objects on the far side of the universe – concepts like the speed of light limit simply don’t apply to them, because they’re too far away and special relativity no longer applies.  

Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity
To grapple with distant objects, you have to employ a broader, more general theory, like Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which describes how gravity influences the fabric of space-time.
In other words, the most distant galaxies can apparently go faster than the speed of light because, essentially, the universe doesn’t have to care about the speed of light.

Read More: Will Humans Ever Go Faster Than Light?  

An Expanding Universe
And it’s in general relativity that we get our second way to solve the riddle.
According to this model, which is how we currently understand the cosmos,
we live in an expanding universe. Every day, our cosmos gets bigger and bigger,
with the average distance between galaxies always getting larger.
So far, so good, right? But that expansion isn’t caused by galaxies moving in the universe, but rather the space between the galaxies expanding.
If you were to attach an accelerometer to every galaxy, they would register zero movements (except for small, local motions here and there.)
Locally, no galaxy is moving. But the space between them is. So there are no restrictions here based on the speed of light because they’re literally not moving. There’s no limit to how quickly space can expand (because “expanding” isn’t a motion as far as relativity is concerned) and so the universe can grow as quickly as it pleases.
Related video: Watch This Amazing James Webb 4K Space Telescope View Of The Cosmic Cliffs (Dailymotion)

Is the Observable Universe?
Essentially, the universe is so big because it can expand faster than light. In fact, it’s doing so today. We measure the present-day expansion rate of the universe with something called the Hubble constant, which is around 68 kilometers per second per megaparsec.
That means for every megaparsec in distance you get away from the Milky Way, the universe’s expansion speed will increase by 68 km/s. A galaxy two megaparsecs away appears to recede at 136 km/s, a galaxy ten megaparsecs away will recede at 680 km/s, and so on.

Read More: How Did the Universe Begin?
The Hubble constant guarantees that once you reach a certain distance — about 13 billion light-years (a distance known as the Hubble radius) — galaxies will appear to move away from us faster than light. The same would be true if you and I were to stand on opposite ends of a stretchy rubber band.
As long as the rubber band didn’t break, as long as the stretching maintained a constant speed, at some point we would appear to be moving away from each other faster than light. (And yet, once again to emphasize this point, if we were to draw an “X” at our feet, we wouldn’t have moved away from those spots). 

Distant Galaxies
The light from galaxies beyond the Hubble radius was released billions of years ago and is only just now reaching the Earth. We calculate where these galaxies are right now based on our understanding of cosmology, and that’s how we’re able to estimate the size of the universe. The fact that they appeared to move faster than light means that any light that they send now will never reach us — because that light will not be able to overcome the expansion of the universe.
Since most of the universe is beyond the Hubble radius, all those galaxies are forever out of reach. As time goes on, those galaxies will, one by one, disappear entirely from view. Not through any cheating of the laws of physics, but through simple (and inevitable) stretching.

Read More: NASA says the solar eclipse cutting from Texas to Maine in April will be way cooler than any before it. Here’s why. (msn.com)
The Universe May Be a Hologram, Meaning Our Entire Reality Could Be an Illusion.
Scientists discover secret symmetries the protect earth from the chaos of space.
 Black Holes Are Accelerating the Expansion of The Universe, Say Cosmologists

This age old question has been dubbed Olbers' paradox.
This age-old question has been dubbed Olbers’ paradox. © John Moore via Getty Images.

What is Olbers’ Paradox? – Search (bing.com)
Why is space so dark even though the universe is filled with stars?
Story by Brian Jackson, Associate Professor of Astronomy, Boise State University
Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages.
If you have a question, you’d like an expert to answer, send it to curiouskidsus@theconversation.com.

Why is space so dark despite all of the stars in the universe? – Nikhil, age 15, New Delhi
People have been asking why space is dark despite being filled with stars for so long that this question has a special name – Olbers’ paradox.
Astronomers estimate that there are about 200 billion trillion stars in the observable universe. And many of those stars are as bright or even brighter than our sun.

So, why isn’t space filled with dazzling light? 
 I am an astronomer who studies stars and planets – including those outside our solar system – and their motion in space. The study of distant stars and planets helps astronomers like me understand why space is so dark.

You might guess it’s because a lot of the stars in the universe are very far away from Earth. Of course, it is true that the farther away a star is, the less bright it looks – a star 10 times farther away looks 100 times dimmer. But it turns out this isn’t the whole answer.

Imagine a bubble
Pretend, for a moment, that the universe is so old that the light from even the farthest stars has had time to reach Earth. In this imaginary scenario, all of the stars in the universe are not moving at all.
Picture a large bubble with Earth at the center. If the bubble were about 10 light years across, it would contain about a dozen stars. Of course, several light years away, many of those stars would look pretty dim from Earth. 
If you keep enlarging the bubble to 1,000 light years across, then to 1 million light years, and then 1 billion light years, the farthest stars in the bubble will look even more faint. But there would also be more and more stars inside the bigger and bigger bubble, all of them contributing light. Even though the farthest stars look dimmer and dimmer, there would be a lot more of them, and the whole night sky should look very bright.
It seems I’m back where I started, but I’m actually a little closer to the answer. 

Age matters
In the imaginary bubble illustration, I asked you to imagine that the stars are not moving and that the universe is very old. But the universe is only about 13 billion years old.

Galaxies as they appeared approximately 13.1 billion years ago, taken by the James Webb Space Telescope.
Galaxies as they appeared approximately 13.1 billion years ago, taken by the James Webb Space Telescope. © NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI/Handout from Xinhua News Agency.

Even though that’s an amazingly long time in human terms, it’s short in astronomical terms. It’s short enough that the light from stars more distant than about 13 billion light years hasn’t actually reached Earth yet. And so the actual bubble around Earth that contains all the stars we can see only extends out to about 13 billion light years from Earth.

There just are not enough stars in the bubble to fill every line of sight. 
Of course, if you look in some directions in the sky, you can see stars. If you look at other bits of the sky, you can’t see any stars. And that’s because, in those dark spots, the stars that could block your line of sight are so far away their light hasn’t reached Earth yet.
As time passes, light from these more and more distant stars will have time to reach us.  

The Doppler shift
You might ask whether the night sky will eventually light up completely. But that brings me back to the other thing I told you to imagine that all of the stars are not moving.
The universe is actually expanding, with the most distant galaxies moving away from Earth at nearly the speed of light.

Because the galaxies are moving away so fast, the light from their stars is pushed into colors the human eye can’t see. This effect is called the Doppler shift. So, even if it had enough time to reach you, you still couldn’t see the light from the most distant stars with your eyes. And the night sky would not be completely lit up.
If you wait even longer, eventually the stars will all burn out – stars like the sun last only about 10 billion years. Astronomers hypothesize that in the distant future – a thousand trillion years from now – the universe will go dark, inhabited by only stellar remnants 
like white dwarfs and black holes.

Even though our night sky isn’t completely filled with stars, we live in a very special time in the universe’s life, when we’re lucky enough to enjoy a rich and complex night sky, filled with light and dark.
Hello, curious kids! Do you have a question you’d like an expert to answer?
Ask an adult to send your question to CuriousKidsUS@theconversation.com.
Please tell us your name, age and the city where you live.
And since curiosity has no age limit – adults, let us know what you’re wondering, too. We won’t be able to answer every question, but we will do our best.
This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts.

Read more:
Why is astronomy a science but astrology is not?
Why does the Moon look close some nights and far away on other nights?

With all eyes on Portland’s fentanyl crisis, many rural Oregon communities dealing
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How We Find Our Place in the Universe (msn.com)
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Is the vacuum of space truly empty? (msn.com)
Is the Universe Expanding? (msn.com)
How far apart are stars? (msn.com)

Brian Jackson receives federally funded research grants from NASA.

The science behind the Big Bang theory (msn.com)  

The first suggestion of the Big Bang was in 1912. 
Later in the 1930s, Edwin Hubble used the world’s largest telescope and showed that the distant galaxies all appeared to be receding from us. That means that the farther away they are, the faster they are retracting. The first and most confident evidence we have came from 1964 when scientists at the Bell Labs discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation, confirming there was a Big Bang. This revolutionized cosmology, how we see the universe, and how we view our place within it.  Scientists have come up with several possible explanations for what happened before the Big Bang, if anything at all, and it is entirely possible that there was no previous era. Assuming this is true, it means that matter, energy, space, and time just began abruptly.  

What happened after the Big Bang?
What happened immediately after the explosions is called the Planck Era: the earliest known period of time. According to the theories of physics, one second after the Big Bang, the heat of the universe caused atoms to collide with enough force to create a ten billion degree soup of neutrons, protons, electrons, positrons, photons, and neutrinos. Essentially, cosmic inflations created a soup of sub atomic particle plasma. It appears that this is what gave rise to dark matter and likely the phase in which matter gains superiority over antimatter.
Within the first 300 seconds of the existence of the universe, the elements hydrogen, helium, and some lithium form from the protons and neutrons. This process is called nucleosynthesis and is a theory that accurately predicts the abundances of elements and isotopes found in the early samples of the universe, like some of the oldest stars.
This verification is a strong indication that our model of the universe is accurate.
300,000 years later, when the nearly uniform soup cooled, atoms formed other nuclei.
Photons ceased to scatter through space, turning the prior opaque universe into one with visible light. Those same photons, the actual afterglow of the Big Bang known as cosmic background radiation, can still be observed today.  

The cosmic background radiation and the Big Bang
Space agencies have launched three missions to study this cosmic background radiation, taking baby pictures of the universe only 400,000 years after its birth. The first two probes map the primordial hot and cold spots in cosmic background radiation, measuring temperature differences that are nearly uniformly distributed across the universe. A third mission, with instruments sensitive to temperature variations of a few millions of a degree, made the most accurate maps of the microwave background radiation yet. 

The dark ages before stars were born
About one million years after the Big Bang, we enter a period called the Dark Ages, which is known as the final frontier of cosmology. Little is known about this period, except that it was the period before the first stars were born. The Dark Ages are thought to have lasted about 100 million years. However, due to the limit of current observations, the oldest objects we can see are at a time when the universe was only several hundred million years old. Two future projects that have already begun construction, are specifically designed to shed some light on this era and hopefully bring the Dark Ages to an end.
Then, ten billion years after the Big Bang, dark energy, a mysterious force starts to accelerate. After that, 13.8 billion years after the Big Bang, we reach our time today.  

The end of the universe
The ultimate fate of the universe all hinges on dark energy. If the universe continues to grow at about the same pace, 30 billion years from now, all the galaxies would be pulled from our view and all the evidence of the Big Bang would be completely lost forever. This would result in all the last stars burning out in about 100 trillion years, so we have plenty of time left.
Dark energy could also intensify resulting in a Big Rip scenario. This would happen in approximately 50 billion years from now. Dark energy would effectively tear everything apart, from superclusters to atoms. On the contrary, if dark energy slowed down,
then this would give gravity the upper hand and lead to a collapse 30 billion years
from now, ultimately resulting in a Big Crunch. 

Related video: Top 10 Questions We Have About The Big Bang Theory After Watching Young Sheldon (Dailymotion) – Search (bing.com)  

The post The science behind the Big Bang theory appeared first on Astronomy Magazine


The Earth is a sphere with four seasons because the Earth is tilted at an angle if the Earth was not a sphere and was flat no life would be able to exist. I cannot believe human beings are capable of believing in a flat Earth. It’s impossible but you have the right to believe the way you want to. Earth may have had all the elements needed for life within it all along − contrary to theories that these elements came from meteorites (msn.com)

On A Cosmic Scale, The Universe Is Quite Small — This Could Transform Our Understanding Of It (msn.com)
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How a ‘hum’ from space helped scientists show the universe is in constant movement.
I regret moving to Florida. Living here felt like paradise — until everything changed.
The Universe May Be a Hologram, Meaning Our Entire Reality Could Be an Illusion.

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The Universe Is Nothing Without Us (msn.com)

Easter reminds us that life is fundamentally good,

not some kind of divine blunder.

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Will you develop dementia?

If you’re middle-aged, 11 key factors could forecast your risk for dementia,
according to a study published Thursday in The British Medical Journal.

Scientists from Oxford University and other institutes examined the data of nearly 225,000 U.K. residents with an average age of 60, following them for 14 years.
Over that time, around 2% were diagnosed with the degenerative cognitive condition,
experienced by an estimated 55 million worldwide.

Based on this information, researchers were able to whittle down a list of nearly 30 factors that potentially put people at a higher risk of dementia into a set of 11 that appear to be most impactful:
Age (typically 65 and older)
Lack of education
History of diabetes
History of/current depression
History of stroke
Parental dementia
Economic disadvantage
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Living alone
Being male

The new screening tool developed based on the findings is called the UK Biobank Dementia Risk Score, or UKBDRS. Dr. Raihaan Patel, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Oxford and a lead author on the study, hopes it can eventually be used by primary care providers to easily screen those ages 50-73 for the condition.

“We see this fitting in as an initial step of identifying high or low risk,”
Patel says, adding that high-risk individuals can be sent for further testing.

When compared with other existing screening tools, the UKBDRS—paired with knowledge of whether individuals carried the APOE e4 gene variant, putting them at higher risk of dementia—gave the most accurate results, followed by the UKBDRS alone, age alone,
then three other existing screening tools.
The new screener can serve as a conversation starter, Patel says, allowing providers an opportunity to encourage patients with diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, and/or high cholesterol to make lifestyle changes that could reduce their risk of developing the condition. A person who has diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol is three times more likely than a person of the same age to develop dementia.
“You can really make a big difference in your risk by focusing on cardiometabolic health,” he says. 

What is dementia?
Dementia isn’t one single condition. Rather, it’s a set of symptoms that fit a variety
of disorders caused by abnormal changes to the brain, from either disease or injury.

Contrary to popular belief, dementia isn’t a normal part of aging.
Alzheimer’s disease accounts for the bulk of dementia cases—60% to 80%, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Other forms, according to the World Health Organization, include:

Vascular dementia, caused by impaired blood flow to the brain.
Dementia with Lewy bodies, abnormal deposits of protein inside nerve cells.
(This condition was made famous by the late actor Robin Williams.)
Other diseases that contribute to frontotemporal dementia, caused by degeneration of the frontal lobe of the brain. (Frontotemporal dementia has made headlines as of late thanks to Bruce Willis, who was recently diagnosed with the condition.)

It can also be caused by other factors,
including medical events and conditions like:
Harmful alcohol use
Repetitive physical brain juries (“chronic traumatic encephalopathy”)

Nutritional deficiencies
People with Alzheimer’s disease tend to be deficient in these 5 nutrients
that ‘help keep brains in top condition at all ages,’ researchers say, 
Levels of five micronutrients are “strikingly lower” in the brains of
those who have Alzheimer’s disease compared with those who don’t.
That’s according to new research published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease by Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine professor C. Kathleen Dorey and a team of researchers.

Scientists analyzed the brains of 31 donors, the average age of which was 75 years.
Most, but not all, had died with Alzheimer’s disease. Compared with unaffected brains, they found that brains of those with the disease had around half the level of the following micronutrients—vitamins and minerals critical to the body’s function, but needed in only small amounts:  MCT OIL AND ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA – Search (bing.com)

• Lycopene: An antioxidant that could help protect cells from damage, lycopene gives some fruits and vegetables—like tomatoes, watermelon, red oranges, pink grapefruits, apricots, and guavas—their red hue. 
• Retinol: A form of Vitamin A that helps the immune system work properly, retinol helps you see in dim lighting and keeps skin healthy. It’s found in foods like cheese, eggs, oily fish, milk, yogurt, and liver. The body can convert beta-carotene into retinol, so indirect sources include yellow, red, and green leafy vegetables like spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, and red peppers, as well as yellow fruits like mangos, papaya, and apricots.
• Lutein: Often referred to as the “eye vitamin,” lutein is thought to protect eye tissue from sun damage. You can find it in foods like egg yolks, spinach, kale, corn, orange peppers, kiwis, grapes, zucchinis, and squash.
• Zeaxanthin: An antioxidant, zeaxanthin is known to protect eye tissues from the sun. It’s found in eggs, oranges, grapes, corn, goji berries, mango, and orange peppers.
• Vitamin E: Also, an antioxidant, Vitamin E keeps free radicals in check, improves immune function, and can prevent clots from forming in the arteries of the heart. It can be found in plant-based oils, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables like sunflower oil, soybean oil, almonds, peanuts, spinach, pumpkin, red bell peppers, asparagus, mangoes, and avocados.

All five micronutrients are antioxidants, substances that may prevent or delay some cell damage. Lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin are also carotenoids, nutrient-rich pigments found in fruits and vegetables. Other large studies have found that the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease was “significantly lower” in those who ate diets rich in carotenoids, or who had high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in their blood or retina, according to Dorey.
New human brain atlas is the most detailed one we’ve seen yet (msn.com)

Multiple studies have also found that those who follow MIND 
(Mediterranean/Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay)—which emphasizes the consumption of antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fish, with very little meat, dairy, and sweets—had a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, better cognitive function prior to death, and fewer signs of Alzheimer’s disease in those who did develop the condition.

The boundaries between different types of dementia are “indistinct,
and mixed forms often co-exist,” according to the WHO.

In addition to the risk factors discussed above, others include:
Being overweight or obese
Drinking too much alcohol
Being physically inactive
Being socially isolated

Symptoms of dementia
Often, the first sign of dementia is a change in mood or behavior, according to the WHO. Symptoms typically get worse with time, leading to eventual need for assistance with daily living. 

Early signs and symptoms, according to the international health organization, include:
Forgetting things or recent events
Losing or misplacing things
Getting lost when walking or driving
Being confused, even in familiar places
Losing track of time
Difficulties solving problems or making decisions
Problems following conversations or troubles with finding words
Difficulties performing usual tasks
Misjudging distances to objects visually

Changes in mood or behavior may look like the following:

Feeling sad, angry, or anxious about memory loss
Personality changes
Inappropriate behavior
Withdrawal from work or social activities
A reduced interest in the emotions of others

What to do if you suspect dementia
Those concerned that they or a loved one may have dementia should consult their primary care provider, who will likely perform a physical exam and detailed medical history, pull labs, and ask questions. 
Sometimes, it’s difficult to diagnose a specific type of dementia due
to overlap in conditions, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.
If this is the case, your doctor might simply diagnose “dementia,” then make
a referral to a specialist like a neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, or geriatrician.

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The Italian American Mafia

New genetic study: More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews’ ancient Hebrew patrimony.

This is my research on who really are the evil doers of the Deep State that stole 
the election in 2020 from We The People of the United States.

Most Jews in Israel today are not the same as the Jews of ancient Israel before Christ – Search Videos (bing.com)

I hail from the so-called Ashkenazi branch of Jews, who account for the great majority of all Jews in the world today. Ashkenazis are distinguished by the historical fact that, over the last couple of thousand years or so, they propagated throughout Europe, generating and maintaining tens of thousands of distinctly Jewish communities in diverse countries spanning the entire continent. My dad was born in Lithuania; my mom’s mom came from an Eastern European region that has belonged to about a half-dozen countries, depending on what particular year you happen to be talking about; and my mom’s dad grew up in Russia, near the Black Sea.

Tradition holds, though, that Ashkenazi Jews ultimately trace their origins straight
back to ancient Israel, whence most Jews were expelled en masse in 70 CE by their Roman conquerors and sent skittering to all parts of the globe. (Jews who initially fled to Spain and Portugal are referred to as Sephardic. Those who took up residence in Iran, Iraq and Northern Africa are designated as Mizrahi.)
But in the late 1970s I read what was then a recent book titled The Thirteenth Tribe, written by polymath Arthur Koestler, advancing a theory that today’s Ashkenazis descended not from the Holy Land but, rather, from Khazaria, a medieval Turkic empire in the Caucasus region whose royals, caught between the rock of Islam and the hard place of Christendom, chose the politically expedient course of converting to Judaism.
That hypothesis has become highly politicized, with some groups holding that Ashkenazis, who constitute half of Israel’s current population, are colonialist interlopers with zero historical claim to the land of Israel.

Plausible at the time, the Khazar-origin premise has crumbled under the onslaught of modern molecular genetics. The latest volley: a study published this week in Nature Communications. The study’s senior author, Stanford geneticist Peter Underhill, PhD, works in the lab of  Carlos Bustamante, PhD, whose high-resolution techniques have highlighted the historical hopscotch of other migratory peoples.
Underhill, Bustamante and their co-authors analyzed the Y chromosome – a piece of
the human genome invariably handed down father-to-son – of a set of Ashkenazi men claiming descent from Levi,  the founder of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
(Names such as Levy, Levine and Levitt, for example, bespeak a Levite heritage.)
If Ashkenazis were the spawn of Khazar royals, their DNA would show it.
But those Y chromosomes were as Levantine as a levant sandwich. The same genetic “signature” popped up on every Levite sampled (as well as a significant number of non-Levite Ashkenazis), strongly implying descent from a single common ancestor who lived in the Fertile Crescent between 1,500 and 2,500 years ago.
That signature is absent in the Y chromosomes of modern European non-Jewish men, and in male inhabitants of what was once Khazaria.
Yes, 2,000 years is a long time, and a fellow gets lonely. Genetic studies of mitochondria – tiny intracellular power packs that have their own dollop of DNA and are always inherited matrilineally – have conflicted (contrast this with this) but, in combination with broader studies of entire genomes, suggest that a bit of canoodling transpired between Ashkenazi men and local European women, in particular Italian women, early in that two-millenia European sojourn.

Jewish-American organized crime – Wikipedia

Many opponents of Israel try to disconnect the Jewish people’s long-standing relationship with the Land of Israel as a way of delegitimizing Zionism and the modern State of Israel. They claim the Jewish people today are not descended from the ancient Hebrews and Israelites, and thus try to weaken the case for Zionism and the re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty in its ancestral homeland.

The claims do not come from any one community and have been diffused throughout
the years by white supremacists, radical Islamists, far-left and far-right conspiracists, Japanese doomsday cults and parts of the U.S. black community, whether the Nation
of Islam or the Black Hebrew Israelites.

Khazarian Mafia – Search (bing.com)

Many of these generally opposing groups lean on the so-called “Khazar Myth,” which posits that all or a majority of today’s Ashkenazi Jews are descended from the Khazars, a multi-ethnic conglomerate of mostly Turkic peoples originally from the central Caucasus, who, according to this theory, at some point in history converted to Judaism en masse. Thus, according to this theory, a large part of world Jewry has no roots in the Land of Israel.

However, this theory has found no support among any serious historians, archaeologists or geneticists. It rests on no evidence except the need of some to disconnect the Jewish people from the Land of Israel. Indeed, the theory’s only purpose seems to be the delegitimization of Zionism.

This, and other theories about the origins of the Jewish people outside of the Land
of Israel, are merely political arguments that try to use distorted history, utilizing inaccurate archeological and genetic proofs to make these false claims.
They also ignore the overwhelming evidence that shows a direct link between the Jews living today around the world and their ancestors who lived in the Land of Israel during the First and Second Temple periods.

Firstly, and most importantly, there has been an unbroken presence of Jews in the Land of Israel since the destruction of Jewish sovereignty and the sack of Jerusalem in the first century C.E. These Jews who managed to remain, against all odds, in the Land of Israel for two millennia, were joined by various communities and individuals from around the Diaspora during the first few centuries after the dispersion until the 20th century.

All these Jews had a clear linguistic, cultural and traditional line of transition completely unique to every Jewish community around the world. For example, a Jew from Yemen and a Jew from Poland would have different characteristics and accents, but they would use similar prayer books and religious treatises, and similar traditions. They would be able to relatively seamlessly pray and practice their religion in each other’s community.

Digging a little deeper, several genetic tests and research studies have proven that disparate Jewish communities share common DNA markers. Studies of autosomal DNA, which look at the entire DNA mixture, show that Jewish populations have tended to form relatively closely related groups in independent communities, with most in a community sharing significant ancestry.

Obviously, there have been outside contributions to the Jewish gene pool.
Nevertheless, for populations of the Jewish Diaspora, the genetic composition of Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrahi Jewish populations show significant shared Middle Eastern ancestry.
These results, according to prominent geneticist Doron Behar and many other academic experts in 2010, show a remarkable consistency “with a historical formulation of the Jewish people as descending from ancient Hebrew and Israelites of the Levant” and “the dispersion of the people of ancient Israel throughout the Old World.”

In addition, Jewish communities around the world all show a very specific and unbroken connection to Israel. Every synagogue faces towards Jerusalem, and rarely is the prayer or blessing that does not invoke a return to Israel or Jerusalem. Many festivals end with the hope: “Next year in a rebuilt Jerusalem.”

Almost every event in the Jewish life cycle remembers the connection of the Jews to Israel, whether it is the breaking of the glass under the wedding canopy to remember the destruction of Jerusalem or the dirt from the Holy Land that is supposed to be buried with every Jew in any cemetery in the world.

The Jewish connection to the Land of Israel is unbreakable and a return to the land was always the central focus of Jews and Jewish communities for thousands of years. Israel was the religious, civil and national center for all Jews at all times.

Perhaps what rankles opponents of the State of Israel and Zionism is the fact that the Jews are the only people who can demonstrate indigeneity in the Land of Israel as the place where its culture, language and civilization were formed.

No other people speak or use Hebrew or have their singular focus on the sliver of land at the eastern end of the Mediterranean. No other religion or people’s holy books mentions Israel, Zion or Jerusalem nearly as many times as the Torah. The Koran does not mention them at all.

These are unbreakable bonds, and the most up-to-date historic and archaeological
work discovers new artifacts and proofs every day of the ineffable, unbreakable Jewish connection to the Land of Israel. No serious person can claim that Jews never lived in the Land of Israel, though some still try, attempting to sever the connection between today’s Jews and the ancient Hebrews and Israelites.

These lies need to be debunked because they are widespread and have been raised
in recent weeks by well-known celebrities, like actor and rapper Ice Cube, comedian Nick Cannon and American football players DeSean Jackson and Larry Johnson. Their “evidence” is never more than distorted propaganda that has already been debunked by serious researchers.

Because anti-Semitism never rests, these fabrications will keep spreading unless we continue to demonstrate with fact, history and reason why they have no basis in truth.
The Jewish people’s connection to Israel is unique, unbroken and consistent. Our traditions and miraculous history can be seen as a continuous love affair between a people and its ancestral homeland.

James Sinkinson is president of Facts and Logic About the Middle East – FLAME,
which publishes educational messages to correct lies and misperceptions about
Israel and its relationship to the United States.

Fact check: Evidence disproves claims of Italian conspiracy to meddle
in the U.S. election (known as #ItalyGate) | Reuters

New York City Crime family – Search (bing.com)
Philadelphia Crime family – Search (bing.com)
Indianapolis Crime family – Search (bing.com)
Jacksonville Crime family – Search (bing.com)
Pittsburgh Crime family – Search (bing.com)
San Diego Crime family – Search (bing.com)
Cleveland Crime family – Search (bing.com)
Cincinnati Crime family – Search (bing.com)
Portland Crime Family – Search (bing.com)
Memphis Crime family – Search (bing.com)
Houston Crime family – Search (bing.com)
Chicago Crime family – Search (bing.com)
Phoenix Crime family – Search (bing.com)
Detroit Crime family – Search (bing.com)
Tampa Crime family – Search (bing.com)

American Mafia – Wikipedia
WebThe American Mafia, commonly referred to in North America as the Italian-American Mafia, the Mafia, or the Mob, is a highly organized Italian American crime related society and organized crime related group.. In North America, the organization is often colloquially referred to as the Italian Mafia or Italian Mob

Los Angeles crime family – Wikipedia
The Los Angeles crime family, also known as the L.A. Mafia or the Southern California crime family and dubbed “the Mickey Mouse Mafia” by former Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates, is an Italian American organized crime syndicate based in Los Angeles as part of the larger Italian American Mafia. Since its … See more

Dallas crime family – Wikipedia
The Dallas crime family or Dallas Mafia was an Italian-American Mafia crime family based in Dallas, Texas. Carlo Piranio, a native of Sicily, immigrated to the U.S. circa 1901 with his brother Joseph. They first settled in Shreveport, Louisiana. Carlo began the Dallas faction of the American Mafia in 1921 with Joseph as … See more

Dixie Mafia – Wikipedia
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dixie_Mafia
The Dixie Mafia or Dixie Mob is an American criminal organization composed mainly of White Southerners and based in Biloxi, Mississippi, operating primarily throughout the Southern United States since at least the late 1960s. The group’s activities include movement of stolen merchandise, illegal alcohol, and illegal drugs.… See more

San Francisco crime family – Wikipedia
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco_crime…
The San Francisco crime family, also known as the Lanza crime family or San Francisco Mafia, was an Italian-American Mafia crime syndicate in San Francisco. The syndicate was organized in the early 1930s by Francesco “Frank” Lanza. The San Francisco family was a small organization with 20–25 made … See more

Seattle crime family – Wikipedia
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_crime_family
Seattle, Washington, United States. Years active. 1950s–present. Territory. Washington. Criminal activities. Racketeering, prostitution, extortion, money laundering, corruption and fraud. The Seattle crime family, also known as the Colacurcio crime family [1] [2] [3] or Seattle Mafia, is a crime family based in Seattle, Washington .

Colorado crime family – Wikipedia
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_crime_family
The Colorado crime family, also known as the Smaldone crime family, Denver crime family, Denver Mafia or the Mountain Mafia was an Italian American organized crime syndicate based in Pueblo and Denver, Colorado. Pete and Sam Carlino’s bootlegging organization was the foundation of the Denver Mob, which was … See more

St. Louis crime family – Wikipedia
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Louis_crime_family
The St. Louis crime family has stayed under the radar of both local and federal authorities, who have been focused on organized crime that inflicts public violence. Anthony “Nino” Parrino served as boss of the St. Louis crime family from 1997 to
his death on November 3, 2014. The last known underboss was Joseph Cammarata.

Baltimore Crew – Wikipedia
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltimore_Crew
The Baltimore Crew was an Italian American organized crime group that ultimately became a faction of the Gambino crime family operating in the port city of Baltimore, Maryland, from about 1900 until the 1990s. It was originally an independent organization led by the D’Urso family until the Corbi takeover in … See more  

Cleveland crime family – Wikipedia
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleveland_crime_family
The Cleveland crime family or Cleveland Mafia, is an Italian American Mafia 

Operation Underworld – Wikipedia
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Underworld
Operation Underworld was the United States government ‘s code name for its cooperation with the Italian American Mafia and Jewish organized-crime. 

“How Trump Became the Russian Mafia’s Bitch” – Medium
Nov 16, 2020 · The Russian Jewish Mafia has its iron grip and an entire population of its bitches. … Another direct quote that got me shaking in my boots “Key sources have told VT how mob

The “Khazarian Myth”: The National Identity of … – My Jewish Learning
WebNov 27, 2022 · Free. The National Library of Israel serves as the dynamic institution of collective memory for the Jewish people worldwide and Israelis of all backgrounds and faiths – past, present and future. Through its world-class collections and a range of innovative digital, educational and cultural initiatives, the National Library works to share … My Jewish Learninghttps://www.myjewishlearning.com/the-hub/the-khaz…

New Orleans crime family – Wikipedia
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Orleans_crime_family
The New Orleans crime family or New Orleans Mafia was an Italian American Mafia crime family based in the city of New Orleans that had a history of criminal activity dating back to the late nineteenth century. These activities included racketeering, loan sharking, murder, etc. The New Orleans Crime family 

Minnesota Crime Family – Search (bing.com)
Organized crime in Minneapolis refers to the illegal activity of the early 20th century in Minneapolis. This issue was first brought to public attention by Lincoln Steffens in the book The Shame of the Cities which chronicles the widespread corruption in major political parties in the 19th century and the continued efforts to fix this ongoing issue. 
A. Ames was a notable figure who was exposed due to this book, as he and the Minneapolis police force were caught dealing with illegal business… Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license 

Category:Organized crime in Minnesota – Wikipedia
WebHelp. Pages in category “Organized crime in Minnesota” The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total. This list may not reflect recent changes . A. A. Ames. Barker–Karpis Gang. David Berman (mobster) Kidnapping of Edward Bremer. Tom Brown …

Russian mafia – Wikipedia
Since the 1980s, the Russian mafia has been among the world’s most powerful, dangerous, and feared criminal organizations. As of 2022, it remains among the world’s largest, deadliest, and most powerful crime syndicates. The collective Russian mafia groups have been referred to as a “criminal superpower” by … See more

Ukrainian mafia – Wikipedia
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_mafia
The Ukrainian mafia (Ukrainian: Українська мафія) is a type of criminal organization with origins in Ukraine. Such organizations are regarded as one of the most influential types of organized crime coming out of the former USSR, including also the Russian mafia, the Georgian mafia, the Chechen mafia, the Armenian … See more

Israeli mafia – Wikipedia
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_mafia
The Israeli mafia (Hebrew: מאפיה ישראלית, romanized: Mafiyah Yisrelit, or ארגוני פשע בישראל, Irguni pesha bəYisrael, “organized crime in Israel”) are the organized crime groups operating in Israel or consisting of Israeli members. There are 16 crime families operating in Israel, five major groups active on the national level and 11 smaller organizations.  

How The Jewish Mob Helped the U.S. Fight Nazis
Aug 29, 2022 · In 1938, American Nazis and their recruiting platform, the German American Bund, posed a very real threat to U.S. sovereignty. But a New York judge
and some patriotic Jewish mobsters came on the scene …

All That’s Interesting https://allthatsinteresting.com/gangste…

Who owns National Geographic?


Israeli Jews – Wikipedia
Most Jews in Israel today are not the same as the Jews of ancient Israel before Christ 

Jewish people are Arabs.
Abraham, the father of all Abrahamic religions was taken from the city of UR (Iraq)
to go to the “promised” land. And prior to that Israel was one country only split into Judea and Israel after the death of the king think 🤔2 sons divvied it up – Search (bing.com)


The land of Israel has been populated by the Jewish people since 2000 BC.

Here’s the timeline….
1900 BC: Abraham chosen by God as the Father of the Jewish Nation.
1900 BC: Isaac, Abraham’s son, rules over Israel.
1850 BC: Jacob, son of Issac, rules over Israel.
1400 BC: Moses leads the people out of Egypt and back to Israel.
1010 BC: King David united the 12 tribes into one nation.
970 BC: King Solomon, son of David, builds the first temple structure in Jerusalem
930 BC: Israel is divided into two kingdoms, the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah.
800s BC: The rise of the prophets, God’s messengers.
722 BC: Kingdom of Israel is conquered by Assyrians.
605 BC: Kingdom Judah is conquered by the Babylonians.
586 BC: Solomon’s Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians.
539 BC: Persians conquered the Babylonians and took control of Israel.
538 BC: The Jews return to Israel from exile.
520 BC: The Temple is rebuilt.
450 BC: Reforms made by Ezra and Nehemiah.
433 BC: Malachi is the end of the prophetic age.
432 BC: The last group of Jews return from exile.
333 BC: The Greeks conquer the Persian empire.
323 BC: The Egyptian and Syrian empires take over Israel.
167 BC: Hasmonean recapture Israel, and the Jews are ruled independently.
70 BC: Romans conquer Israel.
20 BC: King Herod builds the “third” temple
6 BC: Jesus Christ is born in Bethlehem
70 AD: Romans destroy the temple

After that, the people were captives to the Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Crusaders. 
Through all of these events, the Jewish people continued to live in Israel. There were more or less of them, depending on the centuries, but there was never a time when the Jews didn’t live in the land. 
They stayed, they built their communities, they raised their families, practiced their faith and they suffered at the hands of many outside rulers, but they always kept their faith.

It is what sustains them, even now.
In 1948, the UN established the State of Israel, the nation of Jews. Don’t buy the Palestinian lies that they are entitled to the land. It simply is not true. Yahweh will also provide a way for his chosen people to live in Israel, as He has for thousands of years.

Please Pray for the people of Israel.

Holocaust Survivors Warn the American People – Search Videos (bing.com)
Zionist Jews are like Jesuit Catholic evil people – Search (bing.com)
Global peace – Search Images (bing.com)


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