Sugar Is Our Poison

       My “HOT TIPS” for “JULY Blog Post” while making stops on the internet with various doctors for insight in dealing with cancer prevention. Americans went between the years of 1850  until  2010 consuming  50#  to  141#  of sugar. Dr. Jason Lincoln Jefferies  idealizes  that  the  World  Health  Report  had the United States with the costiest system in the world.

       While stating, we spend 17% GDP or 1.2 trillion annually on Health Care.    The United States world ranking is an abysmal 37th out of 50 nations in terms of care. While some doctors on the internet supposes that “our love of sugarsupersedes are need for glucosewhen some nutritionist suggest 100 grams most Americans obtain over 450 grams.

        Maybe we should substitute the honey from bees and syrup from trees      as sweeteners in our diets that our bodies metabolize differently as a means to good health.  Dr. Robert Lustig  backs  this  belief  in  his  profound  video Sugar: The Bitter Truth.

        Furthermore,  sugar causes cancer to grow because cancer cells have   way more insulin receptor cells than normal cells. Because cancer cells have  a  metabolic  system that’s  4 to 8 times  faster then regular tissues that need additional glucose….  the very reason some cancer patients crave sugar that helps tumors live and grow.

       Whereas,  Dr. Marlene Merritt of the Meritt Wellness Center tells you   that a poor diet rich in carbohydrates is sweet suicide.  Dr. Merritt stresses that glucose and insulin molecules are highly inflammatory and when those carbohydrates  are  over  eaten  causing  some of her patients  to  have their  back problems to flair up it’s proven over n’ over again.

       While also causing increases in testosterone and estrogen that causes    P.C.O.S. polycystic ovary syndrome. Which can increase the IGF-1 hormone that becomes a pure breeding grounds for cancer. When carbohydrates are eaten moderately,  especially complex…. because of the phytonutrient and fiber content that prevents to high of a glucose spike doesn’t impact cancer   as much!!!!

        Tip #1 for July: Stay  away  from  processed  refined  carbohydrates.  Items such as breads, candy, cereals, chips, crackers, muffins, pastries and soda pop excessively.  Remember:  in 2011  the U.S.D.A.  estimated  over the course of a lifetime…. we American’s consume two tons of sugary sweetner and that’s enough  to  fill  a  dumpster  (in  the  1950’s  their  was  1.5 million diabetics in America today that number has increased to 51 million.)

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