American Amish versus Native American

This blog about two distinct groups, not only, living amongst us in the Good Ole’ U.S.       of  A.,   but also,   in there own distinct  right.  The first group are the  American Amish     of  Holmes county, in Ohio, and for religious reason   live sectular  within  horse drawn lifestyle.  While living also much  cleaner lifestyle  (  0ne twothree  and  four  )  then most  Americans encounter today and their alternatives  ( one  and  two )?

An  Ohio State University Cancer Study, found  this lifestyle made it more conducive         to half again less ~ chance of obtaining cancer as away of life.   And that ‘s….. NOT BAD,  considering  that their way of  life ~ contains their own  religious belief  that modern day medicine  is an unnessary evil   (put your Faith in God’s Hands) with  home remedy  and  folk medicine   ( one,    two,   threefour  and  five )  and with those  Amish Healers  like   Solomon Wickey  (  onetwothree  and  four ).  < Try Bioinnovations First >#####

Our second secular group hails from Upper Midwest, within one of the poorest sections    of the  United States  at the   Pine Ridge  Indian Reservation  in  Shannon countySouth Dakota.  When I came about case studying this group of people….   I was simply amazed with the disparity of Indian Tribes in America today  (  onetwothreefour  and  five  )   then you start realizing that Native American Cancer Rate   ( onetwothree  and  four )   does run rampart today.      Courage  Ride     (  one  &   two  ).

Realizing  lifestyle choices  play enormous risk factors in contracting the disease,  even though, they practice the Art of Medicine with many similarities of the Amish and with  distinct disparities with the out ~ come of both groups.  With  some  of the Alternative Medicine ( one, two, three four and five ) bloodroot black salve (one,  two  and  three)   they practice being old~remedy  ( one, two three four  and  five ) and hydrotherapy.        The  University of Minnesota captured vast disparity with that of modern day America,  and USA Today found there own renown Native American Doctor that’s eqiulavent to Solomon Wickey  (that’s weird?)

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