WHY Vitamin D Prevents Cancer

    The Vitamin D Paradox blog post…. was a blog post that strictly gave links, hopefully,  that  showed  the  difference between natural  and  supplementary forms of the vitamin. The reasons “why” when supplementing with vitamin D which supposely being a fat soluble vitamin it’s toxic.  While  the  latter  being natural it is absorb more slowly…. so one doesn’t have to be cautious with the natural form of the vitamin.

   What this blog post will attempt to do in the  “short story” and it’s links is tell  “why”  vitamin D fights cancer and helps prevent someone from getting cancer. Ecologic studies, comparing people in areas of high  versus  low sun exposure; suggest that it can “if” the blood levels are higher then usual. Also studies show those with lower body fat from diet and exercise are also likely to have higher levels of vitamins.

    However the understanding to the  “why”  behind this is misunderstood.     It could be that the vitamin is fat soluble,  or it could be because of what they eat  or  how  long  they exercise  and  if  they  see  more  sunlight because of it. Another explanation  might  be  because  being  fat soluble  and  your obese is that the vitamin might be stored in fat cells, tissue and simply can’t be absorb into the blood stream.

    What we do know is that vitamin D is strongly associated with decreased cancer risk.  Harvard researchers have estimated that if raising blood levels  of  vitamin D  would  rise  on  average  10ng/ml  (a small amount.)  It  would   it could save  85,000 men  &  women yearly from cancer death.  By  visiting    a physician, or through mail order test… you can have your vitamin D levels tested to ascertain that you have high enough levels (50 to 80 ng.ml.)

    People who live  above  the  37 degree latitude  are  considered  especially    at risk.  This includes the Northern United States  and  Canada because levels  of this important vitamin  in the winter are not enough.  Other  studies  show judging from their data,  if Americans were able to maintain vitamin D levels. An estimated 60,ooo cases of colon cancer, and 85,ooo cases of breast cancer and other types could be prevented annually.

   Some study authors recommend adults get 2ooo IU (international units) if  vitamin D per day. That’s about 5o micrograms…. which is the tolerable upper intake level set by the U.S.D.A.  Whereas a cup of vitamin D enriched milk has about 2.5 micrograms and most people average between 5 to 10 micrograms.

   Since summer sun exposure creates about 20,ooo IU of vitamin D through skin exposure in just 15minutes to 1/2 hour  while some doctors will tell you it takes a 1/2 day to get that amount depending on skin tone.  Evidence indicates the  synthesis  of  vitamin D….  from  sunlight  works  in  a  feedback  loop  that prevents toxicity,  however,  because  of  uncertainity  about  cancer  risk from sunlight  “no” recommendations are issued by the Institute of Medicine.

   The science behind vitamin D effect on cancer,  therefore,  can be summed    up in the liver where vitamin D is converted. Calcidiol  the specific vitamin D metabolite  that  is  measured  to  determine  a  person’s vitamin D level. Part of the calcidiol is converted by the kidneys to calcitriol which is the biological active form of vitamin D. Both forms calcidiol and calcitriol were indentified by Michael F. Holick.

    Calcitriol  circulates  as  a  hormone  in  the  blood,  while  regulating  the concentration of calcium and phosphate in the blood stream and promoting the healthy growth and remodeling of bones.  Calcidiol,  is also converted to calcitriol outside the kidneys for other purposes,  such as,  the proliferation, differentation and apoptosis of cells. While calcitriol affects neuromuscular function and inflammation.

    HOT  TIP  #15  for July:  Vitamin D is essential  and  important for many a health reason.  Therefore,  especially  as  we…  AGE…  become  more  shut-in it’s still vitally important to stay active while getting  at least  1/2 hour  of  the fabulous healing power of sunlight each day.


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