Low Cholesterol and Cancer Risk

    Remember this website is for detailed information about cancer and is a centralized cancer research hub forwarding –  funneling all the information toward newer blog post  to  greater increase the content  in  future blog post. That being said,  lets examine the  issue…. does  cholesterol reduction cause cancer?  What impact does  statin drugs  have  on  you  over  the long term?   My  belief   is   to  Keep Your Cholesterol Level  In  Check No Matter What!!!!  Dr. Mehmet Oz explains how Artichoke Extract lowers cholesterol naturally.

   If lower cholestrol levels were to increase the risk of cancer, how might it   do this?  The first explanation might  be  cholesterol  is  the  basic building block  of  vitamin D…. a  substance  with  a  potent  anti – cancer  property,  and  secondly,   your  cells  need  cholestrol  to  metabolize  in  the  correct  manner.  Some elevated risk of cancer for males with low serum cholestrol levels have been noted.  What about other known cancer risk factors!!!!

    The median of these studies examined is consistent with a 30% increased risk, and  the  answer  for  female  is  less  clear,  however,  the risk seems to depend strongly on  whether  females  have  central  or  peripheral body fat. The strong influence  of   fat distribution  in  women suggest  a  metabolic or hormonal basis underlining the association.

  The cancer most consistently associated  with  low serum cholesterol levels are those of colon and lung in males, and the cervix and breast (but only for females under 50 years of age) in female. With leukemia in both sexes, while in contrast, high cholesterol having a link with an increase in brain cancer. How you handle stress determines how your body handles cholesterol

   In the book: The China Study,  counties with the lowest average plasma cholesterol levels, also have the lowest cancer rates. While this observation is open to a number of interpretations, it does not support the idea that low serum cholesterol  is  a  tumor indicator.  In aggregate,  the  trials  of  lipid – lowering interventions reviewed has shown an increase in cancer occurence (primarily mortality of approximately 24% in cholesterol lowered groups.

    Recent evidence indicates that products in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway  affect DNA replication and cell proliferation. These findings also suggest a mechanism  by  which cholesterol lowering  might accerelate the development of tumors already initiated. The data having been rviewed in no  way  suggest  that  “treatment  of  hypercholesterolemia”  should not be pursued,  however,  in  small  sub  populations  reduction  of  plasma chole- sterol may lead to increased risk of cancer.

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