The Com’mon Denom’inator

  In this equation it’s taking the difference spotting what’s in common and seeing  the remainder.  When you consider  the United States  having spent $200 Billion Dollars  on cancer research since the early 1970’s and the  five year survival rate  for all diagnosed with cancer has risen  from 50 percent in the 1970’s to 65 percent today.  Are we  really  getting our moneys worth when you look at the  Top Ten Cancers  that kill the most people?

   Within  the top tag   18  Major Types  of  Cancer  which  differ  from this       blog post,  having many of  the best links and options to speak of  that was found on the internet.  If  others know of  anymore  please comment  at the bottom of this blog. When someone is looking  for Answers to Cancer there are many websites and personal blogs you find that have technical jargon with little substance   (Been There ~ Done That.)

   The Ten Deadilest… kill  “eighty percent”  of  all cancer patients and also represents  the severity  of  this  disease.  Although  procedures  continually improve,  in  many  areas we need to increase the awareness  of  knowledge    to  prevent   further increases  to  our  health care cost  in  the United States. So within the future when programs are cut “we” can avoid a humantarian effort  of  keeping cost under control  if  we  find the causes and effects!!!

      I.  Lung  and  Bronchial Canceractually  there  are  two  major  types   non – small  cell  and  small  cell  lung  cancer.  With  small  cell  lung  cancer spreading more quickly (with more than 160,000 Americans are expected to die from lung cancer this year.)

     II.  Colon  and  Rectal Cancercolon cancer grows in the tissues  of  the colon,  whereas  rectal  cancer  grows  in  the  last  few  inches  of  the  large intestine near the anus.  Most cases begin as a clump of  small benign cells called  polyps  and colorectal cancer will kill 52,000 Americans this year.

    III.  Breast Cancer:  being  the  second  most  common cancer in women after skin cancer  in  the United States.  This  cancer  usually  forms  in  the ducts that carry milk in women and in rare cases can occur in men as well and breast cancer  will kill 40,ooo Americans this year.   The Estrogen Connection.

     IV.  Pancreatic Cancer:  begins in the tissue of  the pancreas which aids   digestion and metabolism regulation. Detection and early intervention are difficult because it progresses stealthly and pancreatic cancer rapidly kills 37,000 Americans each year in the United States.

     V.  Prostate Cancer:  the  second leading  cause  of  death  in  men  after lung and bronchial cancer.  Prostate  cancer  usually  grows  slowly  in  the prostate gland that produces semsual fluid to transport sperm. While some remain  confined  to  the  gland,   and  are  easy  to  treat;   others  forms  of  prostate cancer are agressive quickly killing 28,000 Americans annually.

     VI.  Leukemiathe  story  of  leukemia,  however,  it  affects  the  blood – forming tissues  of  the body.  Such  as bone marrow  and  lymphatic system while  resulting  in  an  over production  of  the  abnormal  white blood cells. Leukemia types  are classified  how  fast they progress  and which cells they affect.  Acute Myelogonous Leukemia  which  kills  the  most  and  combined   23,500 Americans die each year.

    VII.  Non – Hodgkin Lymphoma:  this  cancer  affects  the  lymphocytes, which  are  a  type  of  white  blood  cell.   That  is  characterized  by  larger lymph  nodes,   fever  and  weight loss.  There  are  several  types  of  Non – Hodgkin Lymphoma categorized  by whether  the cancer is  fast – or – slow growing and which type of lymphocytes are affected. Non – Hodgkin being deadlier then Hodgkin Lymphoma kills 20,000 Americans yearly.

     VIII.  Liver  and  Intrahepatic Bile Duct:  which  is  the  most  common   form  of  cancer  globally,  however,   is  uncommon  in  the  United States.  The  rates  are rising  and  usually  spreads  to  the  liver  from  else where     in the body. A closely related cancer,  intrahepatic bile duct cancer which occurs  in the duct  that  carries  bile  from the liver  to  the small intestine with nearly 20,500 Americans who die  of  liver cancer each year.

      IX.  Ovarian Cancer:  being the number  four leading cause of  death            in women.  With the median age of  women diagnosed being 63 years old. This cancer is easily treated but harder to detect in early stages, however, recent research has brought to light early syptoms being abdominal pain, urgency in urination  and  pelvic discomfort with 15,500 women expected     to die of ovarian cancer this year alone.

   X.  Esophageal Cancer:  starting  in the cells  lining the esophagus which     is the tube that carries  food  from the throat to the stomach. Which usually occurs in the lower part of  the esophagus  affecting more men than women and  esophageal cancer  will  kill  14,500 Americans in 2013.

Understanding the Anatomical Effect of  AGING!!!                                                   and Human Physiology???

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