Staying Active Really Matters

   After a hard winter of  working  on this website 16 hour daily.                            I noticed this spring my clothes was fitting tight and not so right.             When you start having  relatives and  friends  saying  things  like                that  midsection  can’t  be  healthy  for  you  ~  you  start  thinking             about what being really over weight does for you and the benefits                    of  exercise on a regular basis.

   What we don’t know about  fat cells can kill us… like a tumor…                  when you consume more calories than you burn. Fat cells in your             body swell to  as much as six times their minimum size  and  begin                   to  multiply   from  40 Billion  in  an  average  adult  to  100 Billion.       Simply put,  fat that is not used  for  fuel immediately is stored  for             later use and can create havoc on your body.

    To the endth  degree,  if  your consuming high calorie meals and                 NOT  burning very many calories . Your fat cells swell and multiply resulting in weight gain.  So carrying a  few extra pounds  may also       wreak havoc  of  your “hormone balance,”  leading  to  a  variety  of    illnesses and health risks.

     Estrogen,  the  classified   “female hormone”   is  a  fast  storing           hormone,  that is also,  naturally present in small amounts within              men as well.  Although necessary,  within  men  while regulating a       healthy libido,  improved  brain  function (especially memory) and   protecting  the  heart.  When  it  is  to  high  testosterone  levels  are       reduced  and  men experience fatigue,  muscle tone loss,  decreased        sexual  function and in some cases enlarged prostate.

    Do  fat cells disappear or shrink when you lose weight?  Why do               men tend to gain weight  in  their  bellies?  The  answer  to  the  first    question is “no!”   No  fat  cells  only  slighty  decrease  and  the cells      become less metabolically active.  While  remaining  in  your  body,    waiting for the next assault on a donut so they can expand again.

    Someone who has maintained a normal body weight their whole                 life have an easier time staying  fit.  Than  someone  whose  fat  cells         have swelled uncontrollably and multiplied in the past.  Aside  from             the way you feel when you’re packing a few extra pounds, there are          also internal complications that result  from morbid obesity.

     Fat tissue attract  immune system cells called macrophages that     promotes chronic inflammation into your body.  So by carrying extra     weight…. your body also produces an immune response similar to the  reaction your body exhibits when you develops the flu or injury.  That inflammation is intended to  fight infection,  therefore, your body will         see that extra  fat calories  from a greasy pizza as an invasion.

    Men typically…. carry extra weight in their midsection,  thereby,                   if  you gain weight most of  it will go directly to your belly  first  (with women on the other hand  it goes to the hips or thighs.)  Belly  fat  will   increase the likelihood of  bad cholesterol (LDL), triggers  extra  fat in         the blood stream, raises blood pressure  and  blood sugar levels.  

     Furthermore,  abdominal  fat  tends to be deeper  inside the body,               as opposed to hip  or  thigh area  fat  which is directly stored under the       skin.  Fat cells  within the abdomen  are metabolically more active than        fat cells located in other areas, which lead to diabetes, coronary artery disease, stroke  and  certain cancers because of estrogen imbalance.

   Abdominal  fat cells may also effect the healthy  function of  the liver. Unfortunately there is no way  to target weight loss  in one specific area         of  the  body.   So in order to lose your spare tire  you must exercise your entire body. The good news with regular exercise usually the midsection      is the  fastest to come off….

     When you exercise your body releases chemicals called endorphins       that will interact… with the receptors in your brain… that reduces your perception of  pain.  Endorphins  also  trigger a positive  feeling  in  your body that  follows a workout often described as “euphoric .”  That is also accompanied  by a positive  and  energizing outlook on life.  Endorphins    are manufactured in your brain, the spinal cord,  and  many other parts      of  your body that releases neurotransmitters.

    However,  once you commit to losing the extra poundage.  Pay close attention  ~  listen  to  your  body…. abdominal swellingbelly bloating, and  distended  tummies  after vigorous workouts.  Can be both common place and discouraging, however, not necessarily concerning. When you first engage in vigorous exercise,  your  body interprets it as trauma and may retain water as a precautionary measure.

   One of  the most common causes of  Belly Bloating which at first seems     self ~ defeating because you’re losing the weight but keeping the tummy. Because your body  is retaining water  your sweating more than normal     as a result…. of  an imbalance  in the amount of  salt in your blood.  Also when you first engage in vigorous exercise, blood moves away  from the intestines;  out to the extremities and impairs the digestive system.

   To avoid these issues  and help your progress moving  forward always     eat a  full meal at least two hours  before working out allowing your  food   to properly digest. Including mostly complex carbohydrates, some protein eating slowly.  While avoiding caffeine,  aspirin,  high does vitamin C with carbonated drinks and  foods with high amounts of  fiber, sugars and  fats being complete no – no’s.

Regular Exercise….  has proven to

—  Feelings of  Well Being   

 Strengthen Your Heart

—  Lower Blood Pressure 

— Reduce LDL Cholesterol 

— Reduce Anxiety & Stress 

— Ward  off  Depression  

—  Boost Self  – Esteem 

—  Improve Sleep Habits 

— Increase Energy Levels  

— Improve Muscle Tone  

— Improve Strength & Stamina 

— Strengthen and Build Bones

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