Cancer Prevention

   Lung Cancer:  0f  the estimated 580,350 men and women whom will die     0f  cancer in  2013  (160,000  will  die of  lung cancer.)  Being 90%  of  lung cancer can be prevented through actions and awareness (cigarette smoke    is the leading  cause  followed  by radon gas in the home.) Buyer Beware:    if you smoke stop and if you don’t smoke don’t start,  if you live in a home  that’s new… still have your basement tested  for radon gas…. because of   the tightly seal and heavily isolation… radon levels maybe high.

   Still it is estimated  that  90%  of  lung cancer  could  be prevented each year through action and awareness.  Smoking cigarettes and tobacco use  by any means is responsible  for 87%  of  lung cancer in the United States. Therefore,  quitting smoking at any time can lower the risk of  developing lung cancer and  if  you already have cancer it could prevent a secondary more aggressive type  from recurring. Each year lung cancer affects over 370,000 Americans,  what  type  of  robust effect  would  it have on health care  if  everybody would  QUIT!!    Know Your Options Beforehand?

The Facts About Radon Gas… It’s Deadly!!!

   Melanoma: you can lower your risk 0f the deadliest form 0f skin cancer    by protecting yourself  from  exposure  to UV Radiation  from the sun with   slip!  slop!  slap!  and  wrap!   Ounce 0f Prevention beats a pound of cure?

* Slip  on a shirt.

* Slop on sunscreen.

Slap on a hat.

            * Wrap around sunglasses.

   While avoiding  severe sunburns  by avoiding being outdoors in direct        sunlight to long,  especially  between  the  hours  of  10 am and 4 pm when the  UV light  is strongest.  If  your  unsure  of  the  suns  intensity  use  the shadow test  and  if  your shadow is shorter than you are ~ it’s important    to have some  form  of  protection. Therefore, you don’t need to know the new medical breakthroughs.

   Melanoma is less common than other skin cancers, however, it is much more  dangerous  if  not  found early causing  75%  of  the deaths related to skin cancer.  Worldwide  doctors  diagnose  about  160,000  new  cases  of  melanoma yearly.  In women the most common site is the legs and in men  it’s the back because those area’s are the most likely to be left exposed  for the greatest length of  time.  All cancers are caused by damage to the DNA inside  cells,  this  damage  can  be  inherited  through  genetic  mutations, however,  more likely it builds through a person’s  lifetime  and caused by environmental issues.

   Non  Hodgkins  Lymphomathe  exact  cause  is  unknown,  however, certain risk  factors exist. While certain viruses (like H.I.V., Epstein Barr, Human-T cell Leukemia  and  Virus 1.)  and  also  bacteria  caused  by  the Helicobacteria  pylori  and  celiac disease  that  can increase your risk of  developing B – cell or a rare T – cell lymphoma.

   Also  in  a small  number of  casesworking  with  chemicals  such  as insecticides  and  herbicides  seemingly  increase  the  risk  of  developing lymphoma and conditions that include rheumatoid arthritis, haemolytic anaemia,  sjogren’s  syndrome,  lupus  and  psoriasis that can affect your immune system  and  heighten your risk.

    Dr. Richard Becker,  D.O.  physician  in  North Texas  where  he  and            his  wife  Host  Your  Health.  In  1997,  Dr.  Becker  was  diagnosed  with Hodgkins  Lymphoma,  while also immersing himself  into the world  of Natural Healing. Which he states,  some of  the things he learned in that    time ~ fight to survive led to the  formation of  Bio Innovations.  In some ways this person mentor me through being a loyal watcher of  his show    and making a big impact on this website!!

   Pancreatic Cancerfortunately  cancer of  the  pancreas  is relatively    rare,  however,  your risk of  developing  this  dreadful disease triples if  your mother, father, sister or brother had the disease. Please remember though  most  people  with   family  history  doesn’t  mean  you  will  get pancreatic cancer.  That said,  first  thing  first smokers  are more likely  than  non  smokers of  developing  the  disease.  Also  a  study  that  was conducted  from  University of  California  at San Francisco  found  that  eating  five  plus servings of  yellow, orange or green veggies  HELP! 

   Pancreatic Cancer remains one of  the most difficult cancers to treat,        due  to  it’s  extreme resistance  to  treatment  and  few  early symptoms.      At  the  time  of  initial diagnosis  50%  of  patients  usually  have  distant metastases of  the liver of  peritoneal surface  and more than 80% of  the remaining  patients  have  locally  advanced tumors.  The  majority  95%       are adenocarcinomas that  mainly  develop  from  exocrine  cells  in  the    tissues  of  the  pancreas.  These  tumors  are  also  characterized  by  an aggressive behavior with  fast progression and highly metastatic.

   In contrast,  neuroendocrine tumors of  pancreatic origin,  also known        as  pancreatic NET  or  islet cell tumors;  are not as common <2%  and are considered  less deadly.  Illustrating the difference,  however,  between the two,  Hollywood actor Patrick Swayze  had  stage IV  exocrine cancer  that already spread to his liver March 2008 and lost his battle September 2009 at  age 57.  Likewise, Apples’s  Steve Jobs  under went  surgery  for  NET  in 2004 and didn’t succumb until October 2011 at age 56.

   Prostate Cancermost cases are slow growing, however, there are instances of  aggressive  prostate cancers.  The  cancer cells  may  also metastasize  (spread)  from  the  prostate  to  other  parts  of  the  body. Particularly the bones  and  lymph nodes causing pain, also difficulty   urinating,  problems with sexual inter course  or  erectile dysfunction. Globally  it  is  the  sixth leading cause of  cancer related death  in men  (being  first in the U.K.  and  second leading in the United States.)

   Prostate Cancer:  many risk  factors such as age,  race,  and  family   history  can not  be  controlled.   However,   the  effect  of  body  weight, physical activity and diet on prostate risk are not clear, but there may         be things you can do that might lower your risk.  Several  studies  also suggest  that  diets  high  in  certain  vegetables   (including  tomatoes, cruciferous vegetables,  soy,  beans  and  other  legumes)  or  fish  with    their omega 3 content  for cancer prevention versus treatment.

   Thyroid Cancer:  risk  factors  like  frequent head  and  neck  X – rays exposes the thyroid to radiation which can increase your risk over time. While lack of  iodine does not directly cause thyroid cancer,  it  has been linked to goiter,  which  in  turn increases  your  risk  for  developing the disease.  In most cases the cause of  thyroid cancer is unknown,  there is little that  can  be  done  to  prevent  the  disease. Although today their is   great  hope in the treatment of  thyroid cancer by removing cause.

   If you live near a nuclear power plant ~  you maybe eligible to obtain potassium  iodide.  Because  the  excessive iodine intake  can  be harmful, consult a physician before consuming a diet rich in the nutrient that can help maximize  function.  French Researcher Dr. Elisabeth Cardis  whom performed  a case control  study  of  1300 controlled  patients  who  lived near Chernobyl. Whom at the time of the disaster back in the 1980’s that  was 15  or younger  and  found  those  deficient in iodine was three times more likely to garner radiation – related thyroid cancer.

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